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* Nebuchadnezzar the king , unto all the peoples , the races and the tongues who are dwelling in all the earth , Let , your prosperity , abound ! * The signs , and the wonders , which the most high God , hath wrought with me , it is pleasing before me to declare . * His signs , how great ! and , his wonders , how mighty ! His kingdom , is an age-abiding kingdom , and , his dominion , lasteth from generation to generation . * I , Nebuchadnezzar , was at peace in mine own house , and was prosperous in my palace . * A dream , I saw , and it made me afraid , and , fancies upon my bed , and visions of my head , terrified me . * Therefore made I a decree , to bring in before me , all the wise men of Babylon , who , the interpretation of the dream , should make known to me . * Then came in the sacred scribes , the magicians , the Chaldeans , and the astrologers , and , the dream , told I before them , but , the interpretation , could they not make known to me . * Howbeit , at last , came before me Daniel , whose , name , was Belteshazzar , after the name of my god , and in whom is the spirit of the holy gods ; and , the dreambefore him , I told : * O Belteshazzar , chief of the sacred scribes , because I know that , the spirit of the holy gods , is in thee , and no secret giveth thee trouble ,, the visions of my dream which I have seen , and the interpretation thereof , do thou tell . * The visions then of my head upon my bed , I was looking , when lo ! a tree in the midst of the land , and , the height thereof , was great . * The tree , grew , and became strong , and , the height thereof , reached unto the heavens , and , the view thereof , unto the end of all the land : * The foliage thereof , was beautiful , and , the fruit thereof , abundant , and there was food for all therein , under it , the wild beast of the field found shade , and , among its branches , dwelt the birds of the heavens , and , therefrom , was well fed , all flesh . * I was looking , in the visions of my head , upon my bed , when lo ! a watcher and holy one , outer the heavens , coming down . * He cried aloud , and , thus , he said Hew ye down the tree , and lop off its branches , strip off its leaves , and scatter its fruit , let the wild beasts flee from under it , and the birds , out of its branches ; * Nevertheless , the stock of its roots in the earth , leave ye , yea in a bond of iron and bronze , in the tender grass of the field , and , with the dew of the heavens , let it be drenched , and , with the wild beasts , be its portion , amongst , the herbage of the earth ; * Let , its heart , from a mans , be changed , and , the heart of a wild beast , be given to it , and let seven seasons pass over it . * By the decree of the watchers , is the thing , and the mandate of the holy ones , the matter : to the intent that the living , may get to know , that the Most High , hath dominion , over the kingdom of men , and , to whomsoever he pleaseth , he giveth it , and , one low among men , he setteth up over it . * This dream , have , I , King Nebuchadnezzar , seen . Thou , therefore , O Belteshazzar , the interpretation , do thou tell , forasmuch as , all the wise men of my kingdom , are unable , the interpretation , to make known to me , but , thou , art able , because , the spirit of the holy gods , is in thee . * Then , Daniel , whose name was Belteshazzar , was astonished for about one moment , and , his thoughts , troubled him . The king spake and said , O Belteshazzar , let neither , the dream , nor the interpretation , trouble thee . Belteshazzar answered and said , My Lord , The dream , be for them who hate thee , and , the interpretation , for them who are thy foes . * The tree which thou sawest , which grew and became strong , whose , height , reached unto the heavens , and , the view , thereof to all the earth : * Whose , foliage , was beautiful , and whose , fruit , abundant , and , food for all , was in it , under it , dwelt the wild beasts of the field , and , in the branches thereof , nestled the birds of the heavens : * Thyself , it is , O king , in that thou art grown , and become strong , and , thy greatness hath grown , and reached to the heavens , and , thy dominion , to the end of the earth . * And , whereas the king saw a watcher and holy one coming down out of the heavens , who said , Hew ye down the tree and despoil it , nevertheless , the stock of its rootsin the earth , leave ye , even in a bond of iron and bronze , in the tender grass of the field , and , with the dew of the heavens , let it he drenched , and , along with the wild beasts of the field , be its portion , until that , seven seasons , pass over it . * This , is the interpretation , O king , and , the decree of the Most High , it is , which hath come upon my lord the king : * That , thee , are they going to drive forth from among men , and , along with the wild beasts of the field , shall be thy dwelling , and , grasslike oxen , will they suffer , thee , to eat , and , with the dew of the heavens , will they suffer , thee , to be drenched , and , seven seasons , shall pass over thee , until that thou come to know , that the Most High , hath dominion , over the kingdom of men , and , to whomsoever he pleaesth , he giveth it . * And , whereas they gave word to leave the stock of the roots of the tree , thy kingdom , unto thee , is sure , after that thou come to know , that the heavens , have dominion . * Wherefore , O king , let , my counsel , be pleasing unto thee , thy sin , then , by righteousness , break thou off , and , thine iniquities , by shewing favour to the oppressed , if so be it may become the lengthening out of thy security . * All this , came upon Nebuchadnezzar the king . * At the end of twelve months , over the palace of the kingdom of Babylon , was he walking : * the king spake and said , Is not , this , Babylon the great , which , I myself , have built as the home of the kingdom , by the might of my power , and for the dignity of my majesty ? * While yet the word was in the mouth of the king , a voice , out of the heavens , fell , Unto thee , is it said , O Nebuchadnezzar the king , The kingdom , hath departed from thee ; * And , from among men , are they going to drive , thee , forth , and , with the wild beast of the field , shall be thy dwelling , grasslike oxen , will they suffer , thee , to eat , and , seven seasons , shall pass over thee , until that thou come to know that the Most High , hath dominion , over the kingdom of men , and , to whomsoever he pleaseth , he giveth it . * Immediately , the word , was fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar , and , from among men , was he driven forth , and , grasslike oxen , did he eat , and , with the dew of the heavens , his body was drenched , until that , his hair , like to eagles feathers , was grown , and his nails , like birds claws . * And , at the end of the days , I , Nebuchadnezzar , mine eyes unto the heavens , did uplift , and , mine understanding , unto me , returned , and , the Most High , I blessed , and , to him that liveth age-abidingly , I rendered praise and honour , whose dominion , is an age-abiding dominion , and , his kingdom , lasteth from generation to generation ; * And , all the inhabitants of the earth , as nothing , are accounted , and , according to his own pleasure , dealeth hewith the army of the heavens , and the inhabitants of the earth , and none there is who can smite upon his hand , or say to him , What hast thou done ? * At the same time , mine understanding , returned unto me , and , for the dignity of my kingdom , my majesty and my brightness , returned unto me , and , unto me , my nearest friends and my nobles , did seek , and , over my kingdom , was I restored , and , surpassing greatness , was added unto me . * Now , I , Nebuchadnezzar , am praising and extolling and honouring the King of the Heavens , all whose works , are truth , and , his ways , right ; and , them who walk in pride , he is able to abase ,

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