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ylt @Daniel:5:1 @Belshazzar the king hath made a great feast to a thousand of his great men , and before the thousand he is drinking wine ; ylt @Daniel:5:2 @Belshazzar hath said -- while tasting the wine -- to bring in the vessels of gold and of silver that Nebuchadnezzar his father had taken from the temple that [is ] in Jerusalem , that drink with them may the king , and his great men , his wives , and his concubines . ylt @Daniel:5:3 @Then they have brought in the vessels of gold that had been taken out of the temple of the house of God that [is ] in Jerusalem , and drunk with them have the king and his great men , his wives and his concubines ; ylt @Daniel:5:4 @they have drunk wine , and have praised the gods of gold , and of silver , of brass , of iron , of wood , and of stone . ylt @Daniel:5:5 @In that hour come forth have fingers of a man 's hand , and they are writing over-against the candlestick , on the plaster of the wall of the king 's palace : and the king is seeing the extremity of the hand that is writing ; ylt @Daniel:5:6 @then the king 's countenance hath changed , and his thoughts do trouble him , and the joints of his loins are loosed , and his knees are smiting one against another . ylt @Daniel:5:7 @Call doth the king mightily , to bring up the enchanters , the Chaldeans , and the soothsayers . Answered hath the king , and said to the wise men of Babylon , that , 'Any man who doth read this writing , and its interpretation doth shew me , purple he putteth on , and a bracelet of gold [is ] on his neck , and third in the kingdom he doth rule .' ylt @Daniel:5:8 @Then coming up are all the wise men of the king , and they are not able to read the writing , and the interpretation to make known to the king ; ylt @Daniel:5:9 @then the king Belshazzar is greatly troubled , and his countenance is changing in him , and his great men are perplexed . ylt @Daniel:5:10 @The queen , on account of the words of the king and his great men , to the banquet-house hath come up . Answered hath the queen , and said , 'O king , to the ages live ; let not thy thoughts trouble thee , nor thy countenance be changed : ylt @Daniel:5:11 @there is a man in thy kingdom in whom [is ] the spirit of the holy gods : and , in the days of thy father , light , and understanding , and wisdom -- as the wisdom of the gods -- was found in him ; and king Nebuchadnezzar thy father , chief of the scribes , enchanters , Chaldeans , soothsayers , established him -- thy father , O king -- ylt @Daniel:5:12 @because that an excellent spirit , and knowledge , and understanding , interpreting of dreams , and showing of enigmas , and loosing of knots was found in him , in Daniel , whose name the king made Belteshazzar : now let Daniel be called , and the interpretation he doth show .' ylt @Daniel:5:13 @Then Daniel hath been caused to come up before the king ; answered hath the king , and said to Daniel , 'Thou art that Daniel who [art ] of the sons of the Removed of Judah , whom the king my father brought in out of Judah ? ylt @Daniel:5:14 @And I have heard of thee , that the spirit of the gods [is ] in thee , and light , and understanding , and excellent wisdom have been found in thee . ylt @Daniel:5:15 @'And now , caused to come up before me have been the wise men , the enchanters , that this writing they may read , and its interpretation to cause me to know : and they are not able to shew the interpretation of the thing : ylt @Daniel:5:16 @and I -- I have heard of thee , that thou art able to give interpretations , and to loose knots : now , lo -- thou art able to read the writing , and its interpretation to cause me to know -- purple thou dost put on , and a bracelet of gold [is ] on thy neck , and third in the kingdom thou dost rule .' ylt @Daniel:5:17 @Then hath Daniel answered and said before the king , 'Thy gifts be to thyself , and thy fee to another give ; nevertheless , the writing I do read to the king , and the interpretation I cause him to know ; ylt @Daniel:5:18 @thou , O king , God Most High , a kingdom , and greatness , and glory , and honour , gave to Nebuchadnezzar thy father : ylt @Daniel:5:19 @and because of the greatness that He gave to him , all peoples , nations , and languages were trembling and fearing before him : whom he willed he was slaying , and whom he willed he was keeping alive , and whom he willed he was raising up , and whom he willed he was making low ; ylt @Daniel:5:20 @and when his heart was high , and his spirit was strong to act proudly , he hath been caused to come down from the throne of his kingdom , and his glory they have caused to pass away from him , ylt @Daniel:5:21 @and from the sons of men he is driven , and his heart with the beasts hath been like , and with the wild asses [is ] his dwelling ; the herb like oxen they cause him to eat , and by the dew of the heavens is his body wet , till that he hath known that God Most High is ruler in the kingdom of men , and whom He willeth He raiseth up over it . ylt @Daniel:5:22 @'And thou , his son , Belshazzar , hast not humbled thy heart , though all this thou hast known ; ylt @Daniel:5:23 @and against the Lord of the heavens thou hast lifted up thyself ; and the vessels of His house they have brought in before thee , and thou , and thy great men , thy wives , and thy concubines , are drinking wine with them , and gods of silver , and of gold , of brass , of iron , of wood , and of stone , that are not seeing , nor hearing , nor knowing , thou hast praised : and the God in whose hand [is ] thy breath , and all thy ways , Him thou hast not honoured . ylt @Daniel:5:24 @'Then from before Him sent is the extremity of the hand , and the writing is noted down ; ylt @Daniel:5:25 @and this [is ] the writing that is noted down : Numbered , Numbered , Weighed , and Divided . ylt @Daniel:5:26 @This [is ] the interpretation of the thing : Numbered -- God hath numbered thy kingdom , and hath finished it . ylt @Daniel:5:27 @Weighed -- Thou art weighed in the balances , and hast been found lacking . ylt @Daniel:5:28 @Divided -- Divided is thy kingdom , and it hath been given to the Medes and Persians .' ylt @Daniel:5:29 @Then hath Belshazzar said , and they have clothed Daniel with purple , and a bracelet of gold [is ] on his neck , and they have proclaimed concerning him that he is the third ruler in the kingdom . ylt @Daniel:5:30 @In that night Belshazzar king of the Chaldeans is slain , ylt @Daniel:5:31 @and Darius the Mede hath received the kingdom , when a son of sixty and two years . ylt @Daniel:6:1 @It hath been good before Darius , and he hath established over the kingdom satraps -- a hundred and twenty -- that they may be throughout the whole kingdom , ylt @Daniel:6:2 @and higher than they three presidents , of whom Daniel [is ] first , that these satraps may give to them an account , and the king have no loss . ylt @Daniel:6:3 @Then this Daniel hath been overseer over the presidents and satraps , because that an excellent spirit [is ] in him , and the king hath thought to establish him over the whole kingdom . ylt @Daniel:6:4 @Then the presidents and satraps have been seeking to find a cause of complaint against Daniel concerning the kingdom , and any cause of complaint and corruption they are not able to find , because that he [is ] faithful , and any error and corruption have not been found in him . ylt @Daniel:6:5 @Then these men are saying , 'We do not find against this Daniel any cause of complaint , except we have found [it ] against him in the law of his God .' ylt @Daniel:6:6 @Then these presidents and satraps have assembled near the king , and thus they are saying to him : 'O king Darius , to the ages live ! ylt @Daniel:6:7 @Taken counsel have all the presidents of the kingdom , the prefects , and the satraps , the counsellors , and the governors , to establish a royal statute , and to strengthen an interdict , that any who seeketh a petition from any god and man until thirty days , save of thee , O king , is cast into a den of lions . ylt @Daniel:6:8 @Now , O king , thou dost establish the interdict , and sign the writing , that it is not to be changed , as a law of Media and Persia , that doth not pass away .' ylt @Daniel:6:9 @Therefore king Darius hath signed the writing and interdict . ylt @Daniel:6:10 @And Daniel , when he hath known that the writing is signed , hath gone up to his house , and the window being opened for him , in his upper chamber , over-against Jerusalem , three times in a day he is kneeling on his knees , and praying , and confessing before his God , because that he was doing [it ] before this . ylt @Daniel:6:11 @Then these men have assembled , and found Daniel praying and entreating grace before his God ; ylt @Daniel:6:12 @then they have come near , yea , they are saying before the king concerning the king 's interdict : 'Hast thou not signed an interdict , that any man who seeketh from any god and man until thirty days , save of thee , O king , is cast into a den of lions ?' Answered hath the king , and said , 'The thing [is ] certain as a law of Media and Persia , that doth not pass away .' ylt @Daniel:6:13 @Then they have answered , yea , they are saying before the king , that , 'Daniel , who [is ] of the sons of the Removed of Judah , hath not placed on thee , O king , [any ] regard , nor on the interdict that thou hast signed , and three times in a day he is seeking his petition .' ylt @Daniel:6:14 @Then the king , when he hath heard the matter , is greatly displeased at himself , and on Daniel he hath set the heart to deliver him , and till the going up of the sun he was arranging to deliver him . ylt @Daniel:6:15 @Then these men have assembled near the king , and are saying to the king , 'know , O king , that the law of Media and Persia [is ]: That any interdict and statute that the king doth establish is not to be changed .' ylt @Daniel:6:16 @Then the king hath said , and they have brought Daniel , and have cast [him ] into a den of lions . The king hath answered and said to Daniel , 'Thy God , whom thou art serving continually , Himself doth deliver thee .' ylt @Daniel:6:17 @And a stone hath been brought and placed at the mouth of the den , and the king hath sealed it with his signet , and with the signet of his great men , that the purpose be not changed concerning Daniel . ylt @Daniel:6:18 @Then hath the king gone to his palace , and he hath passed the night fasting , and dahavan have not been brought up before him , and his sleep hath fled [from ] off him . ylt @Daniel:6:19 @Then doth the king rise in the early morning , at the light , and in haste to the den of lions he hath gone ; ylt @Daniel:6:20 @and at his coming near to the den , to Daniel , with a grieved voice , he crieth . The king hath answered and said to Daniel , O Daniel , servant of the living God , thy God , whom thou art serving continually , is He able to deliver thee from the lions ?' ylt @Daniel:6:21 @Then Daniel hath spoken with the king : 'O king , to the ages live : ylt @Daniel:6:22 @my God hath sent His messenger , and hath shut the lions ' mouths , and they have not injured me : because that before Him purity hath been found in me ; and also before thee , O king , injury I have not done .' ylt @Daniel:6:23 @Then was the king very glad for him , and he hath commanded Daniel to be taken up out of the den , and Daniel hath been taken up out of the den , and no injury hath been found in him , because he hath believed in his God . ylt @Daniel:6:24 @And the king hath said , and they have brought those men who had accused Daniel , and to the den of lions they have cast them , they , their sons , and their wives ; and they have not come to the lower part of the den till that the lions have power over them , and all their bones they have broken small . ylt @Daniel:6:25 @Then Darius the king hath written to all the peoples , nations , and languages , who are dwelling in all the land : 'Your peace be great ! ylt @Daniel:6:26 @From before me is made a decree , that in every dominion of my kingdom they are trembling and fearing before the God of Daniel , for He [is ] the living God , and abiding to the ages , and His kingdom that which [is ] not destroyed , and His dominion [is ] unto the end . ylt @Daniel:6:27 @A deliverer , and rescuer , and doer of signs and wonders in the heavens and in earth [is ] He who hath delivered Daniel from the paw of the lions .' ylt @Daniel:6:28 @And this Daniel hath prospered in the reign of Darius , and in the reign of Cyrus the Persian . ylt @Daniel:7:1 @In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon , Daniel hath seen a dream , and the visions of his head on his bed , then the dream he hath written , the chief of the things he hath said . ylt @Daniel:7:2 @Answered hath Daniel and said , 'I was seeing in my vision by night , and lo , the four winds of the heavens are coming forth to the great sea ; ylt @Daniel:7:3 @and four great beasts are coming up from the sea , diverse one from another . ylt @Daniel:7:4 @The first [is ] like a lion , and it hath an eagle 's wings . I was seeing till that its wings have been plucked , and it hath been lifted up from the earth , and on feet as a man it hath been caused to stand , and a heart of man is given to it . ylt @Daniel:7:5 @And lo , another beast , a second , like to a bear , and to the same authority it hath been raised , and three ribs [are ] in its mouth , between its teeth , and thus they are saying to it , Rise , consume much flesh . ylt @Daniel:7:6 @'After this I was seeing , and lo , another like a leopard , and it hath four wings of a fowl on its back , and four heads hath the beast , and dominion is given to it . ylt @Daniel:7:7 @'After this I was seeing in the visions of the night , and lo , a fourth beast , terrible and fearful , and exceedingly strong ; and it hath iron teeth very great , it hath consumed , yea , it doth break small , and the remnant with its feet it hath trampled ; and it [is ] diverse from all the beasts that [are ] before it ; and it hath ten horns . ylt @Daniel:7:8 @'I was considering about the horns , and lo , another horn , a little one , hath come up between them , and three of the first horns have been eradicated from before it , and lo , eyes as the eyes of man [are ] in this horn , and a mouth speaking great things . ylt @Daniel:7:9 @'I was seeing till that thrones have been thrown down , and the Ancient of Days is seated , His garment as snow [is ] white , and the hair of his head [is ] as pure wool , His throne flames of fire , its wheels burning fire . ylt @Daniel:7:10 @A flood of fire is proceeding and coming forth from before Him , a thousand thousands do serve Him , and a myriad of myriads before Him do rise up , the Judge is seated , and the books have been opened . ylt @Daniel:7:11 @'I was seeing , then , because of the voice of the great words that the horn is speaking , I was seeing till that the beast is slain , and his body hath been destroyed , and given to the burning fire ; ylt @Daniel:7:12 @and the rest of the beasts have caused their dominion to pass away , and a prolongation in life is given to them , till a season and a time . ylt @Daniel:7:13 @'I was seeing in the visions of the night , and lo , with the clouds of the heavens as a son of man was [one ] coming , and unto the Ancient of Days he hath come , and before Him they have brought him near . ylt @Daniel:7:14 @And to him is given dominion , and glory , and a kingdom , and all peoples , nations , and languages do serve him , his dominion [is ] a dominion age-during , that passeth not away , and his kingdom that which is not destroyed . ylt @Daniel:7:15 @'Pierced hath been my spirit -- I , Daniel -- in the midst of the sheath , and the visions of my head trouble me ; ylt @Daniel:7:16 @I have drawn near unto one of those standing , and the certainty I seek from him of all this ; and he hath said to me , yea , the interpretation of the things he hath caused me to know : ylt @Daniel:7:17 @'These great beasts , that [are ] four , [are ] four kings , they rise up from the earth ; ylt @Daniel:7:18 @and receive the kingdom do the saints of the Most High , and they strengthen the kingdom unto the age , even unto the age of the ages . ylt @Daniel:7:19 @'Then I wished for certainty concerning the fourth beast , that was diverse from them all , fearful exceedingly ; its teeth of iron , and its nails of brass , it hath devoured , it doth break small , and the remnant with its feet it hath trampled ; ylt @Daniel:7:20 @and concerning the ten horns that [are ] in its heads , and of the other that came up , and before which three have fallen , even of that horn that hath eyes , and a mouth speaking great things , and whose appearance [is ] great above its companions . ylt @Daniel:7:21 @'I was seeing , and this horn is making war with the saints , and hath prevailed over them , ylt @Daniel:7:22 @till that the Ancient of Days hath come , and judgment is given to the saints of the Most High , and the time hath come , and the saints have strengthened the kingdom . ylt @Daniel:7:23 @'Thus he said : The fourth beast is the fourth kingdom in the earth , that is diverse from all kingdoms , and it consumeth all the earth , and treadeth it down , and breaketh it small . ylt @Daniel:7:24 @And the ten horns out of the kingdom [are ] ten kings , they rise , and another doth rise after them , and it is diverse from the former , and three kings it humbleth ; ylt @Daniel:7:25 @and words as an adversary of the Most High it doth speak , and the saints of the Most High it doth wear out , and it hopeth to change seasons and law ; and they are given into its hand , till a time , and times , and a division of a time . ylt @Daniel:7:26 @'And the Judge is seated , and its dominion they cause to pass away , to cut off , and to destroy -- unto the end ; ylt @Daniel:7:27 @and the kingdom , and the dominion , even the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heavens , is given to the people -- the saints of the Most High , His kingdom [is ] a kingdom age-during , and all dominions do serve and obey Him . ylt @Daniel:7:28 @'Hitherto [is ] the end of the matter . I , Daniel , greatly do my thoughts trouble me , and my countenance is changed on me , and the matter in my heart I have kept . ylt @Daniel:8:1 @'In the third year of the reign of Belshazzar the king , a vision hath appeared unto me -- I Daniel -- after that which had appeared unto me at the beginning . ylt @Daniel:8:2 @And I see in a vision , and it cometh to pass , in my seeing , and I [am ] in Shushan the palace that [is ] in Elam the province , and I see in a vision , and I have been by the stream Ulai . ylt @Daniel:8:3 @And I lift up mine eyes , and look , and lo , a certain ram is standing before the stream , and it hath two horns , and the two horns [are ] high ; and the one [is ] higher than the other , and the high one is coming up last . ylt @Daniel:8:4 @I have seen the ram pushing westward , and northward , and southward , and no living creatures do stand before it , and there is none delivering out of its hand , and it hath done according to its pleasure , and hath exerted itself . ylt @Daniel:8:5 @'And I have been considering , and lo , a young he-goat hath come from the west , over the face of the whole earth , whom none is touching in the earth ; as to the young he-goat , a conspicuous horn [is ] between its eyes . ylt @Daniel:8:6 @And it cometh unto the ram possessing the two horns , that I had seen standing before the stream , and runneth unto it in the fury of its power . ylt @Daniel:8:7 @And I have seen it coming near the ram , and it becometh embittered at it , and smiteth the ram , and breaketh its two horns , and there hath been no power in the ram to stand before it , and it casteth it to the earth , and trampleth it down , and there hath been no deliverer to the ram out of its power . ylt @Daniel:8:8 @'And the young he-goat hath exerted itself very much , and when it is strong , broken hath been the great horn ; and come up doth a vision of four in its place , at the four winds of the heavens . ylt @Daniel:8:9 @And from the one of them come forth hath a little horn , and it exerteth itself greatly toward the south , and toward the east , and toward the beauteous [land ]; ylt @Daniel:8:10 @yea , it exerteth unto the host of the heavens , and causeth to fall to the earth of the host , and of the stars , and trampleth them down . ylt @Daniel:8:11 @And unto the prince of the host it exerteth itself , and by it taken away hath been the continual [sacrifice ], and thrown down the base of his sanctuary . ylt @Daniel:8:12 @And the host is given up , with the continual [sacrifice ], through transgression , and it throweth down truth to the earth , and it hath worked , and prospered . ylt @Daniel:8:13 @'And I hear a certain holy one speaking , and a certain holy one saith to the wonderful numberer who is speaking : Till when [is ] the vision of the continual [sacrifice ], and of the transgression , an astonishment , to make both sanctuary and host a treading down ? ylt @Daniel:8:14 @And he saith unto me , Till evening -- morning two thousand and three hundred , then is the holy place declared right . ylt @Daniel:8:15 @'And it cometh to pass in my seeing -- I , Daniel -- the vision , that I require understanding , and lo , standing over-against me [is ] as the appearance of a mighty one . ylt @Daniel:8:16 @And I hear a voice of man between [the banks of ] Ulai , and he calleth and saith : Gabriel , cause this [one ] to understand the appearance . ylt @Daniel:8:17 @And he cometh in near my station , and at his coming in I have been afraid , and I fall on my face , and he saith unto me : Understand , son of man , for at the time of the end [is ] the vision . ylt @Daniel:8:18 @And in his speaking with me , I have been in a trance on my face , on the earth ; and he cometh against me , and causeth me to stand on my station , ylt @Daniel:8:19 @and saith : Lo , I -- I am causing thee to know that which is in the latter end of the indignation ; for , at the appointed time [is ] the end . ylt @Daniel:8:20 @'The ram that thou hast seen possessing two horns , [are ] the kings of Media and Persia . ylt @Daniel:8:21 @And the young he-goat , the hairy one , [is ] the king of Javan ; and the great horn that [is ] between its eyes is the first king ; ylt @Daniel:8:22 @and that being broken , stand up do four in its place , four kingdoms from the nation do stand up , and not in its power . ylt @Daniel:8:23 @'And in the latter end of their kingdom , about the perfecting of the transgressors , stand up doth a king , fierce of face , and understanding hidden things ; ylt @Daniel:8:24 @and his power hath been mighty , and not by his own power ; and wonderful things he destroyeth , and he hath prospered , and wrought , and destroyed mighty ones , and the people of the Holy Ones . ylt @Daniel:8:25 @'And by his understanding he hath also caused deceit to prosper in his hand , and in his heart he exerteth himself , and by ease he destroyeth many ; and against the prince of princes he standeth -- and without hand he is broken . ylt @Daniel:8:26 @And the appearance of the evening and of the morning , that is told , is true ; and thou , hide thou the vision , for [it is ] after many days .' ylt @Daniel:8:27 @And I , Daniel , have been , yea , I became sick [for ] days , and I rise , and do the king 's work , and am astonished at the appearance , and there is none understanding . ylt @Daniel:9:1 @In the first year of Darius , son of Ahasuerus , of the seed of the Medes , who hath been made king over the kingdom of the Chaldeans ,

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