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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * In the first year of Belshazzar the king of Babylon , Daniel saw a dream and the visions of his head while on his couch : afterward he wrote down the dream , relating the principal things . * Daniel commenced and said , I saw in my vision by night , and , behold , the four winds of heaven blew fiercely on the great sea . * And four great beasts came up from the sea , differing one from another . * the first was like a lion , and had eagle ’s wings : I looked till its wings were plucked out , and it was lifted up from the earth , and was placed upon its feet as a man , and a human heart was given to it . * And behold there was another , a second beast , like a bear , and on one side was it placed , with three ribs in its mouth between its teeth : and thus they said unto it , Arise , eat much flesh . * After this I looked , and lo there was another , like a leopard ; and it had four wings of a bird on its back : the beast had also four heads ; and dominion was given unto it . * After this I looked in the night visions , and behold there was a fourth beast , dreadful and terrible , and strong exceedingly ; and it had great iron teeth : it devoured and ground up , and what was left it stamped with its feet ; and it was different from all the beasts that were before it ; and it had ten horns . * I looked carefully at the horns , and , behold , another little horn came up between them , and three of the first horns were plucked up by the roots before the same ; and , behold , there were eyes like the eyes of man in this horn , with a mouth speaking presumptuous things . * I was looking until chairs were set down , and an Ancient of days seated himself , whose garment was white as snow , and the hair of whose head was like clean wool ; his chair was like flames of fire , and his wheels like fire that burnt ; * A stream of fire issued and came forth from before him ; thousand times thousands ministered unto him , and myriad times myriads stood before him : they sat down to hold judgment , and the books were opened . * I looked then , because of the sound of the presumptuous words which the horn had spoken ,––I looked till the beast was slain , and its body destroyed , and given over to the burning fire . * But concerning the rest of the beasts , they had their dominion taken away : yet a longer duration of life was given unto them until the time and period . * I looked in the nightly visions , and , behold , with the clouds of heaven came one like a son of man , and he attained as far as the Ancient of days , and they brought him near before him . * And there were given him dominion , and dignity , and government , and all people , nations , and languages had to serve him : his dominion is an everlasting dominion , which shall not pass away , and his kingdom is one which shall never be destroyed . * My spirit was deeply shaken within me , Daniel , in the midst of its tenement , and the visions of my head troubled me . * I came near unto one of those that stood by , and asked him something certain concerning all this : and he spoke to me , and made known unto me the interpretation of the things . * These great beasts , of which there are four , are four kings , who are to arise on the earth . * But the saints of the Most High will obtain the kingdom , and possess the kingdom to eternity , even to all eternity for ever . * Then I desired what is certain concerning the fourth beast , which was different from all these others , exceedingly dreadful , whose teeth were of iron , and whose nails of copper ; which devoured , ground up , and stamped with its feet what was left ; * And concerning the ten horns that were in its head , and concerning the other which came up , and before which three fell down , even concerning that horn which had eyes , and a mouth which spoke presumptuous things , and whose appearance was greater than that of its companions . * I had seen how the same horn had made war with the saints , and had prevailed against them : * Until the Ancient of days came , and procured justice unto the saints of the Most High ; and the time came and the saints took possession of the kingdom . * Thus said he , The fourth beast a fourth kingdom will be upon earth , which is to be different from all kingdoms , and will devour all the earth , and will tread it down , and grind it up . * And the ten horns out of this kingdom that ten kings will arise ; and another will rise after them , and he will be different from the first , and three kings will he bring low . * And he will speak words against the Most High , and the saints of the Most High will he oppress , and think to change the festivals and the law : and they will be given up into his hand until a time and times and half a time . * But they will sit down to hold judgment , and they will take away his dominion , to destroy and to annihilate it unto the end . * And the kingdom and the dominion , and the power over the kingdoms under the whole heaven , will be given to the people of the saints of the Most High , whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom , and all governments are to worship and obey him . * Thus far is the end of the speech . As for me Daniel , my reflections troubled me greatly , and my color was changed on me ; but I kept the speech in my heart . * In the third year of the reign of king Belshazzar a vision appeared unto me , to me Daniel , after that which had appeared unto me at the first . * And I saw in the vision ––and it came to pass , in my seeing , that I was at Shushan the capital , which is in the province of ‘Elam ; ––and I saw in the vision , as though I was by the river Ulai . * And I lifted up my eyes , and saw , and , behold , there was a ram standing before the river , and he had two horns ; and the horns were high ; but one was higher than the other , and the higher one came up last . * I saw the ram butting westward , and northward , and southward ; so that all the beasts could not stand before him , and no one was there to deliver out of his hand : and he did according to his will , and became great . * And as I was looking attentively , behold , there came a shaggy , he –goat from the west over the face of the whole earth , without touching the ground ; and the goat had a sightly large horn between his eyes . * And he came as far as the ram that had two horns , that I had seen standing before the river , and ran at him with his furious power . * And I saw him coming close unto the ram , and he became bitterly enraged against him , and he struck the ram , and broke his two horns : and there was no power in the ram to stand forward before him : and he cast him down to the ground , and stamped upon him ; and there was no one to deliver the ram out of his hand . * And the shaggy he –goat became very great : but when he was grown strong , the great horn was broken ; and there came up four slightly large ones in its place toward the four winds of heaven . * And out of them came forth a little horn , which became exceedingly great , toward the south , and toward the east , and toward the glorious land . * And it became great , even up to the host of the heavens ; and it cast down to the ground some of the host and of the stars , and trod them under foot . * Yea , it magnified itself even up to the prince of the host , and by it the continual sacrifice was taken away , and the place of his sanctuary was cast down . * And the host is given up together with the continual sacrifice , by reason of transgression : and it casteth down the truth to the ground , and it doth , and is prosperous . * Then did I hear a certain holy one speaking , and a holy one said unto the unknown one who was speaking , For how long is the vision concerning the continual sacrifice , and the wasting transgression , to give up both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot ? * And he said unto me , Until two thousand and three hundred evenings and mornings , when the sanctuary shall be justified . * And it came to pass , when I , even I Daniel , saw the vision , and sought for understanding , that , behold , there was standing opposite to me something like the appearance of a man . * And I heard the voice of a man between the Ulai , and it called , and said , Gabriel , cause this one to understand this appearance . * So he came close to where I stood : and when he came , I was terrified , and I fell upon my face ; but he said unto me , Mark it well , O son of man ; because for the time of the end is the vision . * Now as he was speaking with me , I fell down in amazement on my face to the ground : but he touched me , and set me upright where I had been standing . * And he said , Behold , I will make known unto thee what is to be at the last end of the indignation ; for it is for the appointed time of the end . * The ram that thou hast seen , him with the two horns , the kings of Media and Persia . * And the shaggy he –goat is the king of Javan ; and the great horn which is between his eyes is the first king . * But that it was broken , and that four sprung up in its stead , four kingdoms will spring up out of the nation , but not with his power . * And in the latter time of their kingdom , when the transgressors have filled their measure of guilt , there will arise a king of an impudent face , and understanding deep schemes . * And his power will be mighty , but not by his own power ; and he will destroy wonderfully , and will prosper while he doth ; and he will destroy very many and the people of the saints . * And through his intelligence , and because he prospereth , is craftiness in his hand ; and in his heart will he magnify himself , and in peace will he destroy many : he will also stand up against the Prince of princes ; but without a human hand will he be broken . * And the appearance of the evening and the morning which was spoken of is true : but do thou keep the vision closed up ; * And I Daniel grieved , and was sick several days ; afterward I rose up , and did the king ’s business ; and I was depressed because of the appearance ; but no one observed it . * In the first year of Darius the son of Achashverosh , of the seed of the Medes , who was made king over the kingdom of the Chaldeans ,

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