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* Ye are sons of Jehovah your God : ye shall not cut yourselves , nor make any baldness between your eyes for a dead person . * For thou art a holy people unto Jehovah thy God , and thee hath Jehovah chosen for a people of possession unto himself , out of all the peoples that are upon the face of the earth . * Thou shalt not eat any abominable thing . * These are the beasts which ye shall eat : the ox , the sheep , and the goat ; * the hart , and the gazelle , and the stag , and the wild goat , and the dishon and the oryx , and the wild sheep . * And every beast that hath cloven hoofs , and the feet quite split open into double hoofs , [and ] which cheweth the cud , among the beasts , that ye shall eat . * Only these ye shall not eat of those that chew the cud , or of those with hoofs cloven and split open : the camel , and the hare , and the rock-badger ; for they chew the cud , but have not cloven hoofs -- they shall be unclean unto you ; * and the swine , for it hath cloven hoofs , yet cheweth not the cud -- it shall be unclean unto you . Of their flesh shall ye not eat , and their carcase shall ye not touch . * These shall ye eat of all that are in the waters : whatsoever hath fins and scales shall ye eat ; * but whatsoever hath not fins and scales ye shall not eat : it shall be unclean unto you . * All clean birds shall ye eat . * But these are they of which ye shall not eat : the eagle , and the ossifrage , and the sea-eagle , * and the falcon , and the kite , and the black kite after its kind ; * and every raven after its kind ; * and the female ostrich , and the male ostrich , and the sea-gull , and the hawk after its kind ; * the owl , and the ibis and the swan , * and the pelican , and the carrion vulture , and the gannet , * and the stork , and the heron after its kind , and the hoopoe , and the bat . * And every winged crawling thing shall be unclean unto you ; they shall not be eaten . * All clean fowls shall ye eat . * Ye shall eat of no carcase ; thou shalt give it unto the stranger that is within thy gates , that he may eat it , or sell it unto a foreigner ; for thou art a holy people to Jehovah thy God . Thou shalt not boil a kid in its mother 's milk .

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