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* When you go out to battle against your enemies and see horses and chariots , a people more than you , do not be afraid of them . For the LORD your God [is ] with you , who brought you up out of the land of Egypt . * And it shall be , when you come near to the battle , the priest shall go up and speak to the people , * and shall say to them , Hear , O , Israel , today you go up to battle against your enemies . Do not let your hearts faint , do not fear , and do not tremble , neither be terrified before their faces . * For the LORD your God [is ] He who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies , to save you . * And the officers shall speak to the people saying , Who [is ] the man that has built a new house and has not dedicated it ? Let him go and return to his house , lest he die in the battle and another man dedicate it . * And who [is ] the man that has planted a vineyard and has not used its fruits ? Let him go and return to his house , lest he die in the battle and another man use its fruits . * And who [is ] the man that has become engaged to a wife and has not taken her ? Let him go and return to his house , lest he die in the battle and another man take her . * And the officers shall speak further to the people , and they shall say , Who [is ] the man that is fearful and faint-hearted ? Let him go and return to his house , lest his brothers ' heart faint as well as his heart . * And it shall be , when the officers have made an end of speaking to the people , they shall make captains of the armies to lead the people . * When you come near a city to fight against it , then shout peace to it . * And it shall be , if it makes the answer of peace and opens to you , then all the people found in it shall be forced laborers to you , and they shall serve you . * But if it will make no peace with you , but will make war against you , then you shall besiege it . * And when the LORD your God has delivered it into your hands , you shall strike every male of it with the edge of the sword . * But the women , and the little ones , and the cattle , and all that is in the city , all the spoil of it , you shall take to yourself . And you shall eat the spoil of your enemies , which the LORD your God has given you . * So you shall do to all the cities [which are ] very far off from you , which are not of the cities of these nations . * But of the cities of these people , which the LORD your God gives you [for ] an inheritance , you shall save alive nothing that breathes . * But you shall utterly destroy them : the Hittites , and the Amorites , the Canaanites , and the Perizzites , the Hivites and the Jebusites ; as the LORD your God has commanded you , * so that they may not teach you to do according to all their abominations which they have done to their gods . So you would sin against the LORD your God . * When you shall besiege a city a long time in making war against it to take it , you shall not destroy its trees by forcing an axe against them . For you may eat of them , and you shall not cut them down . For [is ] the tree of the field a man that it should go before you to lay siege ? * Only the trees which you know that they [are ] not trees for food , you shall destroy and cut them down . And you shall build bulwarks against the city that makes war with you , until it is subdued .

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[BookofDeuteronomy] [Deuteronomy:19] [Deuteronomy:20] [Deuteronomy:21] [Discuss] Tag Deuteronomy:20:1-20 [Audio][Presentation]