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* Thou shall not see thy brother 's ox or his sheep go astray , and hide thyself from them . Thou shall surely bring them again to thy brother . * And if thy brother be not near to thee , or if thou do not know him , then thou shall bring it home to thy house , and it shall be with thee until thy brother seeks after it , and thou shall restore it to him . * And so shall thou do with his donkey , and so shall thou do with his garment , and so shall thou do with every lost thing of thy brother 's , which he has lost , and thou have found . Thou may not hide thyself . * Thou shall not see thy brother 's donkey or his ox fallen down by the way , and hide thyself from them . Thou shall surely help him to lift them up again . * A woman shall not wear that which pertains to a man , neither shall a man put on a woman 's garment , for whoever does these things is an abomination to LORD thy God . * If a bird 's nest chance to be before thee in the way , in any tree or on the ground , with young ones or eggs , and the dam sitting upon the young or upon the eggs , thou shall not take the dam with the young . * Thou shall surely let the dam go , but the young thou may take to thyself , that it may be well with thee , and that thou may prolong thy days . * When thou build a new house , then thou shall make a guard rail for thy roof , that thou not bring blood upon thy house , if any man falls from there . * Thou shall not sow thy vineyard with two kinds of seed , lest the whole fruit be forfeited : the seed which thou have sown , and the increase of the vineyard . * Thou shall not plow with an ox and a donkey together . * Thou shall not wear a mingled stuff , wool and linen together . * Thou shall make for thee fringes upon the four borders of thy clothing , with which thou cover thyself . * If any man takes a wife , and goes in to her , and dislikes her , * and charges her with shameful things , and brings up an evil name upon her , and says , I took this woman , and when I came near to her , I did not find in her the tokens of virginity , * then the father of the damsel , and her mother , shall take and bring forth the tokens of the damsel 's virginity to the elders of the city in the gate . * And the damsel 's father shall say to the elders , I gave my daughter to this man to wife , and he dislikes her . * And , lo , he has charged her with shameful things , saying , I did not find in thy daughter the tokens of virginity , and yet these are the tokens of my daughter 's virginity . And they shall spread the garment before the elders of the c * And the elders of that city shall take the man and chastise him , * and they shall fine him a hundred [shekels ] of silver , and give them to the father of the damsel , because he has brought up an evil name upon a virgin of Israel , and she shall be his wife . He may not put her away all his days . * But if this thing be true , that the tokens of virginity were not found in the damsel , * then they shall bring the damsel out to the door of her father 's house , and the men of her city shall stone her to death with stones , because she has wrought folly in Israel , to play the harlot in her father 's house . So shall thou * If a man be found laying with a woman married to a husband , then they shall both of them die , the man that lay with the woman , and the woman . So shall thou put away the evil from Israel . * If there be a damsel who is a virgin betrothed to a husband , and a man finds her in the city , and lays with her , * then ye shall bring them both out to the gate of that city . And ye shall stone them to death with stones , the damsel , because she did not cry out , being in the city , and the man , because he has humbled his neighbor 's wife . So thou * But if the man finds the damsel who is betrothed in the field , and the man forces her , and lays with her , then only the man who lay with her shall die , * but to the damsel thou shall do nothing . There is in the damsel no sin worthy of death . For as when a man rises against his neighbor , and kills him , even so is this matter , * for he found her in the field , the betrothed damsel cried out , and there was none to save her . * If a man finds a damsel who is a virgin , who is not betrothed , and lays hold on her , and lays with her , and they be found , * then the man who lay with her shall give to the damsel 's father fifty [shekels ] of silver , and she shall be his wife , because he has humbled her . He may not put her away all his days . * A man shall not take his father 's wife , and shall not uncover his father 's skirt .

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