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* Give ear , O ye (note :)As witness of this people 's ingratitude .(:note ) heavens , and I will speak ; and hear , O earth , the words of my mouth . * My (note :)He desires that he may speak to God 's glory and that the people , as the green grass , may receive the dew of his doctrine .(:note ) doctrine shall drop as the rain , my speech shall distil as the dew , as the small rain upon the tender herb , and as the showers upon the grass : * For I will publish the name of the Lorde : giue ye glorie vnto our God . * [He is ] the (note :)Or mighty God ; noting that only God is mighty , faithful and constant in his promise .(:note ) Rock , his work [is ] perfect : for all his ways [are ] judgment : a God of truth and without iniquity , just and right [is ] he . * They haue corrupted them selues towarde him by their vice , not being his children , but a frowarde and crooked generation . * Do ye thus requite the LORD , O foolish people and unwise ? [is ] not he thy father [that ] hath bought thee ? hath he not (note :)Not according to the common creation , but he has made you a new creature by his Spirit .(:note ) made thee , and established thee ? * Remember the dayes of olde : consider the yeeres of so many generations : aske thy father , and he will shewe thee : thine Elders , and they will tell thee . * When the most High divided to the nations their inheritance , when he separated the sons of Adam , he set the bounds of the (note :)When God by his providence divided the world , he lent for a time that portion to the Canaanites , which would later be an inheritance for all his people Israel .(:note ) people according to the number of the children of Israel . * For the Lordes portion is his people : Iaakob is the lot of his inheritance . * He found him in ye land of ye wildernes , in a waste , &amp ; roaring wildernes : he led him about , he taught him , and kept him as ye apple of his eye . * As an eagle stirreth up her nest , (note :)To teach them to fly .(:note ) fluttereth over her young , spreadeth abroad her wings , taketh them , beareth them on her wings : * So the Lorde alone led him , and there was no strange god with him . * He made him ride on the high places of the (note :)Meaning , of the land of Canaan , which was high in respect to Egypt .(:note ) earth , that he might eat the increase of the fields ; and he made him to suck That is , abundance of all things even in the very rocks . honey out of the rock , and oil out of the flinty rock ; * Butter of kine , and milke of sheepe with fat of the lambes , and rammes fed in Bashan , and goates , with the fat of the graines of wheat , and the red licour of the grape hast thou drunke . * * They provoked him to jealousy with (note :)By changing his service for their superstitions .(:note ) strange [gods ], with abominations provoked they him to anger . * They sacrificed unto devils , not to God ; to gods whom they knew not , to (note :)Scripture calls new , whatever man invents , be the error ever so old .(:note ) new [gods that ] came newly up , whom your fathers feared not . * Thou hast forgotten the mightie God that begate thee , and hast forgotten God that formed thee . * And when the LORD saw [it ], he abhorred [them ], because of the provoking of his (note :)He calls them God 's children , not to honour them , but to show them from what dignity they are fallen .(:note ) sons , and of his daughters . * And he said , I will hide my face from the : I will see what their ende shalbe : for they are a frowarde generation , children in who is no faith . * They have moved me to jealousy with [that which is ] not God ; they have provoked me to anger with their vanities : and I will move them to jealousy with [those which are ] not a (note :)Which I have not favoured , nor given my law to them .(:note ) people ; I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation . * For fire is kindled in my wrath , and shall burne vnto the bottome of hell , and shall consume the earth with her increase , and set on fire the foundations of the mountaines . * I will spend plagues vpon them : I will bestowe mine arrowes vpon them . * They shalbe burnt with hunger , and consumed with heate , and with bitter destruction : I will also sende the teeth of beastes vpon them , with the venime of serpents creeping in the dust . * The sword (note :)They shall be slain both in the field and at home .(:note ) without , and terror within , shall destroy both the young man and the virgin , the suckling [also ] with the man of gray hairs . * I haue said , I would scatter them abroade : I would make their remembrance to cease from among men , * Were it not that I feared the wrath of the enemy , lest their adversaries should (note :)Rejoicing to see the godly afflicted , and attributing to themselves that which is wrought by God 's hand .(:note ) behave themselves strangely , [and ] lest they should say , Our hand [is ] high , and the LORD hath not done all this . * For they are a nation voide of counsel , neither is there any vnderstanding in them . * O that they were wise , [that ] they understood this , [that ] they would (note :)They would consider the happiness that was prepared for them , if they had obeyed God .(:note ) consider their latter end ! * How should one chase a thousand , &amp ; two put ten thousande to flight , except their strong God had sold the , &amp ; the Lord had shut them vp ? * For their god is not as our God , euen our enemies being iudges . * For their vine is of the vine of Sodom , and of the vines of Gomorah : their grapes are grapes of gall , their clusters be bitter . * Their (note :)The fruit of the wicked are as poison , detestable to God , and dangerous for man .(:note ) wine [is ] the poison of dragons , and the cruel venom of asps . * Is not this laide in store with me , and sealed vp among my treasures ? * Vengeance and recompence are mine : their foote shall slide in due time : for the day of their destruction is at hand , and the things that shall come vpon them , make haste . * For the LORD shall judge his people , and repent himself for his servants , when he seeth that [their ] power is gone , and [there is ] none (note :)When neither strong nor weak in a manner remain .(:note ) shut up , or left . * When men shal say , Where are their gods , their mighty God in whome they trusted , * Which did eate the fat of their sacrifices , &amp ; did drinke the wine of their drinke offring ? let them rise vp , &amp ; help you : let him be your refuge . * Behold now , for I , I am he , and there is no gods with me : I kill , and giue life : I wound , and I make whole : neither is there any that can deliuer out of mine hand . * For I (note :)That is , I swear , read ( Gen_14:22 ).(:note ) lift up my hand to heaven , and say , I live for ever . * If I whet my glittering sworde , and mine hand take holde on iudgement , I will execute vengeance on mine enemies , and will rewarde them that hate me . * I will make mine arrowes drunke with blood , (&amp ; my sword shal eate flesh ) for the blood of the slaine , and of the captiues , when I beginne to take vengeance of the enemie . * Rejoice , O ye nations , [with ] his people : for he will avenge the (note :)Where the blood of God 's people is shed for their sins or trial of their faith , he promises to avenge it .(:note ) blood of his servants , and will render vengeance to his adversaries , and will be merciful unto his land , [and ] to his people . * Then Moses came and spake all ye words of this song in the audience of the people , he and Hoshea the sonne of Nun . * When Moses had made an end of speaking all these wordes to all Israel , * Then hee said vnto them , Set your heartes vnto all the wordes which I testifie against you this day , that ye may commande them vnto your children , that they may obserue and doo all the wordes of this Lawe . * For it [is ] not a (note :)For I will perform my promise to you , ( Isa_55:10 ).(:note ) vain thing for you ; because it [is ] your life : and through this thing ye shall prolong [your ] days in the land , whither ye go over Jordan to possess it . * And the Lord spake vnto Moses the selfe same day , saying , * Goe vp into the mountaine of Abarim , vnto the mount Nebo , which is in the lande of Moab , that is ouer against Iericho : and beholde the lande of Canaan , which I giue vnto the children of Israel for a possession , * And die in the mount which thou goest vp vnto , and thou shalt be gathered vnto thy people , as Aaro thy brother died in mount Hor , and was gathered vnto his people , * Because ye trespassed against me among the children of Israel at the waters of Meribah-Kadesh , in the wilderness of Zin ; because ye (note :)You were not earnest and constant to maintain my honour .(:note ) sanctified me not in the midst of the children of Israel . * Thou shalt therefore see the lande before thee , but shalt not go thither , I meane , into the land which I giue the children of Israel .

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