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* Give ear O ye heavens and I will speak , And let the earth hear the sayings of my mouth : * Let my teaching drop as the rain , Let my speech distil as the dew , As copious rains on tender grass , As myriad drops on seeding plants . * When , the name of Yahweh , I proclaim , Ascribe ye greatness unto our God : * A Rock ! faultless his work , For , all his ways , are just , A GOD of faithfulness and without perversity , Right and fair , is he ! * They have broken faith with him to be no sons of histheir fault , A generation twisted and crooked . * Is it Yahweh , ye thus requite , O impious people and unwise ? Is not , he , thy father who begat thee ? He , that made thee and established thee ? * Remember the days of age-past times , Remark the years of many generations , Ask thy father and he will tell thee , Thine elders and they will say to thee : * When the Most High gave inheritances unto the nations , When he spread abroad the sons of Adam , He set the bounds of the peoples , According to the number of the sons of Israel . * For , Yahwehs portion is his people , Jacob , his inherited possession . * He met him in a desert land , And in the howling waste of a wilderness , He encompassed him watched over him , Shielded him as the pupil of his own eye . * As , an eagle , stirreth up his nest , Over his young ones , fluttereth , Spreadeth abroad his wings , taketh one , Beareth it up on his pinions , * Yahweh alone did lead him , And there was with him no GOD of a stranger . * He made him ride on the high places of the land , Caused him to eat the increase of the fields , And gave him to suck honey out of the cliff , And oil out of the rock of flint : * Curds of kine and milk of sheep , With fat of well-fed lambs , Yea rams bred in Bashan , and he-goats , With the white of the kernels of wheat , And , the blood of the grape , thou didst drink as it foamed . * Then Jeshurun waxed fat , and kicked : Thou wast fat , Thou wast thick , Thou wast gorged , So he forsook the GOD who made him , And treated as foolish his Rock of salvation . * They moved him to jealousy with foreign , With abominations , angered they him : * They sacrificed to mischievous demons to a No-GOD , Gods whom they knew not , New ones lately come in , Your fathers never shuddered at them ! * Of the Rock who had begotten thee , thou wast unmindful , And didst forget GOD who had given thee birth . * When Yahweh , he derided , Because his sons and his daughters gave pro-vocation . * So he said : I will hide any face from them , I will see what will be their hereafter , For a generation given to intrigue , they are , Sons , whom there is no trusting ; * They have moved me to jealousy with a No-GOD , They have angered me with their vanities : I , therefore , will move them to jealousy with a No-people , With an impious nation , will I anger them . * For , a fire , is kindled in mine anger , And shall burn as far as hades beneath , And consume the earth with her produce , And set ablaze the foundations of the mountains : * I will heap on them , calamities , Mine arrows , will I spend upon them : * The meltings of hunger , The devourings of fever , And the dangerous pestilence , And , the tooth of beasts , will I send among them , With the poison of crawlers of the dust : * Without , shall the sword bereave , In the inmost recesses , terror , To both young man and virgin , Suckling , with man of grey hairs . * I said , I would puff them away , I would destroy from mortals , their memory ; * Were it not that the taunt of the foe , I feared , Lest their adversaries should mistake , Lest they should say Our own hand , is exalted , It is not Yahweh , therefore who hath wrought all this ! * For a nation of vanished sagacity , they are , And there is in them no understanding . * If they had been wise , they would have understood this , They would have given heed to their here-after ! * Oh ! how would one , have chased , a thousand ! And , two , put , ten thousand to flight , Were it not that their Rock had sold them , And , Yahweh , had abandoned them ; * For , not like our Rock , is their rock , Our enemies themselves , being judges ; * For of the vine of Sodom , is their vine , And of the vineyards of Gomorrah , Their grapes , are grapes of gall , Clusters of bitter things , are theirs : * The poison of large serpents , is their wine , Yea the fierce venom of asps . * Is not , that , stored up with me , Sealed up amongst my treasures ; * Unto the days of vengeance and requital : Unto the time their foot shall totter ? For , near , is the day of their fate , And their destiny speedeth on . * For Yahweh will vindicate his people , And upon his servants , will have compassion , When he seeth that strength is exhausted , And there is no one shut up or at large , * Then will he say , Where are their gods , The rock in whom they have trusted ; * Who used to eat the fat of their sacrifices , To drink the wine of their libations ? Let them rise up and help you , Let them be over you for a coveting ! * See , now , that , I , I , am , he that is , And there are no gods with me , I , killand make alive , I wound and , I , heal , And there is none who , from my hand , can deliver , * For I lift up unto the heavens my hand , And say , Living am , I , unto times age-abiding : * If I whet my flashing sword , And my hand take bold on justice , I will return vengeance unto mine adversaries , And them who hate me , will I requite : * I will make mine arrows drunk with blood , And , my sword , shall devour flesh , With the blood of the slain and the captive , With the flesh of the chief leader of the foe . * Shout for joy O ye nations * So Moses came in and spake all the words of this Song in the hearing of the people , he and Hoshea son of Nun . * And , when Moses made an end of speaking all these words unto all Israel , * he said unto them Apply your hearts unto all the words which I am witnessing against you , to-day , how that ye must command your sons to observe to do all the words of this law ; * for it is not , too small a thing , for you , for , it , is your life , and , hereby , shall ye prolong your days upon the soil whereunto ye are , passing over the Jordan to possess it . * And Yahweh spake unto Moses , on this selfsame day , saying : * Get thee up into this mountain of the Abarim , Mount Nebo , which is in the land of Moab , which is over against Jerichoand behold the land of Canaan which I am giving unto the sons of Israel , for a possession ; * and die thou in the mount whither thou art going up , and he withdrawn unto thy kinsfolk , as Aaron thy brother died in Mount Hor , and was withdrawn unto his kinsfolk ; * for that ye acted unfaithfully against me in the midst of the sons of Israel , regarding the waters of Meribah-Kadesh in the desert of Zin , for that ye hallowed me not in the midst of the sons of Israel . * Yet , over against thee , shalt thou behold the land , but thereinto , shalt thou not enter , into the land which I am giving unto the sons of Israel .

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