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* All the commandments which I command thee this day shall ye observe (note :)Showing that it is not enough to hear the word , unless we express it by the example of our lives .(:note ) to do , that ye may live , and multiply , and go in and possess the land which the LORD sware unto your fathers . * And thou shalt remember all the way which the LORD thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness , to humble thee , [and ] to (note :)Which is declared in afflictions , either by patience , or by grudging against God 's visitation .(:note ) prove thee , to know what [was ] in thine heart , whether thou wouldest keep his commandments , or no . * And he humbled thee , and suffered thee to hunger , and fed thee with manna , which thou knewest not , neither did thy fathers know ; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by (note :)Man does not live by meat only , but by the power of God , who gives it strength to nourish us .(:note ) bread only , but by every [word ] that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live . * Thy raiment waxed not old upon thee , neither did thy foot (note :)As those that go barefoot .(:note ) swell , these forty years . * Thou shalt also consider in thine heart , that , as a man chasteneth his son , [so ] the LORD thy God (note :)So that his affliction are signs of his fatherly love toward us .(:note ) chasteneth thee . * Therefore shalt thou keepe the commaundements of the Lorde thy God , that thou mayest walke in his wayes , and feare him . * For the Lord thy God bringeth thee into a good land , a land in the which are riuers of water and fountaines , and depthes that spring out of valleis and mountaines : * A land of wheate and barley , and of vineyards , and figtrees , and pomegranates : a land of oyle oliue and hony : * A land wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarceness , thou shalt not lack any [thing ] in it ; a land (note :)Where there are mines of metal .(:note ) whose stones [are ] iron , and out of whose hills thou mayest dig brass . * When thou hast eaten and art full , then thou shalt (note :)To receive God 's benefits and not be thankful , is to despise God in them .(:note ) bless the LORD thy God for the good land which he hath given thee . * Beware that thou forget not the Lorde thy God , not keeping his commandements , and his lawes , and his ordinances , which I commaunde thee this day : * Lest when thou hast eaten and filled thy selfe , and hast built goodly houses &amp ; dwelt therein , * And thy beastes , and thy sheepe are increased , and thy siluer and golde is multiplied , and all that thou hast is increased , * Then thine heart (note :)By attributing God 's benefits to your own wisdom and labour , or to good fortune .(:note ) be lifted up , and thou forget the LORD thy God , which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt , from the house of bondage ; * Who was thy guide in the great and terrible wildernes (wherein were fierie serpents , &amp ; scorpions , and drought , where was no water , who brought forth water for thee out of ye rock of flint : * Who fed thee in the wildernesse with MAN , which thy fathers knewe not ) to humble thee , and and to proue thee , that he might doe thee good at thy latter ende . * Beware least thou say in thine heart , My power , and the strength of mine owne hand hath prepared me this abundance . * But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God : for [it is ] he that (note :)If things concerning this life proceed only from God 's mercy , how much more do spiritual gifts and everlasting life .(:note ) giveth thee power to get wealth , that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers , as [it is ] this day . * And it shall be , if thou do at all forget the LORD thy God , and walk after other gods , and serve them , and worship them , I (note :)Or take to witness the heaven and the earth , as in ( Deu_4:26 ).(:note ) testify against you this day that ye shall surely perish . * As the nations which the Lord destroyeth before you , so ye shall perish , because ye woulde not be obedient vnto the voyce of the Lord your God .

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