
rwp@Ephesians:3:10 @{To the intent that} (\hina\). Final clause. {Might be made known} (\gn“risthˆi\). First aorist passive subjunctive of \gn“riz“\ with \hina\. The mystery was made known to Paul (3:3|) and now he wants it blazoned forth to all powers (Gnostic aeons or what not). {Through the church} (\dia tˆs ekklˆsias\). The wonderful body of Christ described in chapter strkjv@Ephesians:2|. {The manifold wisdom of God} (\hˆ polupoikilos sophia tou theou\). Old and rare word, much-variegated, with many colours. Only here in N.T. \Poikilos\ (variegated) is more common (Matthew:4:24|).

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