
rwp@Ephesians:3:17 @{That Christ may dwell} (\katoikˆsai ton Christon\). Another infinitive (first aorist active) after \hina d“i\. \Katoike“\ is an old verb to make one's home, to be at home. Christ (\Christon\ accusative of general reference) is asked to make his home in our hearts. This is the ideal, but a deal of fixing would have to be done in our hearts for Christ. {Being rooted and grounded in love} (\en agapˆi erriz“menoi kai tethemeli“menoi\). But it is not certain whether \en agapˆi\ should go with these participles or with the preceding infinitive \katoikˆsai\ (dwell). Besides, these two perfect passive participles (from \rizo“\, old verb, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Colossians:2:7|, and from \themelio“\, see also strkjv@Colossians:1:23|) are in the nominative case and are to be taken with \hina exischusˆte\ and are proleptically placed before \hina\. Verse 18| should really begin with these participles. Paul piles up metaphors (dwelling, rooted, grounded).

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