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* Yeladim , obey your horim (note :)parents (:note ) in Adoneinu , for this is right . [Mishle strkjv @6:20 ] * KAVED ES AVICHA V 'ES IMMECHA [SHEMOT strkjv @20:12 ; DEVARIM strkjv @5:16 ], (note :)which is the mitzvah harishonah with a havtacha (:note ), * that it may be well with you and you will be a long time on ha 'aretz . * And , Avot , do not provoke your yeladim to ka 'as , but nurture them in the musar of Hashem and his tokhechah (note :)reproof (:note ). [Bereshis strkjv @18:19 ; Devarim strkjv @6:7 ; Mishle strkjv @13:24 ; strkjv @22:6 ] * Avadim (note :)servants (:note ), serve with mishma 'at obedience your adonim according to the basar B 'YIR 'AH "with fear " and BIRA 'DAH "with trembling " [TEHILLIM strkjv @2:11 ] with your levavot of erlichkeit sincerety as to Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach , * not with eye service as men-pleasers , being mehaneh to bnei Adam , but as avadim (note :)servants (:note ) of Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach , doing the ratzon Hashem from your levavot . * Render your service with a tov lev as avadim unto Adoneinu and not unto bnei Adam , * having da 'as that whatever ma 'aseh tov each one does , this he will receive back from Hashem , whether he is an eved or a Ben Chorim . * And , adonim , do the same things to them , forbearing threatening , having da 'as that both their and your Adon is in Shomayim , and ein masso panim im Hashem (note :)there is no partiality with Hashem (:note ). [Iyov strkjv @31:13 ,14 ] * For the rest , be continually empowered in the ko 'ach of Hashem and in the oz of his gevurah . [Tehillim strkjv @27:14 ] MUKHAN UMEZUMAN (note :)"BEHOLD , I AM READY AND SPIRITUALLY PREPARED "(:note ); AGAINST THE SITRA AHRA POWERS OF EVIL AND DARKNESS * Put on the whole armor of Hashem for you to be able to stand against the nechalim (note :)schemes , wiles , evil plots (:note ) of Hasatan . * Because we are not wrestling against basar vadahm , but against the rulers , against the authorities , against the powers of the choshech of the Olam Hazeh , against the kokhot ruchaniyim ra 'im in Shomayim . * Therefore , take up the whole armor of Hashem , that you may be able to withstand in the Yom HaRah and , having done all , to stand . * Stand , therefore , having girded your waist with HaEmes and having put on the breastplate of Tzedek , [Yeshayah strkjv @11:5 ; Tehillim strkjv @132:9 ; Yeshayah strkjv @59:17 ] * and having put as shoes on your feet that which makes you ready to be a maggid of the Besuras HaGeulah . [Yeshayah strkjv @52:7 ] * With all these things , take up the shield of emunah , by which you will be able to quench all the flaming darts of harah (note :)the evil one (:note ); * and take the helmet of yeshu 'a and the cherev of the Ruach Hakodesh , which is the dvar Hashem . [Yeshayah strkjv @59:17 ; strkjv @49:2 ] * Daven in the Ruach Hakodesh always with all tefillos and techinnah (note :)supplication (:note ). To that end keep shomer and always persevere in techinnah for the kedoshim ; * and for me also , that to me may be given utterance in opening my mouth in boldness to make known the Sod HaBesuras HaGeulah , * on behalf of which I am an emissary in chains , that in it I may be bold as it is necessary for me to speak . * But that you may also know my affairs , and what I am doing , Tychicus the Ach b 'Moshiach and chaver and keli kodesh (note :)minister (:note ) who is ne 'eman in Hashem , * whom I sent to you for this very reason , that you may have da 'as of the things concerning us and he may impart chizzuk (note :)strengthening (:note ) to your levavot . * Shalom to the Achim b 'Moshiach , and ahavah with emunah from Elohim HaAv and Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu Yehoshua . * Chen v 'Chesed Hashem be with all the ones who have ahavah for Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu with an incorruptible ahavah .

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