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* In the (note :)Which was in the beginning of the month of Sivan , containing part of May and part of June .(:note ) third month , when the children of Israel were gone forth out of the land of Egypt , the same That they departed from Rephidim . day came they [into ] the wilderness of Sinai . * For they departed from Rephidim , &amp ; came to the desart of Sinai , and camped in the wildernesse : euen there Israel camped before the mount . * And Moses went up unto God , and the LORD called unto him out of the mountain , saying , Thus shalt thou say to the house of (note :)God called Jacob , Israel : therefore the house of Jacob and the people of Israel signify God 's people .(:note ) Jacob , and tell the children of Israel ; * Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians , and [how ] I bare you on (note :)For the eagle by flying high , is out of danger , and by carrying her birds on her wings rather than in her talons declares her love .(:note ) eagles ' wings , and brought you unto myself . * Now therefore if ye wil heare my voyce in deede , and keepe my couenant , then ye shalbe my chiefe treasure aboue all people , though all the earth be mine . * Yee shall be vnto mee also a kingdome of Priestes , and an holy nation . These are the words which thou shalt speake vnto the children of Israel . * Moses then came &amp ; called for the Elders of the people , and proposed vnto them all these things , which the Lord commanded him . * And the people answered all together , and sayd , All that the Lord hath commaunded , we will doe ; Moses reported the wordes of the people vnto the Lord . * And the Lord sayd vnto Moses , Lo , I come vnto thee in a thicke cloude , that the people may heare , whiles I talke with thee , and that they may also beleeue thee for euer . (for Moses had tolde the wordes of the people vnto the Lord ) * And the LORD said unto Moses , Go unto the people , and (note :)Teach them to be pure in heart , as they show themselves outwardly clean by washing .(:note ) sanctify them to day and to morrow , and let them wash their clothes , * And let them be ready on the third day : for the thirde day the Lorde will come downe in the sight of all the people vpon mount Sinai : * And thou shalt set markes vnto the people rounde about , saying , Take heede to your selues that ye goe not vp the mount , nor touche the border of it : whosoeuer toucheth the mount , shall surely die . * No hand shall touche it , but he shalbe stoned to death , or striken through with darts : whether it be beast or man , he shal not liue : when the horne bloweth long , they shal come vp into the mountaine . * Then Moses went downe from ye mount vnto the people , and sanctified the people , and they washed their clothes . * And he said unto the people , Be ready against the third day : come not at [your ] (note :)But give yourselves to prayer and abstinence , that you may at this time attend only upon the Lord , ( 1Co_7:5 ).(:note ) wives . * And the thirde day , when it was morning , there was thunders and lightnings , and a thicke cloude vpon the mount , and the sounde of the trumpet exceeding loude , so that all the people , that was in the campe , was afrayde . * Then Moses brought the people out of the tents to meete with God , and they stoode in the nether part of the mount . * And mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke , because the LORD descended upon it in fire : and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace , and the whole mount (note :)God used these fearful signs , that his law would be held in greater reverence , and his majesty even more feared .(:note ) quaked greatly . * And when the voice of the trumpet sounded long , and waxed louder and louder , Moses spake , and God answered him by a (note :)He gave authority to Moses by plain words , that the people might understand him .(:note ) voice . * (For the Lorde came downe vpon mount Sinai on the toppe of the mount ) and when the Lord called Moses vp into the top of the mount , Moses went vp . * Then the Lord said vnto Moses , Go down , charge the people , that they breake not their boundes , to go vp to the Lord to gaze , least many of them perish . * And let the Priestes also which come to the Lorde be sanctified , least the Lorde destroy them . * And Moses sayde vnto the Lord , The people can not come vp into the mount Sinai : for thou hast charged vs , saying , Set markes on the mountaine , and sanctifie it . * And the LORD said unto him , Away , get thee down , and thou shalt come up , thou , and Aaron with thee : but let not the (note :)Neither dignity nor multitude have authority to pass the bounds that God 's word prescribes .(:note ) priests and the people break through to come up unto the LORD , lest he break forth upon them . * So Moses went downe vnto the people , &amp ; tolde them .

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