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* He that smiteth a man , so that he die , shall be surely put to death . * And if a man lie not in wait , but God deliver him into his hand ; then I will appoint thee a place whither he shall flee . * But if a man come presumptuously upon his neighbour , to slay him with guile ; thou shalt take him from mine altar , that he may die . * And he that smiteth his father , or his mother , shall be surely put to death . * And he that stealeth a man , and selleth him , or if he be found in his hand , he shall surely be put to death . * And he that curseth his father , or his mother , shall surely be put to death . * And if men strive together , and one smite another with a stone , or with his fist , and he die not , but keepeth his bed : * If he rise again , and walk abroad upon his staff , then shall he that smote him be quit : only he shall pay for the loss of his time , and shall cause him to be thoroughly healed . * And if a man smite his servant , or his maid , with a rod , and he die under his hand ; he shall be surely punished . * Notwithstanding , if he continue a day or two , he shall not be punished : for he is his money . * If men strive , and hurt a woman with child , so that her fruit depart from her , and yet no mischief follow : he shall be surely punished , according as the woman 's husband will lay upon him ; and he shall pay as the judges determine . * And if any mischief follow , then thou shalt give life for life , * Eye for eye , tooth for tooth , hand for hand , foot for foot , * Burning for burning , wound for wound , stripe for stripe .

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