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* And cause thou thy brother Aaron to come vnto thee and his sonnes with him , from among the children of Israel , that he may serue me in the Priestes office : I meane Aaron , Nadab , and Abihu , Eleazar , and Ithamar Aarons sonnes . * And thou shalt make holy garments for Aaron thy brother for (note :)By which his office may be known to be glorious and excellent .(:note ) glory and for beauty . * And thou shalt speak unto all [that are ] wise hearted , whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom , that they may make Aaron 's garments to (note :)Which is to separate him from the rest .(:note ) consecrate him , that he may minister unto me in the priest 's office . * And these [are ] the garments which they shall make ; a breastplate , and an (note :)A short an straight coat without sleeves , put on top of his garments to keep them close to him .(:note ) ephod , and a robe , and a broidered coat , a mitre , and a girdle : and they shall make holy garments for Aaron thy brother , and his sons , that he may minister unto me in the priest 's office . * Therefore they shall take golde , and blew silke , and purple , and skarlet , and fine linnen , * And they shal make the Ephod of gold , blewe silke , and purple , skarlet , and fine twined linen of broydred worke . * The two shoulders thereof shalbe ioyned together by their two edges : so shall it be closed . * And the (note :)Which went about his upmost coat .(:note ) curious girdle of the ephod , which [is ] upon it , shall be of the same , according to the work thereof ; [even of ] gold , [of ] blue , and purple , and scarlet , and fine twined linen . * And thou shalt take two onix stones , and graue vpon them the names of the children of Israel : * Six of their names on one stone , and [the other ] six names of the rest on the other stone , according to (note :)As they were in age , so should they be graven in order .(:note ) their birth . * Thou shalt cause to graue the two stones according to the names of the children of Israel by a grauer of signets , that worketh and graueth in stone , and shalt make them to be set and embossed in golde . * And thou shalt put the two stones upon the shoulders of the ephod [for ] stones of (note :)That Aaron might remind the Israelites of God .(:note ) memorial unto the children of Israel : and Aaron shall bear their names before the LORD upon his two shoulders for a memorial . * So thou shalt make bosses of golde , * And two chains [of ] pure gold (note :)Of the bosses .(:note ) at the ends ; [of ] wreathen work shalt thou make them , and fasten the wreathen chains to the ouches . * And thou shalt make the breastplate of (note :)It was so called , because the high priest could not give sentence in judgment without that on his breast .(:note ) judgment with cunning work ; after the work of the ephod thou shalt make it ; [of ] gold , [of ] blue , and [of ] purple , and [of ] scarlet , and [of ] fine twined linen , shalt thou make it . * * Then thou shalt set it full of places for stones , euen foure rowes of stones : the order shalbe this , a rubie , a topaze , and a carbuncle in the first rowe . * And in the seconde rowe thou shalt set an emeraude , a saphir , and a diamonde . * And in the third rowe a turkeis , an achate , and an hematite . * And in the fourth rowe a chrysolite , an onix , and a iasper : and they shall be set in golde in their embossements . * And the stones shall be according to the names of the children of Israel , twelue , according to their names , grauen as signets , euerye one after his name , and they shall bee for the twelue tribes . * Then thou shalt make vpon the breast plate two cheines at the endes of wrethen worke of pure golde . * And thou shalt make upon the breastplate two rings of gold , and shalt put the two rings on (note :)Which are upmost toward the shoulder .(:note ) the two ends of the breastplate . * And thou shalt put the two wrethen chaynes of golde in the two rings in the endes of the brest plate . * And the other two endes of the two wrethen cheines , thou shalt fasten in ye two embossements , and shalt put them vpon the shoulders of the Ephod on the foreside of it . * And thou shalt make two rings of gold , and thou shalt put them upon the (note :)Which are beneath .(:note ) two ends of the breastplate in the border thereof , which [is ] in the side of the ephod inward . * And two other rings of golde thou shalt make , and put them on the two sides of the Ephod , beneath in the forepart of it ouer against the coupling of it vpon the broydred garde of the Ephod . * Thus they shall binde the brest plate by his rings vnto the rings of the Ephod , with a lace of blewe silke , that it may be fast vpon the broydred garde of the Ephod , and that the brest plate be not loosed from the Ephod . * And Aaron shall (note :)Aaron will not enter into the holy place in his own name , but in the name of all the children of Israel .(:note ) bear the names of the children of Israel in the breastplate of judgment upon his heart , when he goeth in unto the holy [place ], for a memorial before the LORD continually . * And thou shalt put in the breastplate of judgment the (note :)Urim signifies light , and thummim perfection : declaring that the stones of the breastplate were most clear , and of perfect beauty : by urim also is meant knowledge , and thummim holiness , showing what virtues are required in the priests .(:note ) Urim and the Thummim ; and they shall be upon Aaron 's heart , when he goeth in before the LORD : and Aaron shall bear the judgment of the children of Israel upon his heart before the LORD continually . * And thou shalt make the robe of the Ephod altogether of blewe silke . * And the hole for his head shalbe in the middes of it , hauing an edge of wouen woorke rounde about the coller of it : so it shalbe as the coller of an habergeon that it rent not . * And beneath vpon the skirtes thereof thou shalt make pomegranates of blew silke , and purple , &amp ; skarlet , round about the skirts thereof , and belles of gold betweene them round about : * That is , a golden bell and a pomegranate , a golden bell and a pomegranate rounde about vpon the skirtes of the robe . * So it shalbe vpon Aaron , when he ministreth , and his sound shalbe heard , when he goeth into the holy place before the Lorde , and when he commeth out , and he shall not dye . * And thou shalt make a plate [of ] pure gold , and grave upon it , [like ] the engravings of a signet , (note :)Holiness belongs to the Lord : for he is most holy , and nothing unholy may appear before him .(:note ) HOLINESS TO THE LORD . * And thou shalt put it on a blew silke lace , and it shalbe vpon the miter : euen vpon the fore front of the miter shall it be . * And it shall be upon Aaron 's forehead , that Aaron may (note :)Their offerings could not be so perfect , but some fault would be in them : which sin the high priest bore and pacified God .(:note ) bear the iniquity of the holy things , which the children of Israel shall hallow in all their holy gifts ; and it shall be always upon his forehead , that they may be accepted before the LORD . * Likewise thou shalt embroyder the fine line coat , &amp ; thou shalt make a miter of fine line , but thou shalt make a girdell of needle worke . * Also thou shalt make for Aarons sonnes coates , &amp ; thou shalt make the girdels , &amp ; bonets shalt thou make them for glorie &amp ; comelinesse . * And thou shalt put them upon Aaron thy brother , and his sons with him ; and shalt anoint them , and (note :)Or «fill their hands », by giving them things to offer and therefore admit them to their office .(:note ) consecrate them , and sanctify them , that they may minister unto me in the priest 's office . * Thou shalt also make them linen breeches to couer their priuities : from the loynes vnto the thighs shall they reache . * And they shall be upon Aaron , and upon his sons , when they come in unto the tabernacle of the congregation , or when they come near unto the altar to minister in the holy [place ]; that they (note :)In not hiding their nakedness .(:note ) bear not iniquity , and die : [it shall be ] a statute for ever unto him and his seed after him .

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