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* And the Lord saide vnto Moses , Hewe thee two Tables of stone , like vnto the first , and I will write vpon the Tables the wordes that were in the first Tables , which thou brakest in pieces . * And be ready in ye morning , that thou mayest come vp earely vnto the mount of Sinai , and waite there for me in the top of the mount . * But let no man come vp with thee , neither let any man be seene throughout all the mount , neyther let the sheepe nor cattell feede before this mount . * Then Moses hewed two Tables of stone like vnto the first , and rose vp earely in the morning , and went vp vnto the mount of Sinai , as the Lord had commanded him , &amp ; tooke in his hande two Tables of stone . * And the Lorde descended in the cloude , and stoode with him there , and proclaimed the name of the Lord . * And the LORD passed by before him , and (note :)This refers to the Lord , and not to Moses proclaiming : as ( Exo_33:19 ).(:note ) proclaimed , The LORD , The LORD God , merciful and gracious , longsuffering , and abundant in goodness and truth , * Reseruing mercy for thousands , forgiuing iniquitie , and transgression and sinne , and not making the wicked innocent , visiting the iniquitie of the fathers vpon ye children , &amp ; vpon childrens children , vnto the third and fourth generation . * Then Moses made haste &amp ; bowed him selfe to the earth , and worshipped , * And he said , If now I have found grace in thy sight , O Lord , let my Lord , I pray thee , go among us ; (note :)Seeing the people are of this nature , the rulers need to call on God that he would always be present with his Spirit .(:note ) for it [is ] a stiffnecked people ; and pardon our iniquity and our sin , and take us for thine inheritance . * And he answered , Behold , I will make a couenant before all thy people , and will do marueiles , such as haue not bene done in all the worlde , neyther in all nations : and all the people among whom thou art , shal see the worke of the Lord : for it is a terrible thing that I will do with thee . * Keepe diligently that which I commande thee this day : Beholde , I will cast out before thee the Amorites , and the Canaanites , and the Hittites , and the Perizzites , and the Hiuites , and the Iebusites . * Take heed to thyself , lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land whither thou goest , lest it be for a (note :)If you follow their wickedness , and pollute yourself with their idolatry .(:note ) snare in the midst of thee : * But ye shall destroy their altars , break their images , and cut down their (note :)Which pleasant places they chose for their idols .(:note ) groves : * (For thou shalt bow downe to none other god , because the Lord , whose Name is Ielous , is a ielous God ) * Lest thou make a compact with the inhabitantes of the lande , and when they goe a whoring after their gods , and doe sacrifice vnto their gods , some man call thee , &amp ; thou eate of his sacrifice : * And least thou take of their daughters vnto thy sonnes , and their daughters goe a whoring after their gods , and make thy sonnes goe a whoring after their gods . * Thou shalt make thee no (note :)As gold , silver , brass , or anything that is molten : in this is condemned all types idols , no matter what they are made of .(:note ) molten gods . * The feast of vnleauened bread shalt thou keepe : seuen dayes shalt thou eate vnleauened bread , as I commanded thee , in ye time of the moneth of Abib : for in the moneth of Abib thou camest out of Egypt . * Euery male , that first openeth the wombe , shalbe mine : also all the first borne of thy flocke shalbe rekoned mine , both of beeues and sheepe . * But the firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem with a lamb : and if thou redeem [him ] not , then shalt thou break his neck . All the firstborn of thy sons thou shalt redeem . And none shall appear before me (note :)Without offering something .(:note ) empty . * Six dayes shalt thou worke , and in the seuenth day thou shalt rest : both in earing time , and in the haruest thou shalt rest . * And thou shalt observe the feast of weeks , of the firstfruits of wheat harvest , and the feast of ingathering (note :)Which was in September , when the days got shorter , that is , the end of their calendar year .(:note ) at the year 's end . * Thrise in a yere shal all your men children appeare before the Lorde Iehouah God of Israel . * For I will cast out the nations before thee , and enlarge thy borders : neither shall any man (note :)God promises to defend them and theirs , who obey his commandment .(:note ) desire thy land , when thou shalt go up to appear before the LORD thy God thrice in the year . * Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leauen , neither shall ought of the sacrifice of the feast of Passeouer be left vnto the morning . * The first of the firstfruits of thy land thou shalt bring unto the house of the LORD thy God . Thou shalt not (note :)See ( Exo_23:19 ; Deu_14:21 ).(:note ) seethe a kid in his mother 's milk . * And the Lord said vnto Moses , Write thou these words : for after the tenour of these words I haue made a couenant with thee &amp ; with Israel . * And he was there with the LORD (note :)This miracle was to confirm the authority of the law , and should not be followed any more than other miracles .(:note ) forty days and forty nights ; he did neither eat bread , nor drink water . And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant , the ten commandments . * So when Moses came downe fro mount Sinai , the two Tables of the Testimonie were in Moses hande , as hee descended from the mount : (nowe Moses wist not that the skinne of his face shone bright , after that God had talked with him . * And Aaron and all the children of Israel looked vpon Moses , and beholde , the skin of his face shone bright , and they were afraid to come neere him ) * But Moses called them : and Aaron and all the chiefe of the congregatio returned vnto him : and Moses talked with them . * And afterwarde all the children of Israel came neere , and he charged them with al that the Lord had said vnto him in mount Sinai . * So Moses made an end of comuning with them , and had put a couering vpon his face . * But when Moses went in (note :)Which was in the tabernacle of the congregation .(:note ) before the LORD to speak with him , he took the vail off , until he came out . And he came out , and spake unto the children of Israel [that ] which he was commanded . * And the children of Israel sawe the face of Moses , howe the skin of Moses face shone bright : therefore Moses put the couering vpon his face , vntill he went to speake with God .

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