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* And Moses assembled all the congregation of the children of Israel , and said unto them : 'These are the words which the LORD hath commanded , that ye should do them . * Six days shall work be done , but on the seventh day there shall be to you a holy day , a sabbath of solemn rest to the LORD ; whosoever doeth any work therein shall be put to death . * Ye shall kindle no fire throughout your habitations upon the sabbath day .' * And Moses spoke unto all the congregation of the children of Israel , saying : 'This is the thing which the LORD commanded , saying : * Take ye from among you an offering unto the LORD , whosoever is of a willing heart , let him bring it , the LORD 'S offering : gold , and silver , and brass ; * and blue , and purple , and scarlet , and fine linen , and goats ' hair ; * and rams ' skins dyed red , and sealskins , and acacia-wood ; * and oil for the light , and spices for the anointing oil , and for the sweet incense ; * and onyx stones , and stones to be set , for the ephod , and for the breastplate . * And let every wise-hearted man among you come , and make all that the LORD hath commanded : * the tabernacle , its tent , and its covering , its clasps , and its boards , its bars , its pillars , and its sockets ; * the ark , and the staves thereof , the ark-cover , and the veil of the screen ; * the table , and its staves , and all its vessels , and the showbread ; * the candlestick also for the light , and its vessels , and its lamps , and the oil for the light ; * and the altar of incense , and its staves , and the anointing oil , and the sweet incense , and the screen for the door , at the door of the tabernacle ; * the altar of burnt-offering , with its grating of brass , its staves , and all its vessels , the laver and its base ; * the hangings of the court , the pillars thereof , and their sockets , and the screen for the gate of the court ; * the pins of the tabernacle , and the pins of the court , and their cords ; * the plaited garments , for ministering in the holy place , the holy garments for Aaron the priest , and the garments of his sons , to minister in the priest 's office .' * And all the congregation of the children of Israel departed from the presence of Moses . * And they came , every one whose heart stirred him up , and every one whom his spirit made willing , and brought the LORD 'S offering , for the work of the tent of meeting , and for all the service thereof , and for the holy garments . * And they came , both men and women , as many as were willing-hearted , and brought nose-rings , and ear-rings , and signet - rings , and girdles , all jewels of gold ; even every man that brought an offering of gold unto the LORD . * And every man , with whom was found blue , and purple , and scarlet , and fine linen , and goats ' hair , and rams ' skins dyed red , and sealskins , brought them . * Every one that did set apart an offering of silver and brass brought the LORD 'S offering ; and every man , with whom was found acacia-wood for any work of the service , brought it . * And all the women that were wise-hearted did spin with their hands , and brought that which they had spun , the blue , and the purple , the scarlet , and the fine linen . * And all the women whose heart stirred them up in wisdom spun the goats ' hair . * And the rulers brought the onyx stones , and the stones to be set , for the ephod , and for the breastplate ; * and the spice , and the oil , for the light , and for the anointing oil , and for the sweet incense . * The children of Israel brought a freewill-offering unto the LORD ; every man and woman , whose heart made them willing to bring for all the work , which the LORD had commanded by the hand of Moses to be made . * And Moses said unto the children of Israel : 'See , the LORD hath called by name Bezalel the son of Uri , the son of Hur , of the tribe of Judah . * And He hath filled him with the spirit of God , in wisdom , in understanding , and in knowledge , and in all manner of workmanship . * And to devise skilful works , to work in gold , and in silver , and in brass , * and in cutting of stones for setting , and in carving of wood , to work in all manner of skilful workmanship . * And He hath put in his heart that he may teach , both he , and Oholiab , the son of Ahisamach , of the tribe of Daniel . * Them hath He filled with wisdom of heart , to work all manner of workmanship , of the craftsman , and of the skilful workman , and of the weaver in colours , in blue , and in purple , in scarlet , and in fine linen , and of the weaver , even of them that do any workmanship , and of those that devise skilful works .

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