
ylt@Ezekiel:6:1 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying:

ylt@Ezekiel:6:2 @'Son of man, set thy face unto mountains of Israel, and prophesy concerning them:

ylt@Ezekiel:6:3 @And thou hast said: Mountains of Israel, Hear ye a word of the Lord Jehovah: Thus said the Lord Jehovah To the mountains, and to the hills, To the streams, and to the valleys, Lo, I, I am bringing in against you a sword, And I have destroyed your high places.

ylt@Ezekiel:6:4 @And desolated have been your altars, And broken your images, And I have caused your wounded to fall before your idols,

ylt@Ezekiel:6:5 @And put the carcases of the sons of Israel before their idols, And scattered your bones round about your altars.

ylt@Ezekiel:6:6 @In all your dwellings the cities are laid waste, And the high places are desolate, So that waste and desolate are your altars, And broken and ceased have your idols, And cut down have been your images, And blotted out have been your works.

ylt@Ezekiel:6:7 @And fallen hath the wounded in your midst, And ye have known that I [am] Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:6:8 @And I have caused [some] to remain, In their being to you the escaped of the sword among nations, In your being scattered through lands.

ylt@Ezekiel:6:9 @And remembered Me have your escaped among nations, Whither they have been taken captive, Because I have been broken with their heart that is going a-whoring, That hath turned aside from off Me, And with their eyes they are going a-whoring after their idols, And they have been loathsome in their own faces, For the evils that they have done -- all their abominations.

ylt@Ezekiel:6:10 @And they have known that I [am] Jehovah, Not for nought have I spoken to do to them this evil.

ylt@Ezekiel:6:11 @Thus said the Lord Jehovah: 'Smite with thy palm, and stamp with thy foot, And say: Alas, for all the evil abominations of the house of Israel, Who by sword, by famine, and by pestilence do fall.

ylt@Ezekiel:6:12 @The far-off by pestilence dieth, And the near by sword falleth, And the left and the besieged by famine dieth, And I have completed my fury upon them.

ylt@Ezekiel:6:13 @And ye have known that I [am] Jehovah, In their wounded being in the midst of their idols, Round about their altars, On every high hill, on all tops of mountains, And under every green tree, and under every thick oak, The place where they gave sweet fragrance to all their idols.

ylt@Ezekiel:6:14 @And I have stretched out my hand against them, And have made the land a desolation, Even a desolation from the wilderness to Diblath, In all their dwellings, And they have known that I [am] Jehovah!'

ylt@Ezekiel:7:1 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying, 'And thou, son of man, Thus said the Lord Jehovah to the ground of Israel:

ylt@Ezekiel:7:2 @An end, come hath the end on the four corners of the land.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:3 @Now [is] the end unto thee, And I have sent Mine anger upon thee, And judged thee according to thy ways, And set against thee all thine abominations.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:4 @And no pity on thee hath Mine eye, nor do I spare, For thy ways against thee I do set, And thine abominations are in thy midst, And ye have known that I [am] Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:5 @Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Evil, a single evil, lo, it hath come.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:6 @An end hath come, come hath the end, It hath waked for thee, lo, it hath come.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:7 @Come hath the morning unto thee, O inhabitant of the land! Come hath the time, near [is] a day of trouble, And not the shouting of mountains.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:8 @Now, shortly I pour out My fury on thee, And have completed Mine anger against thee, And judged thee according to thy ways, And set against thee all thine abominations.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:9 @And not pity doth Mine eye, nor do I spare, According to thy ways unto thee I give, And thine abominations are in thy midst, And ye have known that I [am] Jehovah the smiter.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:10 @Lo, the day, lo, it hath come, Gone forth hath the morning, Blossomed hath the rod, flourished the pride.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:11 @The violence hath risen to a rod of wickedness, There is none of them, nor of their multitude, Nor of their noise, nor is there wailing for them.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:12 @Come hath the time, arrived hath the day, The buyer doth not rejoice, And the seller doth not become a mourner, For wrath [is] unto all its multitude.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:13 @For the seller to the sold thing turneth not, And yet among the living [is] their life, For the vision [is] unto all its multitude, It doth not turn back, And none by his iniquity doth strengthen his life.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:14 @They have blown with a trumpet to prepare the whole, And none is going to battle, For My wrath [is] unto all its multitude.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:15 @The sword [is] without, And the pestilence and the famine within, He who is in a field by sword dieth, And he who is in a city, Famine and pestilence devour him.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:16 @And escaped away have their fugitives, And they have been on the mountains As doves of the valleys, All of them make a noising -- each for his iniquity.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:17 @All the hands are feeble, and all knees go -- waters.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:18 @And they have girded on sackcloth, And covered them hath trembling, And unto all faces [is] shame, And on all their heads -- baldness.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:19 @Their silver into out-places they cast, And their gold impurity becometh. Their silver and their gold is not able to deliver them, In a day of the wrath of Jehovah, Their soul they do not satisfy, And their bowels they do not fill, For the stumbling-block of their iniquity it hath been.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:20 @As to the beauty of his ornament, For excellency He set it, And the images of their abominations, Their detestable things -- they made in it, Therefore I have given it to them for impurity,

ylt@Ezekiel:7:21 @And I have given it into the hand of the strangers for a prey, And to the wicked of the land for a spoil, And they have polluted it.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:22 @And I have turned My face from them, And they have polluted My hidden place, Yea, come into it have destroyers, and polluted it.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:23 @Make the chain; for the land Hath been full of bloody judgments, And the city hath been full of violence.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:24 @And I have brought in the wicked of the nations, And they have possessed their houses, And I have caused to cease the excellency of the strong, And polluted have been those sanctifying them.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:25 @Destruction hath come, And they have sought peace, and there is none.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:26 @Mischief on mischief cometh, and report is on report, And they have sought a vision from a prophet, And law doth perish from the priest, And counsel from the elders,

ylt@Ezekiel:7:27 @The king doth become a mourner, And a prince putteth on desolation, And the hands of the people of the land are troubled, From their own way I deal with them, And with their own judgments I judge them, And they have known that I [am] Jehovah!'

ylt@Ezekiel:8:1 @And it cometh to pass, in the sixth year, in the sixth [month], in the fifth of the month, I am sitting in my house, and elders of Judah are sitting before me, and fall on me there doth a hand of the Lord Jehovah,

ylt@Ezekiel:8:2 @and I look, and lo, a likeness as the appearance of fire, from the appearance of His loins and downward -- fire, and from His loins and upward, as the appearance of brightness, as the colour of copper.

ylt@Ezekiel:8:3 @And He putteth forth a form of a hand, and taketh me by a lock of my head, and lift me up doth a spirit between the earth and the heavens, and it bringeth me in to Jerusalem in visions of God, unto the opening of the inner gate that is facing the north, where [is] the seat of the figure of jealousy that is making jealous,

ylt@Ezekiel:8:4 @and lo, there the honour of the God of Israel, as the appearance that I saw in the valley.

ylt@Ezekiel:8:5 @And He saith unto me, 'Son of man, lift up, I pray thee, thine eyes the way of the north.' And I lift up mine eyes the way of the north, and lo, on the north of the gate of the altar this figure of jealousy, at the entrance.

ylt@Ezekiel:8:6 @And He saith unto me, 'Son of man, art thou seeing what they are doing? the great abominations that the house of Israel are doing here, to keep far off from My sanctuary; and again thou dost turn, thou dost see great abominations.'

ylt@Ezekiel:8:7 @And He bringeth me in unto an opening of the court, and I look, and lo, a hole in the wall;

ylt@Ezekiel:8:8 @and He saith unto me, 'Son of man, dig, I pray thee, through the wall;' and I dig through the wall, and lo, an opening.

ylt@Ezekiel:8:9 @And He saith to me, 'Go in, and see the evil abominations that they are doing here.'

ylt@Ezekiel:8:10 @And I go in, and look, and lo, every form of creeping thing, and detestable beast -- and all the Idols of the house of Israel -- graved on the wall, all round about,

ylt@Ezekiel:8:11 @and seventy men of the elders of the house of Israel -- and Jaazaniah son of Shaphan standing in their midst -- are standing before them, and each his censer in his hand, and the abundance of the cloud of perfume is going up.

ylt@Ezekiel:8:12 @And He saith unto me, 'Hast thou seen, son of man, that which elders of the house of Israel are doing in darkness, each in the inner chambers of his imagery, for they are saying, Jehovah is not seeing us, Jehovah hath forsaken the land?'

ylt@Ezekiel:8:13 @And He saith unto me, 'Again thou dost turn, thou dost see great abominations that they are doing.'

ylt@Ezekiel:8:14 @And He bringeth me in unto the opening of the gate of the house of Jehovah that [is] at the north, and lo, there the women are sitting weeping for Tammuz.

ylt@Ezekiel:8:15 @And He saith unto me, 'Hast thou seen, son of man? again thou dost turn, thou dost see greater abominations than these.'

ylt@Ezekiel:8:16 @And He bringeth me in unto the inner court of the house of Jehovah, and lo, at the opening of the temple of Jehovah, between the porch and the altar, about twenty-five men, their backs toward the temple of Jehovah, and their faces eastward, and they are bowing themselves eastward to the sun.

ylt@Ezekiel:8:17 @And He saith unto me, 'Hast thou seen, son of man? hath it been a light thing to the house of Judah to do the abomination that they have done here, that they have filled the land with violence, and turn back to provoke Me to anger? and lo, they are putting forth the branch unto their nose!

ylt@Ezekiel:8:18 @And I also deal in fury, Mine eye doth not pity, nor do I spare, and they have cried in Mine ears -- a loud voice -- and I do not hear them.'

ylt@Ezekiel:9:1 @And He crieth in mine ears -- a loud voice -- saying, 'Drawn near have inspectors of the city, and each his destroying weapon in his hand.'

ylt@Ezekiel:9:2 @And lo, six men are coming from the way of the upper gate, that is facing the north, and each his slaughter-weapon in his hand, and one man in their midst is clothed with linen, and a scribe's inkhorn at his loins, and they come in, and stand near the brazen altar.

ylt@Ezekiel:9:3 @And the honour of the God of Israel hath gone up from off the cherub, on which it hath been, unto the threshold of the house.

ylt@Ezekiel:9:4 @And He calleth unto the man who is clothed with linen, who hath the scribe's inkhorn at his loins, and Jehovah saith unto him, 'Pass on into the midst of the city, into the midst of Jerusalem, and thou hast made a mark on the foreheads of the men who are sighing and who are groaning for all the abominations that are done in its midst.'

ylt@Ezekiel:9:5 @And to the others he said in mine ears, 'Pass on into the city after him, and smite; your eye doth not pity, nor do ye spare;

ylt@Ezekiel:9:6 @aged, young man, and virgin, and infant, and women, ye do slay -- to destruction; and against any man on whom [is] the mark ye do not go nigh, and from My sanctuary ye begin.'

ylt@Ezekiel:9:7 @And they begin among the aged men who [are] before the house, and He saith unto them, 'Defile the house, and fill the courts with the wounded, go forth.' And they have gone forth and have smitten in the city.

ylt@Ezekiel:9:8 @And it cometh to pass, as they are smiting, and I -- I am left -- that I fall on my face, and cry, and say, 'Ah, Lord Jehovah, art Thou destroying all the remnant of Israel, in Thy pouring out Thy wrath on Jerusalem?'

ylt@Ezekiel:9:9 @And He saith unto me, 'The iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah [is] very very great, and the land is full of blood, and the city hath been full of perverseness, for they have said: Jehovah hath forsaken the land, and Jehovah is not seeing.

ylt@Ezekiel:9:10 @And I also, Mine eye doth not pity, nor do I spare; their way on their own head I have put.'

ylt@Ezekiel:9:11 @And lo, the man clothed with linen, at whose loins [is] the inkhorn, is bringing back word, saying, 'I have done as Thou hast commanded me.'

ylt@Ezekiel:10:1 @And I look, and lo, on the expanse that [is] above the head of the cherubs, as a sapphire stone, as the appearance of the likeness of a throne, He hath been seen over them.

ylt@Ezekiel:10:2 @And He speaketh unto the man clothed with linen, and saith, 'Go in unto the midst of the wheel, unto the place of the cherub, and fill thy hands with coals of fire from between the cherubs, and scatter over the city.' And he goeth in before mine eyes.

ylt@Ezekiel:10:3 @And the cherubs are standing on the right side of the house, at the going in of the man, and the cloud hath filled the inner court,

ylt@Ezekiel:10:4 @and become high doth the honour of Jehovah above the cherub, over the threshold of the house, and the house is filled with the cloud, and the court hath been filled with the brightness of the honour of Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:10:5 @And a noise of the wings of the cherubs hath been heard unto the outer court, as the voice of God -- the Mighty One -- in His speaking.

ylt@Ezekiel:10:6 @And it cometh to pass, in His commanding the man clothed with linen, saying, 'Take fire from between the wheel, from between the cherubs,' and he goeth in and standeth near the wheel,

ylt@Ezekiel:10:7 @that the [one] cherub putteth forth his hand from between the cherubs unto the fire that [is] between the cherubs, and lifteth up, and giveth into the hands of him who is clothed with linen, and he receiveth, and cometh forth.

ylt@Ezekiel:10:8 @And there appeareth in the cherubs the form of a hand of man under their wings,

ylt@Ezekiel:10:9 @and I look, and lo, four wheels near the cherubs, one wheel near the one cherub, and another wheel near the other cherub, and the appearance of the wheels [is] as the colour of a beryl stone.

ylt@Ezekiel:10:10 @As to their appearances, one likeness [is] to them four, as it were the wheel in the midst of the wheel.

ylt@Ezekiel:10:11 @In their going, on their four sides they go; they turn not round in their going, for to the place whither the head turneth, after it they go, they turn not round in their going.

ylt@Ezekiel:10:12 @And all their flesh, and their backs, and their hands, and their wings, and the wheels, are full of eyes round about; to them four [are] their wheels.

ylt@Ezekiel:10:13 @To the wheels -- to them is one calling in mine ears, 'O wheel!'

ylt@Ezekiel:10:14 @And four faces [are] to each; the face of the one [is] the face of the cherub, and the face of the second the face of man, and of the third the face of a lion, and of the fourth the face of an eagle.

ylt@Ezekiel:10:15 @And the cherubs are lifted up, it [is] the living creature that I saw by the river Chebar.

ylt@Ezekiel:10:16 @And in the going of the cherubs, the wheels go beside them; and in the cherubs lifting up their wings to be high above the earth, the wheels turn not round, even they, from being beside them.

ylt@Ezekiel:10:17 @In their standing they stand, and in their exaltation they are exalted with them: for the living spirit [is] in them.

ylt@Ezekiel:10:18 @And go forth doth the honour of Jehovah from off the threshold of the house, and standeth over the cherubs,

ylt@Ezekiel:10:19 @and the cherubs lift up their wings, and are lifted up from the earth before mine eyes; in their going forth, the wheels also [are] over-against them, and he standeth at the opening of the east gate of the house of Jehovah, and the honour of the God of Israel [is] over them from above.

ylt@Ezekiel:10:20 @It [is] the living creature that I saw under the God of Israel by the river Chebar, and I know that they are cherubs.

ylt@Ezekiel:10:21 @Four faces [are] to each, and four wings to each, and the likeness of the hands of man [is] under their wings.

ylt@Ezekiel:10:22 @As to the likeness of their faces, they [are] the faces that I saw by the river Chebar, their appearances and themselves; each straight forward they go.

ylt@Ezekiel:11:1 @And lift me up doth a spirit, and it bringeth me in unto the east gate of the house of Jehovah, that is facing the east, and lo, at the opening of the gate twenty and five men, and I see in their midst Jaazaniah son of Azzur, and Pelatiah son of Benaiah, heads of the people.

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