
bwe@Galatians:4:21 @ Tell me, you people that want the law to control you, why do you not listen to the law?

bwe@Galatians:4:22 @ The holy writings say that Abraham had two sons. One was the son of the slave woman. The other one was the son of the free woman.

bwe@Galatians:4:23 @ The child of the slave woman was born as any child is born. But the child of the free woman was born because God promised he would be born.

bwe@Galatians:4:24 @ These things have another meaning. These two women are like two agreements. One agreement came from Mount Sinai. The children are born slaves. That agreement is like Hagar.

bwe@Galatians:4:25 @ So Hagar means Mount Sinai in the country of Arabia. She is like the city of Jerusalem today, because Jerusalem is a slave and her children are too.

bwe@Galatians:4:26 @ But the city of Jerusalem in heaven is free, and that is our mother.

bwe@Galatians:4:27 @ The holy writings say, The woman who has not had a child, be happy! You who do not feel the pain of bearing a child, open your mouth and shout. The woman who is left alone has more children than the woman who has a husband!

bwe@Galatians:4:28 @ My brothers, we are like Isaac. We are born because God made a promise.

bwe@Galatians:4:29 @ Abrahams child who was born as any child is born, troubled the other child who was born by the Spirit. It is that way today.

bwe@Galatians:4:30 @ But what does the holy writings say? They says, Put away the slave woman and her son. The son of the slave woman will have nothing when the father dies. The son of the free woman will have everything.

bwe@Galatians:4:31 @ So, my brothers, we are not the children of the slave woman, but we are children of the free woman.

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