
rwp@Galatians:5:1 @{With freedom} (\tˆi eleutheriƒi\). Rather dative case instead of instrumental, "for freedom," "for the (article) freedom that belongs to us children of the freewoman" (4:31|). {Did Christ set us free} (\hˆmas Christos ˆleuther“sen\). Effective aorist active indicative of \eleuthero“\ (from \erchomai\, to go, go free). {Stand fast therefore} (\stˆkete oun\). See on strkjv@Mark:3:31; strkjv@1Corinthians:16:13| for this late word from perfect stem of \histˆmi\, "keep on standing therefore," "stay free since Christ set you free." {Be not entangled again} (\mˆ palin enechesthe\). "Stop being held in by a yoke of bondage." Common word for ensnare by trap. The Judaizers were trying to lasso the Galatians for the old yoke of Judaism.

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