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* But I say , Walk in [the ] Spirit , and ye shall no way fulfil flesh 's lust . * For the flesh lusts against the Spirit , and the Spirit against the flesh : and these things are opposed one to the other , that ye should not do those things which ye desire ; * but if ye are led by the Spirit , ye are not under law . * Now the works of the flesh are manifest , which are fornication , uncleanness , licentiousness , * idolatry , sorcery , hatred , strifes , jealousies , angers , contentions , disputes , schools of opinion , * envyings , murders , drunkennesses , revels , and things like these ; as to which I tell you beforehand , even as I also have said before , that they who do such things shall not inherit God 's kingdom . * But the fruit of the Spirit is love , joy , peace , long-suffering , kindness , goodness , fidelity , * meekness , self-control : against such things there is no law . * But they that [are ] of the Christ have crucified the flesh with the passions and the lusts . * If we live by the Spirit , let us walk also by the Spirit . * Let us not become vain-glorious , provoking one another , envying one another .

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[BookofGalatians] [Galatians:4] [Galatians:5] [Galatians:6] [Discuss] Tag Galatians:5:16-26 [Audio][Presentation]