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* For this deror (note :)freedom (:note ), Moshiach freed us ; stand fast , therefore , and be not again bound by an ol yoke of avdut slavery . * Hinei ! I , Sha 'ul , say to you , that if you Goyim undergo the bris milah , Moshiach will profit you nothing [3:12-14 ]. * And I testify again to every one of you undergoing bris milah that such is chal (note :)placed under obligation (:note ) to do the whole Torah . * You who want to be YITZDAK IM HASHEM (note :)"justified with G-d "(:note ) by chumra legalism , by chukim of the Torah are estranged from Moshiach , you fell from the Chen v 'Chesed Hashem . * For we by the Ruach Hakodesh eagerly await by emunah the tikvah haTzedek (note :)BERESHIS strkjv @15:6 (:note ). * For in Moshiach Yehoshua neither bris milah is of any force nor the lack of it , but emunah working through ahavah (note :)agape (:note ). * You were running well : who hindered you from being persuaded by haEmes ? * This persuasion is not of the One calling you . * A little chametz leavens all the dough . * I have bittachon in you in Adoneinu that nothing other you will think , but the one troubling you will bear the judgement , whoever he may be . * But if I preach [to Goyim ] the bris milah , Achim B 'Moshiach , why am I still being persecuted ? In that case , the michshol (note :)stumbling block (:note ) of [Moshiach 's ] Aitz 3:12-14 ; DEVARIM strkjv @21:23 has been abolished . * O if the ones (note :)the mohalim of Goyim (:note ) troubling you would castrate themselves ! * For , Achim B 'Moshiach , you were called for Cherut (note :)Freedom (:note ); only use not the Cherut for a pretext for the basar , but , through ahavah agape , minister to one another as avadim servants . * For the entire Torah has been summed up in one word : V 'AHAVTA L 'RE 'ACHA KAMOCHA (note :)"Love your neighbor as yourself " VAYIKRA strkjv @19:18 (:note ). * But if you bite and devour one another , beware lest you be consumed by one another . A FINAL WORD TO THE TRUE BA 'AL TESHUVA IN MOSHIACH : MUSSAR (note :)ETHICAL CONDUCT (:note ) IS LEARNED BY WALKING IN THE RUACH HAKODESH AND NOT THE BASAR THE OLD NATURE OF FALLEN HUMANITY , SINCE THE MOSHIACH HAS COME AND THE RUACH HAKODESH HAS COME , THE TURNING OF THE AGES IS HERE , AND THE GOYIM SHOULD REALIZE THAT THEY ARE NOT NOW UNDER THE AGE OF THE TORAH ; THE BRIT CHADASHA MAKES POSSIBLE A NEW SPIRITUAL DIMENSION OF TORAH OBEDIENCE IN MOSHIACH AND IN THE RUACH HAKODESH YIRMEYAH strkjv @31:33--BUT DO YOU GOYIM UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE P 'RI OF THE RUACH HAKODESH AND THE MA 'ASEI HABASAR ? * But I say , walk by the Ruach haKodesh , and by no means will you carry out the ta 'avot of the basar . * For the basar desires against the Ruach haKodesh , and the Ruach haKodesh desires against the basar (note :)for these oppose each other (:note ) with the result that the things you wish you cannot do Romans .7:7-25 . * But if by the Ruach haKodesh you are led , you are not under the Torah . * Now the ma 'asei habasar are manifest , dehainu (note :)being :(:note ) zenut fornication , tum 'ah impurity , zimmah licentiousness , * avodah zarah (note :)idolatry (:note ), kashefanut sorcery , witchcraft , eivot enmities , merivah strife , kinah jealousy , rogez anger , anochiyut selfishness , machalokot dissensions , kitot sects , * tzarut ayin (note :)envyings (:note ), shichrut drunkenness , holelut carousing and things like these , of which I tell you beforehand , as I said previously , that the ones practicing such things will not receive the nachalah inheritance of the Malchut Hashem . * But the p 'ri of the Ruach haKodesh is ahavah (note :)agape (:note ), simcha , shalom , zitzfleisch , nedivut , chesed , ne 'emanut , * anavah , shlitah atzmi ...(note :)would you not agree ?(:note ) against these things there is no isser proscription in the Torah . * But the ones of Moshiach Yehoshua have pierced and put to death on the Aitz (note :)DEVARIM strkjv @21:23 (:note ) the basar with its teshukot and its ta 'avot . * If we live by the Ruach haKodesh , we should stay in line with the Derech haYashar (note :)Straight Way (:note ) of the Ruach haKodesh . * Let us not become ba 'alei ga 'avah (note :)conceited , haughty persons (:note ), provoking one another , envying one another .

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