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* See with what large letters I write to you with my own hand . * As many as desire to look good in the flesh , they compel you to be circumcised ; only that they may not be persecuted for the cross of Christ . * For even they who receive circumcision don 't keep the law themselves , but they desire to have you circumcised , that they may boast in your flesh . * But far be it from me to boast , except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ , through which the world has been crucified to me , and I to the world . * For in Christ Jesus neither is circumcision anything , nor uncircumcision , but a new creation . * As many as walk by this rule , peace and mercy be on them , and on God 's Israel . * From now on , let no one cause me any trouble , for I bear the marks of the Lord Jesus branded on my body . * The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit , brothers . Amen .

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