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* And the Lord said to Abram , Go forth out of thy land and out of thy kindred , and out of the house of thy father , and come into the land which I will shew thee . * And I will make thee a great nation , and I will bless thee and magnify thy name , and thou shalt be blessed . * And I will bless those that bless thee , and curse those that curse thee , and in thee shall all the tribes of the earth be blessed . * And Abram went as the Lord spoke to him , and Lot departed with him , and Abram was seventy-five years old , when he went out of Charrhan . * And Abram took Sara his wife , and Lot the son of his brother , and all their possessions , as many as they had got , and every soul which they had got in Charrhan , and they went forth to go into the land of Chanaan . (note :)Alex . +and came into the land of Chanaan ; So the Hebrews .(:note ) * And Abram traversed the land lengthwise as far as the place Sychem , to the high oak , and the Chananites then inhabited the land . * And the Lord appeared to Abram , and said to him , I will give this land to thy seed . And Abram built an altar there to the Lord who appeared to him . * And he departed thence to the mountain eastward of Baethel , and there he pitched his tent in Baethel near the sea , and Aggai toward the east , and there he built an altar to the Lord , and called on the name of the Lord . * And Abram departed and went and encamped in the wilderness . * And there was a famine in the land , and Abram went down to Egypt to sojourn there , because the famine prevailed in the land . * And it came to pass when Abram drew nigh to enter into Egypt , Abram said to Sara his wife , I know that thou art a fair woman . * It shall come to pass then that when the Egyptians shall see thee , they shall say , This is his wife , and they shall slay me , but they shall save thee alive . * Say , therefore , I am his sister , that it may be well with me on account of thee , and my soul shall live because of thee . * And it came to pass when Abram entered into Egypt —the Egyptians having seen his wife that she was very beautiful — * that the princes of Pharao saw her , and praised her to Pharao and brought her into the house of Pharao . * And they treated Abram well on her account , and he had sheep , and calves , and asses , and men-servants , and women-servants , and mules , and camels . * And God afflicted Pharao with great and severe afflictions , and his house , because of Sara , Abram ’s wife . * And Pharao having called Abram , said , What is this thou hast done to me , that thou didst not tell me that she was thy wife ? * Wherefore didst thou say , She is my sister ? and I took her for a wife to myself ; and now , behold , thy wife is before thee , take her and go quickly away . * And Pharao gave charge to men concerning Abram , to join in sending him forward , and his wife , and all that he had . (note :)Alex . +and Lot with him (:note ) * And Abram went up out of Egypt , he and his wife , and all that he had , and Lot with him , into the wilderness . * And Abram was very rich in cattle , and silver , and gold . * And he went to the place whence he came , into the wilderness as far as Baethel , as far as the place where his tent was before , between Baethel and Aggai , * to the place of the altar , (note :)Alex . where he made or pitched his tent (:note ) which he built there at first , and Abram there called on the name of the Lord . * And Lot who went out with Abram had sheep , and oxen , and (note :)Alex . cattle (:note ) tents . * And the land was not large enough for them to live together , because their possessions were great ; and the land was not large enough for them to live together . * And there was a strife between the herdmen of Abram ’s cattle , and the herdmen of Lot ’s cattle , and the Chananites and the Pherezites then inhabited the land . * And Abram said to Lot , Let there not be a strife between me and thee , and between my herdmen and thy herdmen , for we are (note :)Gr . men , brethren (:note ) brethren . * Lo ! is not the whole land before thee ? Separate thyself from me ; if thou goest to the left , I will go to the right , and if thou goest to the right , I will go to the left . * And Lot having lifted up his eyes , observed all the country round about Jordan , that it was all watered , before God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrha , as the garden of the Lord , and as the land of Egypt , until thou come to Zogora . * And Lot chose for himself all the country round Jordan , and Lot went from the east , and they were separated each from his brother . And Abram dwelt in the land of Chanaan . * And Lot dwelt in a city of the neighbouring people , and pitched his tent in Sodom . * But the men of Sodom were evil , and exceedingly sinful before God . * And God said to Abram after Lot was separated from him , Look up with thine eyes , and behold from the place where thou now art northward and southward , and eastward and seaward ; * for all the land which thou seest , I will give it to thee and to thy seed for ever . * And I will make thy seed like the dust of the earth ; if any one is able to number the (note :)Gr . sand (:note ) dust of the earth , then shall thy seed be numbered . * Arise and traverse the land , both in the length of it and in the breadth ; for to thee will I give it , and to thy seed for ever . * And Abram having (note :)Or , having dwelt at a distance (:note ) removed his tent , came and dwelt by the oak of Mambre , which was in Chebrom , and he there built an altar to the Lord . * And it came to pass in the reign of Amarphal king of Sennaar , and Arioch king of Ellasar , that Chodollogomor king of Elam , and Thargal king of nations , * made war with Balla king of Sodom , and with Barsa king of Gomorrha , and with Sennaar , king of Adama , and with Symobor king of Seboim and the king of Balac , this is Segor . * All these (note :)Gr . agreed (:note ) met with one consent at the salt valley ; this is now the sea of salt . * Twelve years they served Chodollogomor , and the thirteenth year they revolted . * And in the fourteenth year came Chodollogomor , and the kings with him , and cut to pieces the giants in Astaroth , and Carnain , and strong nations with them , and the Ommaeans in the city Save . * And the Chorrhaeans in the mountains of Seir , to the turpentine tree of Pharan , which is in the desert . * And having turned back they came to the well of judgement ; this is Cades , and they cut in pieces all the princes of Amalec , and the Amorites dwelling in Asasonthamar . * And the king of Sodom went out , and the king of Gomorrha , and king of Adama , and king of Seboim , and king of Balac , this is Segor , and they set themselves in array against them for war in the salt valley , * against Chodollogomor king of Elam , and Thargal king of nations , and Amarphal king of Sennaar , and Arioch king of Ellasar , the four kings against the five . * Now the salt valley consists of slime-pits . And the king of Sodom fled and the king of Gomorrha , and they fell in there : and they that were left fled to the mountain country . * And they took all the cavalry of Sodom and Gomorrha , and all their provisions , and departed . * And they took also Lot the son of Abram ’s brother , and his baggage , and departed , for he dwelt in Sodom . * And one of them that had been rescued came and told Abram the (note :)Gr . passer ; Hebrews . yrbe (:note ) Hebrew ; and he dwelt by the oak of Mamre the Amorite the brother of Eschol , and the brother of Aunan , who were confederates with Abram . * And Abram having heard that Lot his nephew had been taken captive , numbered his own home-born servants three hundred and eighteen , and pursued after them to Daniel . * And he came upon them by night , he and his servants , and he smote them and pursued them as far as Choba , which is on the left of Damascus . * And he recovered all the cavalry of Sodom , and he recovered Lot his nephew , and all his possessions , and the women and the people . * And the king of Sodom went out to meet him , after he returned from the slaughter of Chodollogomor , and the kings with him , to the valley of Saby ; this was the plain of the kings . * And Melchisedec king of Salem brought forth loaves and wine , and he was the priest of the most high God . * And he blessed Abram , and said , Blessed be Abram of the most high God , who made heaven and earth , * and blessed be the most high God who delivered thine enemies into thy (note :)Gr . under hand to thee (:note ) power . And Abram gave him the tithe of all . * And the king of Sodom said to Abram , Give me the men , and take the (note :)Or , cavalry ; Hebrews . vkrh (:note ) horses to thyself . * And Abram said to the king of Sodom , I will stretch out my hand to the Lord the most high God , who made the heaven and the earth , * that I will not take from all thy goods from a string to a shoe-latchet , lest thou shouldest say , I have made Abram rich . * Except what things the young men have eaten , and the portion of the men that went with me , Eschol , Aunan , Mambre , these shall take a portion . * And after these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision , saying , Fear not , Abram , I shield thee , thy reward shall be very great .

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