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* And there was a famine in the land , besides the former famine , which was in the time of Abraam ; and Isaac went to Abimelech the king of the Phylistines to Gerara . * And the Lord appeared to him and said , Go not down to Egypt , but dwell in the land , which I shall tell thee of . * And sojourn in this land ; and I will be with thee , and bless thee , for I will give to thee and to thy seed all this land ; and I will establish my oath which I swore to thy father Abraam . * And I will multiply thy seed as the stars of heaven ; and I will give to thy seed all this land , and all the nations of the earth shall be blest in thy seed . * Because Abraam thy father hearkened to my voice , and kept my injunctions , and my commandments , and my ordinances , and my statutes . * And Isaac dwelt in Gerara . * And the men of the place questioned him concerning Rebecca his wife , and he said , She is my sister , for he feared to say , She is my wife , lest at any time the men of the place should slay him because of Rebecca , because she was (note :)Gr . fair of countenance (:note ) fair . * And he remained there a long time , and Abimelech the king of Gerara leaned to look through the window , and saw Isaac sporting with Rebecca his wife . * And Abimelech called Isaac , and said to him , Is she then thy wife ? why hast thou said , She is my sister ? And Isaac said to him , I did so , for I said , Lest at any time I die on her account . * And Abimelech said to him , Why hast thou done this to us ? one of my kindred (note :)q . d . had almost (:note ) within a little had lain with thy wife , and thou wouldest have brought a sin of ignorance upon us . * And Abimelech charged all his people , saying Every man that touches this man and his wife shall be liable to death . * And Isaac sowed in that land , and he found in that year barley and hundred-fold , and the Lord blessed him . * And the man was exalted , and advancing he increased , till he became very great . * And he had cattle of sheep , and cattle of oxen , and many tilled lands , and the Phylistines envied him . * And all the wells which the servants of his father had dug in the time of his father , the Phylistines stopped them , and filled them with earth . * And Abimelech said to Isaac , Depart from us , for thou art become much mightier than we . * And Isaac departed thence , and rested in the valley of Gerara , and dwelt there . * And Isaac dug again the wells of water , which the servants of his father Abraam had dug , and the Phylistines had stopped them , after the death of his father Abraam ; and he gave them names , according to the names by which his father named them . * And the servants of Isaac dug in the valley of Gerara , and they found there a well of living water . * And the shepherds of Gerara strove with the shepherds of Isaac , saying that the water was theirs ; and they called the name of the well , Injury , for they injured him . * And having departed thence he dug another well , and they strove also for that ; and he named the name of it , Enmity . * And he departed thence and dug another well ; and they did not strive about that ; and he named the name of it , Room , saying , Because now the Lord has made room for us , and has increased us upon the earth . * And he went up thence to the well of the oath . * And the Lord appeared to him in that night , and said , I am the God of Abraam thy father ; fear not , for I am with thee , and I will bless thee , and multiply thy seed for the sake of Abraam thy father . * And he built there an altar , and called on the name of the Lord , and there he pitched his tent , and there the servants of Isaac dug a well in the valley of Gerara . * And Abimelech came to him from Gerara , and so did Ochozath his (note :)Gr . numfagwgov ; q . d . he that gives away in marriage (:note ) friend , and Phichol the commander-in-chief of his army . * And Isaac said to them , Wherefore have ye come to me ? whereas ye hated me , and sent me away from you . * And they said , We have surely seen that the Lord was with thee , and we said , Let there be an oath between us and thee , and we will make a covenant with thee , * that thou shalt do no wrong by us , as we have not abhorred thee , and according as we have treated thee well , and have sent thee forth peaceably ; and now thou art blessed of the Lord . * And he made a feast for them , and they ate and drank . * And they arose in the morning , and swore each to his neighbour ; and Isaac sent them forth , and they departed from him in safety . * And it came to pass in that day , that the servants of Isaac came and told him of the well which they had dug ; and they said , We have not found water . * And he called it , Oath : therefore he called the name of that city , the Well of Oath , until this day . * And Esau was forty years old ; and he took to wife Judith the daughter of Beoch the Chettite , and Basemath , daughter of Helon the (note :)Alex . Hivite (:note ) Chettite . * And they were provoking to Isaac and Rebecca .

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