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ylt @Genesis:29:1 @And Jacob lifteth up his feet , and goeth towards the land of the sons of the east ; ylt @Genesis:29:2 @and he looketh , and lo , a well in the field , and lo , there three droves of a flock crouching by it , for from that well they water the droves , and the great stone [is ] on the mouth of the well . ylt @Genesis:29:3 @(When thither have all the droves been gathered , and they have rolled the stone from off the mouth of the well , and have watered the flock , then they have turned back the stone on the mouth of the well to its place .) ylt @Genesis:29:4 @And Jacob saith to them , 'My brethren , from whence [are ] ye ?' and they say , 'We [are ] from Haran .' ylt @Genesis:29:5 @And he saith to them , 'Have ye known Laban , son of Nahor ?' and they say , 'We have known .' ylt @Genesis:29:6 @And he saith to them , 'Hath he peace ?' and they say , 'Peace ; and lo , Rachel his daughter is coming with the flock .' ylt @Genesis:29:7 @And he saith , 'Lo , the day [is ] still great , [it is ] not time for the cattle to be gathered ; water ye the flock , and go , delight yourselves .' ylt @Genesis:29:8 @And they say , 'We are not able , till that all the droves be gathered together , and they have rolled away the stone from the mouth of the well , and we have watered the flock .' ylt @Genesis:29:9 @He is yet speaking with them , and Rachel hath come with the flock which her father hath , for she [is ] shepherdess ; ylt @Genesis:29:10 @and it cometh to pass when Jacob hath seen Rachel , daughter of Laban his mother 's brother , and the flock of Laban his mother 's brother , that Jacob cometh nigh and rolleth the stone from off the mouth of the well , and watereth the flock of Laban his mother 's brother . ylt @Genesis:29:11 @And Jacob kisseth Rachel , and lifteth up his voice , and weepeth , ylt @Genesis:29:12 @and Jacob declareth to Rachel that he [is ] her father 's brother , and that he [is ] Rebekah 's son , and she runneth and declareth to her father . ylt @Genesis:29:13 @And it cometh to pass , when Laban heareth the report of Jacob his sister 's son , that he runneth to meet him , and embraceth him , and kisseth him , and bringeth him in unto his house ; and he recounteth to Laban all these things , ylt @Genesis:29:14 @and Laban saith to him , 'Only my bone and my flesh [art ] thou ;' and he dwelleth with him a month of days . ylt @Genesis:29:15 @And Laban saith to Jacob , 'Is it because thou [art ] my brother that thou hast served me for nought ? declare to me what [is ] thy hire .' ylt @Genesis:29:16 @And Laban hath two daughters , the name of the elder [is ] Leah , and the name of the younger Rachel , ylt @Genesis:29:17 @and the eyes of Leah [are ] tender , and Rachel hath been fair of form and fair of appearance . ylt @Genesis:29:18 @And Jacob loveth Rachel , and saith , 'I serve thee seven years for Rachel thy younger daughter :' ylt @Genesis:29:19 @and Laban saith , 'It is better for me to give her to thee than to give her to another man ; dwell with me ;' ylt @Genesis:29:20 @and Jacob serveth for Rachel seven years ; and they are in his eyes as some days , because of his loving her . ylt @Genesis:29:21 @And Jacob saith unto Laban , 'Give up my wife , for my days have been fulfilled , and I go in unto her ;' ylt @Genesis:29:22 @and Laban gathereth all the men of the place , and maketh a banquet . ylt @Genesis:29:23 @And it cometh to pass in the evening , that he taketh Leah , his daughter , and bringeth her in unto him , and he goeth in unto her ; ylt @Genesis:29:24 @and Laban giveth to her Zilpah , his maid-servant , to Leah his daughter , a maid-servant . ylt @Genesis:29:25 @And it cometh to pass in the morning , that lo , it [is ] Leah ; and he saith unto Laban , 'What [is ] this thou hast done to me ? for Rachel have I not served with thee ? and why hast thou deceived me ?' ylt @Genesis:29:26 @And Laban saith , 'It is not done so in our place , to give the younger before the first-born ; ylt @Genesis:29:27 @fulfil the week of this one , and we give to thee also this one , for the service which thou dost serve with me yet seven other years .' ylt @Genesis:29:28 @And Jacob doth so , and fulfilleth the week of this one , and he giveth to him Rachel his daughter , to him for a wife ; ylt @Genesis:29:29 @and Laban giveth to Rachel his daughter Bilhah his maid-servant , for a maid-servant to her . ylt @Genesis:29:30 @And he goeth in also unto Rachel , and he also loveth Rachel more than Leah ; and he serveth with him yet seven other years . ylt @Genesis:29:31 @And Jehovah seeth that Leah [is ] the hated one , and He openeth her womb , and Rachel [is ] barren ; ylt @Genesis:29:32 @and Leah conceiveth , and beareth a son , and calleth his name Reuben , for she said , 'Because Jehovah hath looked on mine affliction ; because now doth my husband love me .' ylt @Genesis:29:33 @And she conceiveth again , and beareth a son , and saith , 'Because Jehovah hath heard that I [am ] the hated one , He also giveth to me even this [one ];' and she calleth his name Simeon . ylt @Genesis:29:34 @And she conceiveth again , and beareth a son , and saith , 'Now [is ] the time , my husband is joined unto me , because I have born to him three sons ,' therefore hath [one ] called his name Levi . ylt @Genesis:29:35 @And she conceiveth again , and beareth a son , and saith this time , 'I praise Jehovah ;' therefore hath she called his name Judah ; and she ceaseth from bearing . ylt @Genesis:30:1 @And Rachel seeth that she hath not borne to Jacob , and Rachel is envious of her sister , and saith unto Jacob , 'Give me sons , and if there is none -- I die .' ylt @Genesis:30:2 @And Jacob 's anger burneth against Rachel , and he saith , 'Am I in stead of God who hath withheld from thee the fruit of the womb ?' ylt @Genesis:30:3 @And she saith , 'Lo , my handmaid Bilhah , go in unto her , and she doth bear on my knees , and I am built up , even I , from her ;' ylt @Genesis:30:4 @and she giveth to him Bilhah her maid-servant for a wife , and Jacob goeth in unto her ; ylt @Genesis:30:5 @and Bilhah conceiveth , and beareth to Jacob a son , ylt @Genesis:30:6 @and Rachel saith , 'God hath decided for me , and also hath hearkened to my voice , and giveth to me a son ;' therefore hath she called his name Dan . ylt @Genesis:30:7 @And Bilhah , Rachel 's maid-servant , conceiveth again , and beareth a second son to Jacob , ylt @Genesis:30:8 @and Rachel saith , 'With wrestlings of God I have wrestled with my sister , yea , I have prevailed ;' and she calleth his name Napthali . ylt @Genesis:30:9 @And Leah seeth that she hath ceased from bearing , and she taketh Zilpah her maid-servant , and giveth her to Jacob for a wife ; ylt @Genesis:30:10 @and Zilpah , Leah 's maid-servant , beareth to Jacob a son , ylt @Genesis:30:11 @and Leah saith , 'A troop is coming ;' and she calleth his name Gad . ylt @Genesis:30:12 @And Zilpah , Leah 's maid-servant , beareth a second son to Jacob , ylt @Genesis:30:13 @and Leah saith , 'Because of my happiness , for daughters have pronounced me happy ;' and she calleth his name Asher . ylt @Genesis:30:14 @And Reuben goeth in the days of wheat-harvest , and findeth love-apples in the field , and bringeth them in unto Leah , his mother , and Rachel saith unto Leah , 'Give to me , I pray thee , of the love-apples of thy son .' ylt @Genesis:30:15 @And she saith to her , 'Is thy taking my husband a little thing , that thou hast taken also the love-apples of my son ?' and Rachel saith , 'Therefore doth he lie with thee to-night , for thy son 's love-apples .' ylt @Genesis:30:16 @And Jacob cometh in from the field at evening ; and Leah goeth to meet him , and saith , 'Unto me dost thou come in , for hiring I have hired thee with my son 's love-apples ;' and he lieth with her during that night . ylt @Genesis:30:17 @And God hearkeneth unto Leah , and she conceiveth , and beareth to Jacob a son , a fifth , ylt @Genesis:30:18 @and Leah saith , 'God hath given my hire , because I have given my maid-servant to my husband ;' and she calleth his name Issachar . ylt @Genesis:30:19 @And conceive again doth Leah , and she beareth a sixth son to Jacob , ylt @Genesis:30:20 @and Leah saith , 'God hath endowed me -- a good dowry ; this time doth my husband dwell with me , for I have borne to him six sons ;' and she calleth his name Zebulun ; ylt @Genesis:30:21 @and afterwards hath she born a daughter , and calleth her name Dinah . ylt @Genesis:30:22 @And God remembereth Rachel , and God hearkeneth unto her , and openeth her womb , ylt @Genesis:30:23 @and she conceiveth and beareth a son , and saith , 'God hath gathered up my reproach ;' ylt @Genesis:30:24 @and she calleth his name Joseph , saying , 'Jehovah is adding to me another son .' ylt @Genesis:30:25 @And it cometh to pass , when Rachel hath borne Joseph , that Jacob saith unto Laban , 'Send me away , and I go unto my place , and to my land ; ylt @Genesis:30:26 @give up my wives and my children , for whom I have served thee , and I go ; for thou -- thou hast known my service which I have served thee .' ylt @Genesis:30:27 @And Laban saith unto him , 'If , I pray thee , I have found grace in thine eyes -- I have observed diligently that Jehovah doth bless me for thy sake .' ylt @Genesis:30:28 @He saith also , 'Define thy hire to me , and I give .' ylt @Genesis:30:29 @And he saith unto him , 'Thou -- thou hast known that which I have served thee [in ], and that which thy substance was with me ; ylt @Genesis:30:30 @for [it is ] little which thou hast had at my appearance , and it breaketh forth into a multitude , and Jehovah blesseth thee at my coming ; and now , when do I make , I also , for mine own house ?' ylt @Genesis:30:31 @And he saith , 'What do I give to thee ?' And Jacob saith , 'Thou dost not give me anything ; if thou do for me this thing , I turn back ; I have delight ; thy flock I watch ; ylt @Genesis:30:32 @I pass through all thy flock to-day to turn aside from thence every sheep speckled and spotted , and every brown sheep among the lambs , and speckled and spotted among the goats -- and it hath been my hire ; ylt @Genesis:30:33 @and my righteousness hath answered for me in the day to come , when it cometh in for my hire before thy face ; -- every one which is not speckled and spotted among [my ] goats , and brown among [my ] lambs -- it is stolen with me .' ylt @Genesis:30:34 @And Laban saith , 'Lo , O that it were according to thy word ;' ylt @Genesis:30:35 @and he turneth aside during that day the ring-straked and the spotted he-goats , and all the speckled and the spotted she-goats , every one that [hath ] white in it , and every brown one among the lambs , and he giveth into the hand of his sons , ylt @Genesis:30:36 @and setteth a journey of three days between himself and Jacob ; and Jacob is feeding the rest of the flock of Laban . ylt @Genesis:30:37 @And Jacob taketh to himself a rod of fresh poplar , and of the hazel and chesnut , and doth peel in them white peelings , making bare the white that [is ] on the rods , ylt @Genesis:30:38 @and setteth up the rods which he hath peeled in the gutters in the watering troughs (when the flock cometh in to drink ), over-against the flock , that they may conceive in their coming in to drink ; ylt @Genesis:30:39 @and the flocks conceive at the rods , and the flock beareth ring-straked , speckled , and spotted ones . ylt @Genesis:30:40 @And the lambs hath Jacob parted , and he putteth the face of the flock towards the ring-straked , also all the brown in the flock of Laban , and he setteth his own droves by themselves , and hath not set them near Laban 's flock . ylt @Genesis:30:41 @And it hath come to pass whenever the strong ones of the flock conceive , that Jacob set the rods before the eyes of the flock in the gutters , to cause them to conceive by the rods , ylt @Genesis:30:42 @and when the flock is feeble , he doth not set [them ]; and the feeble ones have been Laban 's , and the strong ones Jacob 's . ylt @Genesis:30:43 @And the man increaseth very exceedingly , and hath many flocks , and maid-servants , and men-servants , and camels , and asses . ylt @Genesis:31:1 @And he heareth the words of Laban 's sons , saying , 'Jacob hath taken all that our father hath ; yea , from that which our father hath , he hath made all this honour ;'

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