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* And Laban answered and said unto Jacob Ya #aqob #, These daughters are my daughters , and these children are my children , and these cattle are my cattle tso #n #, and all that thou seest is mine : and what can I do this day unto these my daughters , or unto their children which they have born ? * Now therefore come thou , let us make a covenant , I and thou ; and let it be for a witness between me and thee . * And Jacob took a stone , and set it up for a pillar . * And Jacob said unto his brethren , Gather stones ; and they took stones , and made an heap : and they did eat there upon the heap . * And Laban called it Jegarsahadutha Y @gar : but Jacob called it Galeed Gal #ed #. * And Laban said , This heap is a witness between me and thee this day . Therefore was the name of it called Galeed Gal #ed #; * And Mizpah ; for he said , The LORD watch between me and thee , when we are absent one from another . * If thou shalt afflict my daughters , or if thou shalt take other wives beside my daughters , no man is with us ; see , God is witness betwixt me and thee . * And Laban said to Jacob Ya #aqob #, Behold this heap , and behold this pillar , which I have cast betwixt me and thee ; * This heap be witness , and this pillar be witness , that I will not pass over this heap to thee , and that thou shalt not pass over this heap and this pillar unto me , for harm . * The God of Abraham , and the God of Nahor , the God of their father , judge betwixt us . And Jacob sware by the fear of his father Isaac . * Then Jacob offered sacrifice upon the mount , and called his brethren to eat bread : and they did eat bread , and tarried all night in the mount . * And early # in the morning Laban rose up , and kissed his sons and his daughters , and blessed them : and Laban departed , and returned unto his place .

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[BookofGenesis] [Genesis:30] [Genesis:31] [Genesis:32] [Discuss] Tag Genesis:31:43-55 [Audio][Presentation]