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* Verse 1-19 - It was not so much the prison that made the butler and baker sad , as their dreams . God has more ways than one to sadden the spirits . Joseph had compassion towards them . Let us be concerned for the sadness of our brethren 's countenances . It is often a relief to those that are in trouble to be noticed . Also learn to look into the causes of our own sorrow . Is there a good reason ? Is there not comfort sufficient to balance it , whatever it is ? Why art thou cast down , O my soul ? Joseph was careful to ascribe the glory to God . The chief butler 's dream foretold his advancement . The chief baker 's dream his death . It was not Joseph 's fault that he brought the baker no better tidings . And thus ministers are but interpreters ; they cannot make the thing otherwise than it is : if they deal faithfully , and their message prove unpleasing , it is not their fault . Joseph does not reflect upon his brethren that sold him ; nor does he reflect on the wrong done him by his mistress and his master , but mildly states his own innocence . When we are called on to clear ourselves , we should carefully avoid , as much as may be , speaking ill of others . Let us be content to prove ourselves innocent , and not upbraid others with their guilt . * Verse 20-23 - Joseph 's interpretation of the dreams came to pass on the very day fixed . On Pharaoh 's birth-day , all his servants attended him , and then the cases of these two came to be looked into . We may all profitably take notice of our birth-days , with thankfulness for the mercies of our birth , sorrow for the sinfulness of our lives , and expectation of the day of our death , as better than the day of our birth . But it seems strange that worldly people , who are so fond of living here , should rejoice at the end of one year after another of their short span of life . A Christian has cause to rejoice that he was born , also that he comes nearer to the end of his sin and sorrow , and nearer to his everlasting happiness . The chief butler remembered not Joseph , but forgot him . Joseph had deserved well at his hands , yet he forgot him . We must not think it strange , if in this world we have hatred shown us for our love , and slights for our kindness . See how apt those who are themselves at ease are to forget others in distress . Joseph learned by his disappointment to trust in God only . We cannot expect too little from man , nor too much from God . Let us not forget the sufferings , promises , and love of our Redeemer . We blame the chief butler 's ingratitude to Joseph , yet we ourselves act much more ungratefully to the Lord Jesus . Joseph had but foretold the chief butler 's enlargement , but Christ wrought out ours ; he mediated with the King of Kings for us ; yet we forget him , though often reminded of him , and though we have promised never to forget him . Thus ill do we requite Him , like foolish people and unwise . **** Matthew Henry 's Commentary ****

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