
rwp@Hebrews:11:10 @{He looked for} (\exedecheto\). Imperfect middle of \ekdechomai\ (see on ¯10:13|) picturesque progressive imperfect, his steady and patient waiting in spite of disappointment. {The foundations} (\tous themelious\). Not just "tents" (\skˆnais\, verse 9|). Ahraham set his steady gaze on heaven as his real home, being a mere pilgrim (\paroikos\) on earth. {Builder} (\technitˆs\). Old word from \technˆ\ (craft) or trade (Acts:17:29; strkjv@18:3|), craftsman, artificer, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:19:24,38|. {Maker} (\dˆmiourgos\). Old word from \dˆmios\ (public) and \ergon\, a worker for the public, artisan, framer, here only in N.T.

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