
rwp@Hebrews:12:10 @{They} (\hoi men\). Demonstrative \hoi\ in contrast (\men\). {Chastened} (\epaideuon\). Imperfect active, used to chasten. {As seemed good to them} (\kata to dokoun autois\). "According to the thing seeming good to them." \Dokoun\ is present active neuter singular articular participle of \doke“\. {But he} (\ho de\). Demonstrative with \de\ vs. \men\. {For our profit} (\epi to sumpheron\). Present active articular neuter singular participle of \sumpher“\, to bear together as in strkjv@1Corinthians:12:7|. {That we may be partakers} (\eis to metalabein\). Articular second aorist active infinitive of \metalamban“\ with \eis\ for purpose, "for the partaking." {Of his holiness} (\tˆs hagiotˆtos autou\). Genitive with \metalabein\ (to share in). Rare word, in N.T. only here and strkjv@2Corinthians:1:12|.

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