
rwp@Hebrews:2:14 @{Are sharers in flesh and blood} (\kekoin“nˆken haimatos kai sarkos\). The best MSS. read "blood and flesh." The verb is perfect active indicative of \koin“ne“\, old verb with the regular genitive, elsewhere in the N.T. with the locative (Romans:12:13|) or with \en\ or \eis\. "The children have become partners (\koin“noi\) in blood and flesh." {Partook} (\metesche\). Second aorist active indicative of \metech“\, to have with, a practical synonym for \koin“ne“\ and with the genitive also (\t“n aut“n\). That he might bring to nought (\hina katargˆsˆi\). Purpose of the incarnation clearly stated with \hina\ and the first aorist active subjunctive of \katarge“\, old word to render idle or ineffective (from \kata, argos\), causative verb (25 times in Paul), once in Luke (Luke:13:7|), once in Hebrews (here). "By means of death" (his own death) Christ broke the power (\kratos\) of the devil over death (paradoxical as it seems), certainly in men's fear of death and in some unexplained way Satan had sway over the realm of death (Zechariah:3:5f.|). Note the explanatory \tout' estin\ (that is) with the accusative after it as before it. In strkjv@Revelation:12:7| Satan is identified with the serpent in Eden, though it is not done in the Old Testament. See strkjv@Romans:5:12; strkjv@John:8:44; strkjv@14:30; strkjv@16:11; strkjv@1John:3:12|. Death is the devil's realm, for he is the author of sin. "Death as death is no part of the divine order" (Westcott).

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