
rwp@Hebrews:4:1 @{Let us fear therefore} (\phobˆth“men oun\). First aorist passive volitive subjunctive of \phobeomai\, to be afraid. There is no break in the argument on strkjv@Psalms:95|. This is a poor chapter division. The Israelites perished because of disbelief. We today face a real peril. {Lest haply} (\mˆ pote\) Here with the present subjunctive (\dokei\), but future indicative in strkjv@3:12|, after the verb of fearing. For the optative see strkjv@2Timothy:2:25|. {A promise being left} (\kataleipomenˆs epaggelias\). Genitive absolute of the present passive participle of \kataleip“\, to leave behind. God's promise still holds good for us in spite of the failure of the Israelites. {Should seem to have come short of it} (\dokei husterˆkenai\). Perfect active infinitive of \hustere“\, old verb from \husteros\ (comparative of root \ud\ like our out, outer, outermost), to be too late, to fail to reach the goal as here, common in the N.T. (11:37; strkjv@12:15|).

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