
rwp@Hebrews:6:18 @{By two immutable things} (\dia duo pragmat“n ametathet“n\). See verse 17|. God's promise and God's oath, both unchangeable. {In which it is impossible for God to lie} (\en hois adunaton pseusasthai theon\). Put this "impossibility" by that in verses 4-6|. {Theon} is accusative of general reference with \pseusasthai\, first aorist middle infinitive of \pseudomai\. {That we may have} (\hina ech“men\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the present active subjunctive of \ech“\, "that we may keep on having." {Strong consolation} (\ischuran paraklˆsin\). "Strong encouragement" by those two immutable things. {Who have fled for refuge} (\hoi kataphugontes\). Articular effective second aorist active participle of \katapheug“\, old verb, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:14:6|. The word occurs for fleeing to the cities of refuge (Deuteronomy:4:42; strkjv@19:5; strkjv@Joshua:20:9|). {To lay hold of} (\kratˆsai\). First aorist active (single act) infinitive of \krate“\ in contrast with present tense in strkjv@4:14| (hold fast). {Set before us} (\prokeimenˆs\). Placed before us as the goal. See this same participle used with the "joy" (\charas\) set before Jesus (12:2|).

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