
rwp@Hebrews:6:20 @{As a forerunner} (\prodromos\). Old word used for a spy, a scout, only here in N.T. Jesus has shown us the way, has gone on ahead, and is the surety (\egguos\, strkjv@Hebrews:7:22|) and guarantor of our own entrance later. In point of fact, our anchor of hope with its two chains of God's promise and oath has laid hold of Jesus within the veil. It will hold fast. All we need to do is to be true to him as he is to us. {A high priest for ever} (\archiereus eis ton ai“na\). There he functions as our great high priest, better than Aaron for he is "after the order of Melchizedek," the point that now calls for elucidation (5:10f.|).

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