
rwp@Hebrews:7:25 @{Wherefore} (\hothen\). Since he alone holds this priesthood. {To the uttermost} (\eis to panteles\). Old idiom, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:13:10|. Vulgate renders it _in perpetuum_ (temporal idea) or like \pantote\. This is possible, but the common meaning is completely, utterly. {Draw near} (\proserchomenous\). Present middle participle of \proserchomai\, the verb used in strkjv@4:16| which see. {To make intercession} (\eis to entugchanein\). Purpose clause with \eis\ and the articular present active infinitive of \entugchan“\ for which verb see strkjv@Romans:8:34|. "His intercession has red blood in it, unlike Philo's conception" (Moffatt).

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