
rwp@Hebrews:9:26 @{Else must he often have suffered} (\epei edei auton pollakis pathein\). A common elliptical use of \epei\ after which one must supply "if that were true" or "in that case," a protasis of a condition of the second class assumed to be untrue. The conclusion with \edei\ is without \an\ (verbs of necessity, obligation, etc.). See Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 963. The conclusion with \an\ occurs in strkjv@10:2|. See also strkjv@1Corinthians:5:10|. "Since, if that were true, it would be necessary for him to suffer often." {Since the foundation of the world} (\apo katabolˆs kosmou\). See strkjv@4:3| for this phrase. The one sacrifice of Christ is of absolute and final value (1Peter:1:19f.; strkjv@Revelation:13:8|). {At the end} (\epi sunteleiƒi\). Consummation or completion as in strkjv@Matthew:13:39f.| which see. {Hath he been manifested} (\pephaner“tai\). Perfect passive indicative of \phanero“\, permanent state. See "the primitive hymn or confession of faith" (Moffatt) in strkjv@1Timothy:3:16| and also strkjv@1Peter:1:20|. Jesus came once for all (Hebrews:1:2|). {To put away sin} (\eis athetˆsin tˆs hamartias\). See strkjv@7:18| for the word \athetˆsis\. "The sacrifice of Christ dealt with sin as a principle: the Levitical sacrifices with individual transgressions" (Vincent).

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