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* Woe to thee , thou spoiler , who hast not been spoiled ! Thou plunderer , who hast not been plundered ! When thou hast ceased to spoil , thou shalt be spoiled ; When thou hast finished plundering , they shall plunder thee . * O Jehovah , have mercy upon us ! in thee do we trust ; Be thou our strength every morning , Our salvation in the time of trouble . * At the voice of thy thunder the people flee ; When thou dost arise , the nations are scattered . * Your spoil shall be gathered , as the locust gathereth ; As the locust runneth , so shall they run upon it . * Jehovah is exalted ; Yea , he dwelleth on high ; He filleth Zion with justice and righteousness . * There shall be security in thy times ; Wisdom and knowledge shall be thy store of prosperity , And the fear of Jehovah , this shall be thy treasure ! * Behold , the mighty men cry without : The ambassadors of peace weep bitterly . * The highways are desolate ; The traveller ceaseth ; He breaketh the covenant ; he despiseth the cities ; Of men he maketh no account . * The land mourneth and languisheth ; Lebanon is put to shame , and withered away ; Sharon is like a desert , And Bashan and Carmel are stripped of their leaves . * Now will I arise , saith Jehovah , Now will I exalt myself , Now will I lift myself up . * Ye shall conceive chaff , and bring forth stubble ; Your own wrath is the fire which shall devour you . * The nations shall be burnt into lime ; Like thorns cut down , they shall be consumed with fire . * Hear , ye that are far off , what I have done ; Mark , ye that are near , my power ! * The sinners in Zion are struck with dread ; Terror hath seized upon the unrighteous : "Who among us can dwell in devouring fire ? Who among us can dwell in everlasting flames ?" * He that walketh in righteousness , And speaketh that which is right , That despiseth the gain of oppression , And shaketh his hands from bribery , That stoppeth his ears , so as not to hear of blood , And shutteth his eyes , so as not to behold iniquity . * He shall dwell on high ; The strongholds of rocks shall be his defence ; His bread shall be given him ; His water shall not fail . * Thine eyes shall see the king in his glory They shall survey a wide –extended land . * Thy heart shall meditate on the past terror : "Where now is the scribe ? Where the weigher of tribute ? Where he that numbered the towers ?" * Thou shalt see no more a fierce people , A people of a dark language , which thou couldst not hear , And of a barbarous tongue , which thou couldst not understand ; * Thou shalt see Zion , the city of our solemn feasts ; Thine eyes shall behold Jerusalem , as a quiet habitation . A tent that shall never be moved , Whose stakes shall never be taken away , And whose cords shall never be broken . * For there the glorious Jehovah will be to us Instead of rivers and broad streams , Which no oared galley shall pass , And no gallant ship go through . * For Jehovah is our judge ; Jehovah is our lawgiver ; Jehovah is our king ; it is he that will save us . * Thy ropes hang loose ; They cannot hold the mast –socket , Nor can they spread the sail . Then shall a great spoil be divided ; Even the lame shall take the prey . * No inhabitant shall say , I am sick ; The people that dwell therein shall be forgiven their iniquity .

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