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ylt @Isaiah:41:1 @Keep silent towards Me , O isles , And the peoples pass on [to ] power , They come nigh , then they speak , 'Together -- to judgment we draw near .' ylt @Isaiah:41:2 @Who stirred up from the east a righteous one ? He calleth him to His foot , He giveth before him nations , And kings He causeth him to rule , He giveth [them ] as dust [to ] his sword , As driven stubble [to ] his bow . ylt @Isaiah:41:3 @He pursueth them , he passeth over in safety A path with his feet he entereth not . ylt @Isaiah:41:4 @Who hath wrought and done , Calling the generations from the first ? I , Jehovah , the first , and with the last I [am ] He . ylt @Isaiah:41:5 @Seen have isles and fear , ends of the earth tremble , They have drawn near , yea , they come . ylt @Isaiah:41:6 @Each his neighbour they help , And to his brother he saith , 'Be strong .' ylt @Isaiah:41:7 @And strengthen doth an artizan the refiner , A smoother [with ] a hammer , Him who is beating [on ] an anvil , Saying , 'For joining it [is ] good ,' And he strengtheneth it with nails , it is not moved ! ylt @Isaiah:41:8 @-- And thou , O Israel , My servant , Jacob , whom I have chosen , Seed of Abraham , My lover , ylt @Isaiah:41:9 @Whom I have taken hold of , from the ends of the earth , And from its near places I have called thee , And I say to thee , My servant Thou [art ], I have chosen thee , and not rejected thee . ylt @Isaiah:41:10 @Be not afraid , for with thee I [am ], Look not around , for I [am ] thy God , I have strengthened thee , Yea , I have helped thee , yea , I upheld thee , With the right hand of My righteousness . ylt @Isaiah:41:11 @Lo , all those displeased with thee , They are ashamed and blush , They are as nothing , yea , perish Do the men who strive with thee . ylt @Isaiah:41:12 @Thou seekest them , and findest them not , The men who debate with thee , They are as nothing , yea , as nothing , The men who war with thee . ylt @Isaiah:41:13 @For I , Jehovah thy God , Am strengthening thy right hand , He who is saying to thee , 'Fear not , I have helped thee .' ylt @Isaiah:41:14 @Fear not , O worm Jacob , ye men of Israel , I helped thee , an affirmation of Jehovah , Even thy redeemer , the Holy One of Israel . ylt @Isaiah:41:15 @Lo , I have set thee for a new sharp threshing instrument , Possessing teeth , thou threshest mountains , And beatest small , and hills as chaff thou makest . ylt @Isaiah:41:16 @Thou winnowest them , and a wind lifteth them up , And a whirlwind scattereth them , And thou -- thou rejoicest in Jehovah , In the Holy One of Israel dost boast thyself . ylt @Isaiah:41:17 @The poor and the needy are seeking water , And there is none , Their tongue with thirst hath failed , I , Jehovah do answer them , The God of Israel -- I forsake them not . ylt @Isaiah:41:18 @I open on high places rivers , And in midst of valleys fountains , I make a wilderness become a pond of water , And a dry land become springs of water . ylt @Isaiah:41:19 @I give in a wilderness the cedar , Shittah , and myrtle , and oil-tree , I set in a desert the fir-pine and box-wood together . ylt @Isaiah:41:20 @So that they see , and know , And regard , and act wisely together , For the hand of Jehovah hath done this , And the Holy One of Israel hath prepared it . ylt @Isaiah:41:21 @Bring near your cause , saith Jehovah , Bring nigh your mighty ones , saith the king of Jacob . ylt @Isaiah:41:22 @They bring nigh , and declare to us that which doth happen , The first things -- what they [are ] declare ye , And we set our heart , and know their latter end , Or the coming things cause us to hear . ylt @Isaiah:41:23 @Declare the things that are coming hereafter , And we know that ye [are ] gods , Yea , ye may do good or do evil , And we look around and see [it ] together . ylt @Isaiah:41:24 @Lo , ye [are ] of nothing , and your work of nought , An abomination -- it fixeth on you . ylt @Isaiah:41:25 @I have stirred up [one ] from the north , And he cometh , From the rising of the sun he calleth in My name , And he cometh in [on ] prefects as [on ] clay , And as a potter treadeth down mire . ylt @Isaiah:41:26 @Who hath declared from the first , and we know ? And beforetime , and we say , 'Righteous ?' yea , there is none declaring , Yea , there is none proclaiming , Yea , there is none hearing your sayings . ylt @Isaiah:41:27 @First to Zion , Behold , behold them , And to Jerusalem one proclaiming tidings I give , ylt @Isaiah:41:28 @And I see that there is no man , Yea , of these that there is no counsellor , And I ask them , and they return word : ylt @Isaiah:41:29 @'Lo , all of them [are ] vanity , Nought [are ] their works , Wind and emptiness their molten images !' ylt @Isaiah:42:1 @Lo , My servant , I take hold on him , My chosen one -- My soul hath accepted , I have put My Spirit upon him , Judgment to nations he bringeth forth . ylt @Isaiah:42:2 @He doth not cry , nor lift up , Nor cause his voice to be heard , in the street . ylt @Isaiah:42:3 @A bruised reed he breaketh not , And dim flax he quencheth not , To truth he bringeth forth judgment . ylt @Isaiah:42:4 @He doth not become weak nor bruised , Till he setteth judgment in the earth , And for his law isles wait with hope . ylt @Isaiah:42:5 @Thus said God , Jehovah , preparing The heavens , and stretching them out , Spreading out the earth and its productions , Giving breath to the people on it , And spirit to those walking in it . ylt @Isaiah:42:6 @I , Jehovah , did call thee in righteousness , And I lay hold on thy hand , and keep thee , And I give thee for a covenant of a people , And a light of nations . ylt @Isaiah:42:7 @To open the eyes of the blind , To bring forth from prison the bound one , From the house of restraint those sitting in darkness . ylt @Isaiah:42:8 @I [am ] Jehovah , this [is ] My name , And Mine honour to another I give not , Nor My praise to graven images . ylt @Isaiah:42:9 @The former things , lo , have come , And new things I am declaring , Before they spring up I cause you to hear . ylt @Isaiah:42:10 @Sing to Jehovah a new song , His praise from the end of the earth , Ye who are going down to the sea , and its fulness , Isles , and their inhabitants . ylt @Isaiah:42:11 @The wilderness and its cities do lift up [the voice ], The villages Kedar doth inhabit , Sing do the inhabitants of Sela , From the top of mountains they cry . ylt @Isaiah:42:12 @They ascribe to Jehovah honour , And His praise in the isles they declare . ylt @Isaiah:42:13 @Jehovah as a mighty one goeth forth . As a man of war He stirreth up zeal , He crieth , yea , He shrieketh , Against His enemies He showeth Himself mighty . ylt @Isaiah:42:14 @I have kept silent from of old , I keep silent , I refrain myself , As a travailing woman I cry out , I desolate and swallow up together . ylt @Isaiah:42:15 @I make waste mountains and hills , And all their herbs I dry up , And I have made rivers become isles , And ponds I dry up . ylt @Isaiah:42:16 @And I have caused the blind to go , In a way they have not known , In paths they have not known I cause them to tread , I make a dark place before them become light , And unlevelled places become a plain , These [are ] the things I have done to them , And I have not forsaken them . ylt @Isaiah:42:17 @Removed backward -- utterly ashamed , Are those trusting in a graven image , Those saying to a molten image , 'Ye [are ] our gods .' ylt @Isaiah:42:18 @Ye deaf , hear ; and ye blind , look to see . ylt @Isaiah:42:19 @Who [is ] blind but My servant ? And deaf as My messenger I send ? Who [is ] blind as he who is at peace , Yea , blind , as the servant of Jehovah ? ylt @Isaiah:42:20 @Seeing many things , and thou observest not , Opening ears , and he heareth not . ylt @Isaiah:42:21 @Jehovah hath delight for the sake of His righteousness , He magnifieth law , and maketh honourable . ylt @Isaiah:42:22 @And this [is ] a people seized and spoiled , Snared in holes -- all of them , And in houses of restraint they were hidden , They have been for a prey , And there is no deliverer , A spoil , and none is saying , 'Restore .' ylt @Isaiah:42:23 @Who among you giveth ear [to ] this ? Attendeth , and heareth afterwards . ylt @Isaiah:42:24 @Who hath given Jacob for a spoil , And Israel to the spoilers ? Is it not Jehovah -- He against whom we sinned ? Yea , they have not been willing in His ways to walk , Nor have they hearkened to His law . ylt @Isaiah:42:25 @And He poureth on him fury , His anger , and the strength of battle , And it setteth him on fire round about , And he hath not known , And it burneth against him , and he layeth it not to heart ! ylt @Isaiah:43:1 @And now , thus said Jehovah , Thy Creator , O Jacob , and thy Fashioner , O Israel , Be not afraid , for I have redeemed thee , I have called on thy name -- thou [art ] Mine .

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