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* Be silent unto me , O ye Coastlands , lands , And let the Races of Men renew their strength , Let them approach , then , let them speak , Together , for controversy , let us draw near : * Who roused up one from the East , In righteousness , called him to his feet , Set before him nations And over kings , caused him to rule , His sword , made like dust , His bow like driven chaff : * He pursued them passed along safely , Upon the path of his own feet , entered he not ? * Who hath wrought and performed , Calling the generations , in advance ? I , Yahweh , First , And with them who are last , I , am the Same ! * Coastlands have seen , so they fear , The ends of the earth , are in dread , They have drawn near , and have come : * Every man , to his neighbour , giveth help , And to his brother , saith Take courage ! * So , the carver , hath encouraged , the goldsmith , he that maketh smooth with the hammer , him that smiteth the anvil , Saying of the welding , It is , good , Then hath he fastened it with nailsit must not totter ! * But , thou , Israel , my Servant , Jacob whom I have chosen , The seed of Abraham my loving one ; * Thou whom I have taken hold of from the ends of the earth , And from the extremities thereof , have called thee , And said to thee , My Servant , thou ! I have chosen thee and not cast thee off , * Do not fear , for with thee , I am ! Look not around , for , I , am thy God , I have emboldened thee , Yea I have helped thee , Yea I have upheld thee with my righteous right-hand . * Lo ! they shall turn pale and be ashamed All they who have been incensed against thee , They shall become as nothing and perish The men who have been thine accusers : * Thou shalt seek them , but shalt not find them The men who have contended with thee , They shall become as nothing , and as a thing of nought The men who have warred against thee ; * For I , Yahweh thy God am firmly grasping thy right-hand , Who am saying unto thee Do not fear ! I , have become thy helper ! * Do not fear , Thou worm Jacob , Ye men of Israel , I , have become thy helper , Declareth Yahweh , And thy redeemer The Holy One of Israel . * Lo ! I have made of thee a new pointed threshing sledge , owning teeth , Thou shalt thresh mountains and crush them , And , hillslike chaff , shalt thou make : * Thou shalt fan them and , a wind , shall carry them away , And , a whirlwind , scatter , them , But , thou , shalt exult in Yahweh , And , in the Holy One of Israel , shalt thou boast thyself . * As for the oppressed and the needy . Seeking water when there is none , Their tongue with thirst being parched IYahweh , will answer them , The God of Israel , I will not forsake them : * I will open , On bare hills rivers , and In the midst of plains , fountains , I will make The desert , a lake of water , and Parched land , springs of water ; * I will set in the desert ! Cedar , acacia , and myrtle , and oil-tree , I will place , in the waste plain , Cypress , holm-oak , and sherbin-cedar , together * That men may see and observe and consider and understand at once , That , the hand of Yahweh , hath done this , That the Holy One of Israel hath created it . * Bring near your contention , Saith Yahweh , Advance your defences , Saith the King of Jacob : * Let them advance them , and tell us , What shall happen , Things known in advancewhat they were , tell ye , That we may lay them to our heart and mark the after-story of them , Or , things yet to come , let us hear : * Tell ye the events which shall be here-after , That we may perceive that gods , ye are , Surely ye must do somethinggood or bad , That we may be amazed and behold it , at once . * Lo ! ye , are , of nought , And your work is a puff of breath , An abomination , he that chooseth you ! * I have roused up one from the North , and he hath come , From the rising of the sun , calleth he on my Name , And he hath come , on deputies , as though they were mortar , And as a potter treadeth clay . * Who hath told in advance , that we might know , And beforetime , that we might say Right ! Nay , there is none who can tell . Nay , there is none who can let us hear , Nay , there is none who can understand what ye utter . * He who is First ,, To Zion , Lo ! there they are ! And to Jerusalem , A herald of good-tidings , do I give . * So I look , And there is not , a Man ! Even among these And there is none to advise , That , when I ask them , can answer a word . * Lo ! as to all of them , Vanitynothingness , are their works , Wind and emptiness , their molten images ! * Lo ! my Servant , I will uphold him , My chosen , well-pleased is my soul , I have put my spirit upon him , Justiceto the nations , will he bring forth : * He will not cry out nor will he speak loud , Nor cause to be heard , in the street , his voice : * Cane that is crushed , will he not break , And wick that is fading , will he not quench , Faithfully , will he bring forth justice : * He will not fade , nor will he be crushed , Until he establish , in the earth , justice , And for his instruction , Coastlands , wait . * Thus , saith GOD himself Yahweh , Creator of the heavens that stretched them forth , Out-spreader of earth , and the products thereof , Giver of breath to the people thereon , And of spirit to them who walk therein , * IYahweh , have called thee in righteousness , And will firmly grasp thy hand , And will keep thee And give thee As the covenant of a people , As the light of nations : * To open eyes that are blind , To bring forth Out of the dungeon the captive Out of the prison , the dwellers in darkness . * I , am Yahweh , that , is my Name , And , my glory , to another , will I not give , Nor my praise to images . * Things told in advance , lo ! they have come to pass , And new things , am I telling , Ere yet they spring forth , I let , you , hear them . * Sing to Yahweh , a song that is new , His praise , from the end of the earth , Ye that go down to the sea , and the fulness thereof , The Coastlands and ye who dwell therein . * Let the wilderness shout , and the cities thereof , The villages wherein dwelleth Kedar , Let the inhabitants of the crag , raise shouts of triumph , From the top of the mountains , let them cry aloud : * Let them render unto Yahweh , glory , And , his praise , in the Coastlands let them tell . * Yahweh , as a hero , goeth forth , As a man of war , he stirreth up jealousy , He giveth a cry , yea he raiseth a war-cry , Over his foes , he showeth his strength . * I have held my peace from age-past times , I kept still , I restrained myself , As a travailing woman , I pant , I breathe hard and gasp , all at once ! * I will lay waste mountains , and hills , And all their vegetation , will I wither , And I will make rivers to be shores , And lakes , will I dry up : * Thus will I lead the blind , by a way they know not , In paths they know not , will I guide them , I will make the place that was dark before them to be , light . And crooked ways , to be , straight , These things , have I done unto them , And have not forsaken them . * They have drawn back They turn very pale Who have been trusting in a graven image , Who have been saying to a molten image , Ye , are our gods ! * Ye deaf hear ! And ye blind look around that ye may see , Who is blind if not my Servant ? Or deaf , like , my messenger whom I send ? * Who is , blind , like an intimate friend ? Or blind like the Servant of Yahweh ? * Seeing many things , yet thou heedest not , Opening the ears yet he heareth not , * Yahweh , is well-pleased for his own righteousness sake , He magnifieth instruction and maketh it majestic . * But , that , is a people preyed upon and plundered , Snared in holes . Jail of them , And , in houses of restraint , concealed , They have become a prey , and there is none to deliver , A booty , and there is none to say Restore ! * Who among you , will give ear to this , Let him hearken and hear , for an aftertime ? * Who gave , as a booty , Jacob . And , Israel , to them who were ready to take prey ? Was it not Yahweh I ? He against whom we have sinned , And they were not willing , in his ways , to walk , Neither hearkened they to his instruction ? * So he hath poured out , upon him , the glow of his anger , and the strength of battle ; And it hath set him aflame round about , yet he knoweth it not , And it hath kindled upon him yet he layeth it not to heart . * Now , therefore , Thus , saith Yahweh Creating thee , O Jacob , and Fashioning thee O Israel , Do not fear , For I have redeemed thee , I have called thee by thy name . Mine , thou art ! * When thou passest through the waters , with thee , I am , Or , through the rivers , they shall not overflow thee , When thou walkest through fire , thou shall not be scorched , And , a flame , shall not kindle upon thee ; * For , I , Yahweh , am , Thy God , The Holy One of Israel Ready to save thee , I have given , as thy ransom , Egypt , Ethiopia and Seba , in thy stead . * Because thou art precious in mine eyes , art honoured And , I , love thee , And will give mankind , in thy stead , Yea , peoples , for thy life , * Do not fear for , with thee , I am , From the East , will I bring in thy seed , And , from the West , will I gather thee : * I will say to the North Give up ! And to the South Do not withhold ! Bring in My sons from far , and My daughters from the end of the earth ; * Every one who is called by my Name , Whom for mine own glory , I have createdformedyea , made ! * Bring forth A blind people that have , eyes , and A deaf , that have , ears . * All the nations , are gathered together Yea there is an assembling of peoples , Who among them , can tell this , And things in advance , can let us hear ? Let them set forth their witnesses that they may get their right , Or let them hear , and say Truth ! * Ye , are my witnesses Declareth Yahweh , And my Servant , whom I have chosen , That ye may take noteand believe me , And perceive that , I , am He , Before me , was not formed a GOD , Nor after me , shall one come into being : * II , am Yahweh , And there is none besides me ready to save : * I , have toldand will save , and make known , That there is among you no strange one ; And , ye , are my witnesses , Declareth Yahweh That , I , am GOD . * Even from To-day , I , am He , And none , out of my hand , can deliver , I work and who reverseth ? * Thus saith Yahweh , Your Redeemer , The Holy One of Israel , For your sakes , have I sent into Babylon , And will bring down as fugitives , all of them , Even the Chaldeans , in the ships which cause them loud outcry . * IYahweh , am Your Holy One , The Creator of Israel , Your King . * Thus , saith Yahweh , Who setteth in the sea , a way , And in the mighty waters , a path ; * Who bringeth forth Chariot and horse , Force and strength , Together , shall they he down They shall not arise , They are extinguished Like a wick , are they quenched ! * Do not keep in mind former things , And things of old , do not consider : * Behold me ! doing a new thing , Now , shall it spring forth , Will ye not take note thereof ? Surely I will set In the desert , a way , In a desolate land , rivers : * The wild beast of the field shall honour me , Jackals , and ostriches , Because I have given In the desert , waters , Rivers in , desolate land , To give drink unto my people , my chosen : * A people which I have fashioned for myself , My praise , shall they record . * Yet not upon me , hast thou called , O Jacob , For thou hast been wearied of me O Israel : * Thou hast not brought in to me small cattle as thine ascending-offerings , Nor , with thy sacrifices , hast thou honoured me , I have not oppressed thee with meal-offerings , Nor have I wearied thee with frankincense ; * Thou hast not bought for me with silver , fragrant calamus , Nor with the fat of thy sacrifices , hast thou sated me , Thou hast done nothing but oppress me with thy sins , Thou hast wearied me with thine iniquities . * II , am he that is ready , To wipe out thy transgressions for mine own sake , And , thy sins , not remember . * Put me in mind , Let us enter into judgment at once , Recount , thou , that thou mayest be justified : * Thy chief father , hath sinned , And thine interpreters , have transgressed against me ; * So then I must needs profane the rulers of the holy place , And deliver Jacob to be devoted to destruction , and Israel , unto reviling ! * Now , thenhear , O Jacob , my Servant , and Israel whom I have chosen :

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