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ylt @Isaiah:52:1 @Awake , awake , put on thy strength , O Zion , Put on the garments of thy beauty , Jerusalem -- the Holy City ; For enter no more into thee again , Do the uncircumcised and unclean . ylt @Isaiah:52:2 @Shake thyself from dust , arise , sit , O Jerusalem , Bands of thy neck have loosed themselves , O captive , daughter of Zion . ylt @Isaiah:52:3 @For thus said Jehovah : 'For nought ye have been sold , And not by money are ye redeemed .' ylt @Isaiah:52:4 @For thus said the Lord Jehovah : 'To Egypt My people went down at first to sojourn there , And Asshur -- for nought he hath oppressed it . ylt @Isaiah:52:5 @And now , what -- to Me here , An affirmation of Jehovah , That taken is My people for nought ? Its rulers cause howling , -- an affirmation of Jehovah , And continually all the day My name is despised . ylt @Isaiah:52:6 @Therefore doth My people know My name , Therefore , in that day , Surely I [am ] He who is speaking , behold Me .' ylt @Isaiah:52:7 @How comely on the mountains , Have been the feet of one proclaiming tidings , Sounding peace , proclaiming good tidings , Sounding salvation , Saying to Zion , 'Reigned hath thy God .' ylt @Isaiah:52:8 @The voice of thy watchmen ! They have lifted up the voice , together they cry aloud , Because eye to eye they see , in Jehovah 's turning back [to ] Zion . ylt @Isaiah:52:9 @Break forth , sing together , O wastes of Jerusalem , For Jehovah hath comforted His people , He hath redeemed Jerusalem . ylt @Isaiah:52:10 @Jehovah hath made bare His holy arm Before the eyes of all the nations , And seen have all the ends of the earth , The salvation of our God . ylt @Isaiah:52:11 @Turn aside , turn aside , go out thence , The unclean touch not , go out from her midst , Be ye pure , who are bearing the weapons of Jehovah . ylt @Isaiah:52:12 @For not in haste do ye go out , Yea , with flight ye go not on , For going before you [is ] Jehovah , And gathering you [is ] the God of Israel ! ylt @Isaiah:52:13 @Lo , My servant doth act wisely , He is high , and hath been lifted up , And hath been very high . ylt @Isaiah:52:14 @As astonished at thee have been many , (So marred by man his appearance , And his form by sons of men .) ylt @Isaiah:52:15 @So doth he sprinkle many nations . Concerning him kings shut their mouth , For that which was not recounted to them they have seen , And that which they had not heard they have understood !

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