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* Arise , shine ; for your light has come , and the glory of the LORD has risen on you . * For behold , the darkness shall cover the earth , and gross darkness [the ] peoples ; but the LORD shall rise on you , and His glory shall be seen on you . * And the nations shall come to your light , and kings to the brightness of your dawning . * Lift up your eyes all around , and see . All of them gather themselves ; they come to you . Your sons shall come from far , and your daughters shall be nursed at [your ] side . * Then you shall fear and become bright , and your heart shall throb and swell for joy ; because the abundance of the sea shall turn to you , the wealth of the nations will come to you . * A host of camels shall cover you , the camels of Midian and Ephah . All of them from Sheba shall come ; they shall bring gold and incense ; and they shall proclaim the praises of the LORD . * All the flocks of Kedar shall be gathered together to you ; the rams of Nebaioth shall minister to you . They shall come up on My altar pleasing Me , and I will glorify the house of My glory . * Who [are ] these [who ] fly like a cloud , and as the doves to their windows ? * Surely the coastlands shall wait for Me , and the ships of Tarshish first , to bring your sons from far , their silver and their gold with them , to the name of Jehovah your God , and to the Holy One of Israel , because He has glorified you . * And the sons of strangers will build up your walls , and their kings will serve you ; for in My wrath I struck you , but in My favor I had mercy on you . * Therefore your gates will always be open ; they will not be shut day nor night , to bring to you the wealth of the nations , and their kings may be led . * For the nation and kingdom that will not serve you will perish . Yes , [those ] nations will be completely wasted . * The glory of Lebanon will come to you , the fir tree , the pine tree , and the box tree together , to beautify the place of My sanctuary ; and I will make the place of My feet glorious . * Also the sons of your afflicters shall come bowing to you ; and all your despisers will bow down at the soles of your feet . And they will call you , The city of the LORD , The Zion of the Holy One of Israel . * Instead of being forsaken and hated , so that no one passes through , I will make you for everlasting majesty , a joy of many generations . * You will also suck the milk of nations , and suck the breast of kings ; and you will know that I Jehovah [am ] your Savior and your Redeemer , the mighty One of Jacob . * For bronze I will bring gold , and for iron I will bring silver ; and for wood I will bring bronze , and for stones , iron . I will also make your overseers to be peace , and your rulers to be righteousness . * Violence will no more be heard in your land , wasting nor ruin within your borders ; but you will call your walls Salvation , and your gates Praise . * The sun will no more be your light by day ; nor the brightness of the moon give light to you ; but the LORD will be to you for everlasting light , and your God your glory . * Your sun will no more go down , nor your moon withdraw ; for the LORD will be your everlasting light , and the days of your mourning will be ended . * Your people also [will ] all [be ] righteous ; they will inherit the land forever , the branch of My planting , the work of My hands , so that I may be glorified . * A little one will become a thousand , and a small one a strong nation : I the LORD will hasten it in its time . * The Spirit of the Lord Jehovah [is ] on Me ; because the LORD has anointed Me to preach the Gospel to the poor ; He has sent Me to bind up the broken-hearted , to proclaim liberty to the captives , and the opening of the prison to those who are bound ; * to preach the acceptable year of the LORD and the day of vengeance of our God ; to comfort all who mourn ; * to appoint to those who mourn in Zion , to give to them beauty for ashes , the oil of joy for mourning , the mantle of praise for the spirit of heaviness ; so that they might be called trees of righteousness , the planting of the LORD , that He might be glorified . * And they will build the old wastes , they will raise up the ruins of former times . And they will repair the waste cities , the ruins of many generations . * And strangers will stand and feed your flocks , and the sons of the stranger [will be ] your plowmen and your vinedressers . * But you will be named the priests of the LORD ; it will be said of you , Ministers of our God ; you will eat the riches of the nations , and you will revel in their glory . * For your shame [you will have ] double ; and for disgrace they will rejoice in their portion ; therefore in their own land they will possess double ; everlasting joy will be theirs . * For I the LORD love judgment , I hate robbery for burnt offering ; and I will direct their work in truth , and I will make an everlasting covenant with them . * And their seed will be known among the nations , and their offspring among the peoples ; all who see them will acknowledge them , that they [are ] the seed the LORD has blessed . * I will greatly rejoice in the LORD , my soul will be joyful in my God ; for He has clothed me [with ] the robes of salvation , He covered me with the robe of righteousness like a bridegroom adorns [himself ] with ornaments , and like a bride adorns [herself ] with her jewels . * For as the earth comes out with its bud , and as the garden causes that which is sown to grow ; so the Lord Jehovah will cause righteousness and praise to grow before all the nations . * For Zion 's sake I will not be silent , and for Jerusalem 's sake I will not rest , until its righteousness goes out as brightness , and her salvation as a burning lamp . * And the nations will see your righteousness , and all kings your glory ; and you will be called by a new name , which the mouth of the LORD will name . * You also will be a crown of glory in the hand of the LORD , and a royal diadem in the hand of your God . * You will no more be called Forsaken ; nor will your land any more be called Desolate ; but you will be called My Delight [is ] in her , and your land , Married ; for the LORD delights in you , And your land Married . * For [as ] a young man marries a virgin , so will your sons marry you ; and [as ] the bridegroom rejoices over the bride , [so ] will your God rejoice over you . * I have set watchmen on your walls , O Jerusalem , who will not always be silent all the day nor all the night ; you who remember the LORD , do not be silent . * And give Him no rest until He establishes and makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth . * The LORD has sworn by His right hand , and by the arm of His strength , Surely I will no more give your grain [to be ] food for your enemies ; and the sons of strangers will not drink your wine for which you have labored . * But its gatherers will eat it and praise the LORD ; and they who collected it will drink it in My holy courts . * Pass ! Pass through the gates ; prepare the way of the people . Raise up ! Raise up the highway ; gather out the stones ; lift up a banner for the peoples . * Behold , the LORD has sent a message to the end of the earth , Tell the daughter of Zion , Behold , your salvation comes . Behold , His reward [is ] with Him , and His work before Him . * And they will call them , The Holy People , The Redeemed of the LORD ; and you will be called , Sought Out , a city not forsaken . * Who [is ] this who comes from Edom , [with ] dyed garments from Bozrah , this One adorned in His clothing , bending down in His great power ? I who speak in righteousness , great to save . * Why [is Your ] clothing red , and Your garments like one who treads in the winepress ? * I have trodden the winepress alone ; and of the peoples [there was ] no man with Me ; for I will tread them in My anger and trample them in My fury ; and their blood will be sprinkled on My garments , and I will stain all My clothing . * For the day of vengeance [is ] in My heart , and the year of My redeemed has come . * And I looked , and [there was ] none to help ; and I wondered that there [was ] no one to uphold ; therefore My own arm has saved for Me ; and My fury upheld Me . * And I will tread down the people in My anger , and make them drunk in My fury , and I will pour their juice to the earth . * I will mention the loving-kindnesses of the LORD , the praises of the LORD , according to all that the LORD has benefited for us , and the great good to the house of Israel [by ] which He benefited them according to His mercies , and according to the multitude of His loving-kindnesses . * For He said , Surely they [are ] My people , sons that will not lie ; so He was their Savior . * In all their affliction He [was ] afflicted , and the Angel of His Presence saved them ; in His love and in His pity He redeemed them ; and He bore them , and carried them all the days of old . * But they rebelled , and troubled His Holy Spirit ; therefore He was turned [to be ] their enemy , [and ] He fought against them . * Then He remembered the days of old , Moses [and ] His people , [saying ], Where [is ] He who brought them up out of the sea with the shepherd of His flock ? Where [is ] He who put His Holy Spirit within him ? * He led [them ] by the right [hand ] of Moses with His glorious arm , dividing the water before them , to make Himself an everlasting name ? * He led them through the deep , like a horse in the wilderness , so that they would not stumble ? * As a beast goes down into the valley , the Spirit of Jehovah caused him to rest . So You led Your people , to make Yourself a glorious name . * Look down from Heaven , and look down from the place of Your holiness and of Your glory ; where [is ] Your zeal and Your strength , the multitude of Your tender affections and of Your mercies toward me ? Are they withheld ? * For You [are ] our Father , though Abraham does not know us , and Israel does acknowledge us . You , O LORD , [are ] our Father , our Redeemer ; Your name is from everlasting . * O LORD , why have You made us wander from Your ways . You harden our heart from Your fear ? For Your servants ' sake , return the tribes of Your inheritance . * The people of Your holiness have possessed [it ] but a little [while ]; our enemies have trampled Your sanctuary . * We are from forever ; You never ruled over them ; Your name was never called on them . * Oh that You would tear the heavens [and ] come down , [that ] mountains would quake before You ,

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[BookofIsaiah] [Isaiah:59] [Isaiah:60-63] [Isaiah:61] [Discuss] Tag Isaiah:60-63 [Audio][Presentation]