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* Who is this who comes from Edom with dyed garments from Bozrah , this One adorned in His clothing , bending in His great power ? It is I , speaking in righteousness , mighty to save ! * Why is Your clothing red , and Your garments like one who treads in the winepress ? * I have trodden the winepress , I alone , and no man of the peoples was with Me . And I will tread them in My anger , and trample them in My fury ; and their juice shall be spattered on My garments ; and I will pollute all My clothes . * For the day of vengeance is in My heart , and the year of My redeemed has come . * And I looked , and no one was helping . And I wondered that no one was upholding . Then My own arm saved for Me , and My fury upheld Me . * And I trod down the people in My anger , and made them drunk in My fury . And I poured their juice to the earth .

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[BookofIsaiah] [Isaiah:62] [Isaiah:63] [Isaiah:64] [Discuss] Tag Isaiah:63:1-6 [Audio][Presentation]