
drb@Isaiah:9:8 @The Lord sent a word into Jacob, and it hath lighted upon Israel.

drb@Isaiah:9:9 @And all the people of Ephraim shall know, and the inhabitants of Samaria that say in the pride and haughtiness of their heart:

drb@Isaiah:9:10 @The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with square stones: they have cut down the sycamores, but we will change them for cedars.

drb@Isaiah:9:11 @And the Lord shall set up the enemies of Rasin over him, and shall bring on his enemies in a crowd:

drb@Isaiah:9:12 @The Syrians from the east, and the Philistines from the west: and they shall devour Israel with open mouth, For all this his indignation is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.

drb@Isaiah:9:13 @And the people are not returned to him who hath struck them, and have not sought after the Lord of hosts.

drb@Isaiah:9:14 @And the Lord shall destroy out of Israel the head and the tail, him that bendeth down, and him that holdeth back, in one day.

drb@Isaiah:9:15 @The aged and honourable, he is the head: and the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail.

drb@Isaiah:9:16 @And they that call this people blessed, shall cause them to err: and they that are called blessed, shall be thrown down headlong.

drb@Isaiah:9:17 @Therefore the Lord shell have no joy in their young men: neither shall he have mercy on their fatherless, and widows: for every one is a hypocrite and wicked, and every mouth hath spoken folly. For all this his indignation is not turned away, but his bend is stretched out still.

drb@Isaiah:9:18 @For wickedness is kindled as a fire, it shall devour the brier and the thorn: and shall kindle in the thicket of the forest, and it shall be wrapped up in smoke ascending on high.

drb@Isaiah:9:19 @By the wrath of the Lord of hosts the land is troubled, and the people shall be as fuel for the fire: no man shall spare his brother.

drb@Isaiah:9:20 @And he shall turn to the right hand, and shall be hungry: and shall eat on the left hand, and shall not be filled: every one shell eat the flesh of his own arm: Manasses Ephraim, and Ephraim Manasses, and they together shall be against Juda

drb@Isaiah:9:21 @After all these things his indignation is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.

drb@Isaiah:10:1 @Woe to them that make wicked laws: and when they write, write injustice:

drb@Isaiah:10:2 @To oppress the poor in judgment, and do violence to the cause of the humble of my people: that widows might be their prey, and that they might rob the fatherless.

drb@Isaiah:10:3 @What will you do in the day of visitation, and of the calamity which cometh from afar? to whom will ye flee for help? and where will ye leave your glory?

drb@Isaiah:10:4 @That you be not bowed down under the bond, and fall with the slain? In all these things his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.

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