
rwp@James:1:18 @{Of his own will} (\boulˆtheis\). First aorist passive participle of \boulomai\. Repeating the metaphor of birth in verse 15|, but in good sense. God as Father acted deliberately of set purpose. {He brought us forth} (\apekuˆsen\). First aorist active indicative of \apokue“\ (verse 15|), only here of the father (4 Macc. strkjv@15:17), not of the mother. Regeneration, not birth of all men, though God is the Father in the sense of creation of all men (Acts:17:28f.|). {By the word of truth} (\log“i alˆtheias\). Instrumental case \log“i\. The reference is thus to the gospel message of salvation even without the article (2Corinthians:6:7|) as here, and certainly with the article (Colossians:1:5; strkjv@Ephesians:1:13; strkjv@2Timothy:2:15|). The message marked by truth (genitive case \alˆtheias\). {That we should be} (\eis to einai hˆmƒs\). Purpose clause \eis to\ and the infinitive \einai\ with the accusative of general reference \hˆmƒs\ (as to us). {A kind of first-fruits} (\aparchˆn tina\). "Some first-fruits" (old word from \aparchomai\), of Christians of that age. See strkjv@Romans:16:5|.

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