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* Ya 'akov , eved (note :)servant (:note ) of Hashem and of Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu Yehoshua ; To the Shneym Asar haShevatim Twelve Tribes in the Golus , Shalom ! [Devarim strkjv @32:26 ] EMUNAH AND CHOCHMAH * Consider it all simcha , my Achim b 'Moshiach , whenever you fall into various nisayonot (note :)tests , trials (:note ). * because you have da 'as that the emunah you have , when it is tested , produces savlanut (note :)patient endurance (:note ). * And let savlanut be shleimah in its po 'al (note :)work (:note ) al menat in order that you may be mevugarim mature , grown up and complete , lacking in nothing . * But if anyone of you is lacking chochmah (note :)wisdom (:note ), let him direct tefillah prayer and techinotot petitions to Hashem , the One whose matanot gifts are given generously and without grudging . And chochmah will be given to him . [Melachim Alef strkjv @3:9 ,10 ; Mishle strkjv @2:3-6 ; Tehillim strkjv @51:6 ; Daniel strkjv @1:17 ; strkjv @2:21 ] * But let the tefillah be offered with much bittachon in emunah (note :)faith (:note ), in no way doubting . AD MATAY ATEM POSKHIM AL SHTEY HAS 'IFIM ? [MELACHIM ALEF strkjv @18:21 ] For the doubtful man , wavering in emunah , is like a wave of the yam sea being tossed by the wind . * Let not such a one presume that he will receive anything from Adoneinu . * He is an ish (note :)man (:note ) of double mind , in all his drakhim ways , mesupak uncertain and unstable . [Tehillim strkjv @119:113 ] ONI POVERTY AND OSHER RICHES * But let the Ach b 'Moshiach of shiflut (note :)lowliness (:note ) glory in the da 'as that Hashem will exalt him . * And let the Ach b 'Moshiach who has osher (note :)riches (:note ) glory in his bizyoinos humiliation , in the da 'as that Hashem will bring him low , because KOL HABASAR KHATZIR "All flesh is grass ," Yeshayah strkjv @40:6 ,7 and so he likewise will vanish . [Iyov strkjv @14:2 ; Tehillim strkjv @103:15 ,16 ] * For the shemesh (note :)sun (:note ) rises with its burning heat and dried the grass and its TZITZ NAVEL "flower blossom falls "--Yeshayah strkjv @40:6-8 and the beauty of its appearance perished , so also the ashir rich in his goings will fade away . [Tehillim strkjv @102:4 ,11 ] STANDING FIRM IN THE SHA 'AT HANISAYON HOUR OF TRIAL WITH THE DA 'AS THAT HASHEM IS NOT THE TEMPTER OF ANYONE TO EVIL * Ashrey is the one who stands up under nisayon (note :)trial (:note ), because , having become approved , that one will be given the ateret haChayyim crown of Life , which Hashem gave as a havtachah promise to those having Ahavas Hashem . [Bereshis strkjv @22:1 ] * However , let no one say , when he is tempted , "from Hashem I am being tempted ," for Hashem cannot be tempted to crave ra 'ah (note :)evil (:note ), and he himself trips up no one with nisayon temptation . * But each one is tempted by his own ta 'avah (note :)lust (:note ), being dragged off by it and being allured . [Mishle strkjv @19:3 ] * Then after her conception Ta 'avah gives birth to Averah (note :)Transgression (:note ) and Averah , once she has fully developed , gives birth to Mavet . [Bereshis strkjv @3:6 ; Iyov strkjv @15:35 ; Tehillim strkjv @7:14 ; Yeshayah strkjv @59:4 ] THE IMMUTABILITY OF HASHEM * Do not fall under a delusion , my beloved Achim b 'Moshiach . * Every good endowment and every matanah shleimah (note :)complete gift (:note ) is from above , coming down from Avi HaOhrot the Father of Lights with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning . [Tehillim strkjv @85:12 ; Bereshis strkjv @1:16 ; Tehillim strkjv @136:7 ; Daniel strkjv @2:22 ; Bamidbar strkjv @23:19 ; Tehillim strkjv @102:27 ; Malachi strkjv @3:6 ] * Birtzon Hashem (note :)by the will of G-d (:note ), he gave birth to us and brought us alive by the Dvar HaEmes , that we might be a kind of bikkurim firstfruits of his yetzurim creatures . [Yirmeyah strkjv @2:3 ] THE SHOMEI HATORAH HEARERS OF THE LAW OF MOSHE RABBEINU AND THE SHOMREI HATORAH KEEPERS OF THE LAW OF MOSHE RABBEINU * Have da 'as of this , my beloved Achim b 'Moshiach . Let every man be quick to hear , slow to speak , slow to ka 'as (note :)anger (:note ).[Mishle strkjv @10:19 ] * For the ka 'as haBnei Adam does not accomplish the Tzikat Hashem . * Therefore , having put away all filthiness and what remains of resha (note :)wickedness (:note ) in shiflut lowliness and meekness receive the implanted Dvar Hashem being able to save your nefashot * Now be Shomrei HaDavar Hashem and not Shomei HaDavar only , thereby causing yourselves to fall under remiyah (note :)deceit , deception (:note ). * Because if anyone is Shomei HaDavar and not Shomrei HaDavar , this one is like a man looking at his ponum in a mirror , * for he observed himself and has gone away and immediately forgot what he looked like . * But the one having peered into the Torah haShleimah , the Torah HaCherut , and there remaining entranced , not as a forgetful listener but one who is shomer mitzvot and goes into action--this one will have a beracha on his head in all his acts . [Tehillim strkjv @19:7 ] * If anyone considers himself to be one of the Charedim (note :)Orthodox , G-d-fearing Jewish religious ones (:note ), yet has lashon hora and does not bridle his tongue but instead causes his lev to fall under remiyah deceit , this one 's piety is worthless . [Tehillim strkjv @34:13 ; strkjv @39:1 ; strkjv @141:3 ] * Avodas Kodesh that is tehorah (note :)pure (:note ) and tamimah unblemished before Elohim HaAv is this : to visit yetomim orphans and almanot widows in their tzoros and to be shomer against the defilement of the Olam Hazeh . [Devarim strkjv @14:29 ; Iyov strkjv @31:16 ,17 ,21 ; Tehillim strkjv @146:9 ; Yeshayah strkjv @1:17 ,23 ] * My Achim b 'Moshiach , surely you do not with your acts of maso panim (note :)favoritism (:note ) hold to the [orthodox Jewish ] emunah of the glorious Adoneinu Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua ? [Devarim strkjv @1:17 ; Vayikra strkjv @19:15 ; Mishle strkjv @24:23 ] * For if there enter into your Bet HaKnesset (note :)House of Assembly , shul , synagogue , shtibel (:note ) a man with gold rings on his fingers in expensive bekeshe and shtreimel , and there enters also an underpriviledged nebbach , a kaptzan poor person in shmattes rags , * and you pay special attention to the takif [influential man ] wearing the bekeshe and shtreimel and say , "You sit here in seat of kibbud (note :)respect , honor (:note ), and to the kaptzan you say , "You stand there ." Or "You sit at my feet ," * did you not among yourselves differentiate with prejudice and became shofetim (note :)judges (:note ) with machshavot re 'sha evil thoughts ? * Hinei ! My beloved Achim b 'Moshiach , did not Der Oybershter make the Aniyim of the Olam Hazeh in fact Bechirim of Hashem to be rich in emunah and yoreshim of the Malchut , which Adoshem gave as a havtachah (note :)promise (:note ) to those with Ahavas Hashem ? [Iyov strkjv @34:19 ] * But you dishonored the ish evyon (note :)poor man , pauper (:note ). Do not the ashirim rich ones oppress you and they drag you into the Batei Din Bet Din courts ? * Do they not commit Chillul Hashem blasphemies against the Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach 's Shem Tov that has been named upon you ? * If indeed you are shomer regarding the Dat HaMalkhut (note :)Royal Decree (:note ), as it is written in the Kitvei Hakodesh , "V 'AHAVTAH L 'REI 'ACHA KAMOCHA " "And thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself ." [VAYIKRA strkjv @19:18 ] you do well . * But if you show maso panim (note :)favoritism (:note ), you are chote 'im sinners committing averos transgressions against the Torah . [Devarim strkjv @1:17 ] * For whoever is shomer over kol haTorah but stumbles in one mitzvah , such is condemned as ashem (note :)guilty (:note ) of averoh transgression of kol mitzvot . * For the One having said , LO TINAF (note :)"You shall not commit adultery "(:note ) said also LO TIRTZACH "You shall not murder ". Now if you do not commit adultery but you do murder , you have become an Over al mitzvot HaTorah transgressor of the Torah . [Shemot strkjv @20:13 ,14 ; Devarim strkjv @5:17 ,18 ] * So let your dvarim be and your ma 'asim as by the Torah HaCherut you are about to come under the Bet Din Mishpat . * For the Din (note :)Judgment (:note ) will be without rachamim mercy to the one not having shown rachamim . Rachamim wins the nitzachon victory over haDin . EMUNAH AND MA 'ASIM TOVIM ACTIVE IN AHAVAH * What is the revach (note :)gain , profit (:note ), my Achim b 'Moshiach , if anyone claims to have emunah but doe not have ma 'asim works ? Surely not such "emunah " is able to bring him to Yeshu 'at Eloheinu ? * If an Ach b 'Moshiach or an Achot b 'Moshiach is dressed in shmate (note :)tatters (:note ) and lacking "lechem chukeinu " "our daily bread ," Mt .6:11 * and anyone of you says to them , "Go in shalom ! Be warmed and fed !" but you do not give to them the physical necessities , what is the revach ? * So also Emunah , if alongside it there is not in its company Ma 'asim , is by itself niftar . * But someone will say , "You have emunah and I have ma 'asim ." You make known to me the hitgalut haSod (note :)the revelation of the mystery (:note ) of your emunah without your ma 'asim , and I 'll show you , Chaver , from my ma 'asim , the Emunah . * So you 're impressed with yourselves that with your emunah you can recite the keri 'at Shema , nu ? O you do so well ...why , even the shedim have your da 'as and emunah ! But they shudder ! [Devarim strkjv @6:4 ] * Are you willing to have da 'as , O hollow man , that Emunah unharnessed to Ma 'asim , stands idle ? * Avraham Avinu , was he not YITZDAK IM HASHEM (note :)justified with G-d (:note ) by his ma 'asim when he performed the akedah binding and offered up Yitzchak Beno Isaac his son upon the mitzbe 'ach ? [Bereshis strkjv @22:9 ,12 ] * Hinei ! While Avraham Avinu 's Emunah was working , working right alongside was Avraham Avinu 's Ma 'asim , and by Ma 'asim the emunah was made shleimah ! * And the Kitvei Hakodesh was fulfilled , Avraham Avinu HE 'EMIN BA 'HASHEM VAYACHSHEVEHA LO TZDAKA (note :)"believed Hashem and it was accounted to him for righteousness " BERESHIS strkjv @15:6 (:note ). He was even called "Ohev Hashem " "Friend of G-d " [Bereshis strkjv @15:6 ; Yeshayah strkjv @41:8 ; Divrey haYomim Bais strkjv @20:7 ] * You see that from Ma 'asim a man is YITZDAK IM HASHEM and not from sterilely unpartnered Emunah . * And likewise also Rachav the Zonah--was she not made YITZDAK IM HASHEM from ma 'asim , having received the messengers and having sent them out a different way ? * For just as the guf (note :)body (:note ) without the neshamah is niftar , so also is Emunah without Ma 'asim . * Not many of you , Achim b 'Moshiach , should be Morim for Moshiach , als (note :)since (:note ), as far as concerns Mishpat Hashem , you have da 'as that we morim will have the chomer haDin rigor of the Law fall on us more severely .

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