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* You are righteous , Yahweh , when I contend with you ; yet I would reason the cause with you : why does the way of the wicked prosper ? why are all they at ease who deal very treacherously ? * You have planted them , yes , they have taken root ; they grow , yes , they bring forth fruit : you are near in their mouth , and far from their heart . * But you , Yahweh , know me ; you see me , and try my heart toward you : pull them out like sheep for the slaughter , and prepare them for the day of slaughter . * How long shall the land mourn , and the herbs of the whole country wither ? for the wickedness of those who dwell therein , the animals are consumed , and the birds ; because they said , He shall not see our latter end . * If you have run with the footmen , and they have wearied you , then how can you contend with horses ? and though in a land of peace you are secure , yet how will you do in the pride of the Jordan ? * For even your brothers , and the house of your father , even they have dealt treacherously with you ; even they have cried aloud after you : don 't believe them , though they speak beautiful words to you . * I have forsaken my house , I have cast off my heritage ; I have given the dearly beloved of my soul into the hand of her enemies . * My heritage has become to me as a lion in the forest : she has uttered her voice against me ; therefore I have hated her . * Is my heritage to me as a speckled bird of prey ? are the birds of prey against her all around ? Go , assemble all the animals of the field , bring them to devour . * Many shepherds have destroyed my vineyard , they have trodden my portion under foot , they have made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness . * They have made it a desolation ; it mourns to me , being desolate ; the whole land is made desolate , because no man lays it to heart . * Destroyers have come on all the bare heights in the wilderness ; for the sword of Yahweh devours from the one end of the land even to the other end of the land : no flesh has peace . * They have sown wheat , and have reaped thorns ; they have put themselves to pain , and profit nothing : and you shall be ashamed of your fruits , because of the fierce anger of Yahweh . * Thus says Yahweh against all my evil neighbors , who touch the inheritance which I have caused my people Israel to inherit : behold , I will pluck them up from off their land , and will pluck up the house of Judah from among them . * It shall happen , after that I have plucked them up , I will return and have compassion on them ; and I will bring them again , every man to his heritage , and every man to his land . * It shall happen , if they will diligently learn the ways of my people , to swear by my name , As Yahweh lives ; even as they taught my people to swear by Baal ; then shall they be built up in the midst of my people . * But if they will not hear , then will I pluck up that nation , plucking up and destroying it , says Yahweh .

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