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* Woe unto the shepherds that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture ! saith Jehovah . * Therefore thus saith Jehovah the God of Israel concerning the shepherds that feed my people : Ye have scattered my flock , and driven them away , and have not visited them : behold , I will visit upon you the evil of your doings , saith Jehovah . * And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries whither I have driven them , and will bring them again to their pastures ; and they shall be fruitful and shall multiply . * And I will raise up shepherds over them , who shall feed them ; and they shall fear no more , nor be dismayed , neither shall any be missing , saith Jehovah . * Behold , the days come , saith Jehovah , when I will raise unto David a righteous Branch , who shall reign as king , and act wisely , and shall execute judgment and righteousness in the land . * In his days Judah shall be saved , and Israel shall dwell in safety ; and this is his name whereby he shall be called , Jehovah our Righteousness . * Therefore behold , days are coming , saith Jehovah , that they shall no more say , [As ] Jehovah liveth , who brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt ; * but , [As ] Jehovah liveth , who brought up and who led back the seed of the house of Israel out of the north country , and from all countries whither I had driven them . And they shall dwell in their own land . * Concerning the prophets : My heart within me is broken ; all my bones shake ; I am like a drunken man , and like a man whom wine hath overcome ; because of Jehovah , and because of the words of his holiness . * For the land is full of adulterers ; for because of execration the land mourneth . The pastures of the wilderness are dried up ; for their course is evil , and their force is not right . * For both prophet and priest are profane : even in my house have I found their wickedness , saith Jehovah . * Therefore their way shall be unto them as slippery places in the darkness ; they shall be driven on , and fall therein : for I will bring evil upon them in the year of their visitation , saith Jehovah . * And I have seen folly in the prophets of Samaria : they prophesied by Baal , and caused my people Israel to err . * And in the prophets of Jerusalem have I seen a horrible thing : they commit adultery , and walk in falsehood , and strengthen the hands of evildoers , so that none doth return from his wickedness . They are all become unto me as Sodom , and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah . * Therefore thus saith Jehovah of hosts concerning the prophets : Behold , I will feed them with wormwood , and make them drink water of gall ; for from the prophets of Jerusalem is profaneness gone forth into all the land . * Thus saith Jehovah of hosts : Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you : they lead you to vanity ; they speak a vision of their own heart , not out of the mouth of Jehovah . * They say constantly unto them that despise me , Jehovah hath said , Ye shall have peace . And they say unto every one that walketh in the stubbornness of his heart , No evil shall come upon you . * For who hath stood in the council of Jehovah , so that he hath perceived and heard his word ? who hath hearkened to his word and listened ? * Behold , a tempest of Jehovah , fury is gone forth , yea , a whirling storm : it shall whirl down upon the head of the wicked . * The anger of Jehovah shall not return , until he have executed , and until he have performed the purposes of his heart : at the end of the days ye shall understand it clearly . * I did not send the prophets , yet they ran ; I have not spoken to them , yet they prophesied . * But if they had stood in my council , and had caused my people to hear my words , then would they have turned them from their evil way and from the wickedness of their doings . * Am I a God at hand , saith Jehovah , and not a God afar off ? * Can any hide himself in secret places , that I shall not see him ? saith Jehovah . Do not I fill the heavens and the earth ? saith Jehovah . * I have heard what the prophets say , who prophesy falsehood in my name , saying , I have dreamed , I have dreamed . * How long shall [this ] be in the heart of the prophets who prophesy falsehood , and who are prophets of the deceit of their own heart ? * who think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbour : as their fathers have forgotten my name for Baal . * The prophet that hath a dream , let him tell the dream ; and he that hath my word , let him speak my word faithfully . What is the chaff to the wheat ? saith Jehovah . * Is not my word like a fire , saith Jehovah ; and like a hammer [that ] breaketh the rock in pieces ? * Therefore , behold , I am against the prophets , saith Jehovah , that steal my words every one from his neighbour . * Behold , I am against the prophets , saith Jehovah , that use their tongues , and say , He hath said . * Behold , I am against them that prophesy false dreams , saith Jehovah , and that tell them , and cause my people to err by their lies and by their boasting ; and I have not sent them , nor commanded them ; and they profit not this people at all , saith Jehovah . * And when this people , or a prophet , or a priest , ask thee , saying , What is the burden of Jehovah ? thou shalt then say unto them , What burden ? I will even cast you off , saith Jehovah . * And as for the prophet , and the priest , and the people , that shall say , The burden of Jehovah , I will even punish that man and his house . * Thus shall ye say every one to his neighbour , and every one to his brother : What hath Jehovah answered ? and , What hath Jehovah spoken ? * And the burden of Jehovah shall ye mention no more ; for every man 's own word shall be his burden : for ye have perverted the words of the living God , of Jehovah of hosts , our God . * Thus shalt thou say to the prophet : What hath Jehovah answered thee ? and , What hath Jehovah spoken ? * But since ye say , The burden of Jehovah , therefore thus saith Jehovah : Because ye say this word , The burden of Jehovah , and I have sent unto you , saying , Ye shall not say , The burden of Jehovah ; * therefore behold , I will utterly forget you , and I will cast you off , far from my face , and the city that I gave to you and to your fathers . * And I will bring everlasting reproach upon you , and everlasting shame , that shall not be forgotten .

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