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* The word of the Lord which came to Jeremiah the prophet against the nations : * Concerning Egypt , against the army of Pharaoh –necho the king of Egypt , which was by the river Euphrates in Karkemish , which Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon smote in the fourth year of Jehoyakim the son of Josiah the king of Judah . * Make ye ready shield and buckler , and draw near to the battle . * Harness the horses , and mount , ye horsemen , and stand forth with helmets : sharpen the spears , and put on the coats of mail . * Wherefore have I seen them dismayed , moving backward ? while their mighty ones are beaten down , and seek safety in flight , and look not back ? There is terror round about , saith the Lord . * The swift cannot flee away , nor can the mighty man escape : toward the north by the shore of the river Euphrates do they stumble and fall . * Who is this that cometh up like a stream , whose waters are upheaved like the rivers ? * Egypt cometh up like a stream , and like the rivers are the waters upheaved ; and he saith , I will go up , I will cover the land ; I will destroy the city and those that dwell therein . * Come up , ye horses ; and rush along wildly , ye chariots ; and let the mighty men come forth : Cush and Put , that grasp the shield , and the Ludim , that grasp and bend the bow . * And this same day is for the Lord , the Eternal of hosts , a day of vengeance , to be avenged on his adversaries ; that the sword may devour , and may be satiated and made drunken with their blood ; for there is a sacrifice for the Lord the Eternal of hosts in the north country by the river Euphrates . * Go up into Gil ’ad , and fetch balm , O virgin , daughter of Egypt : in vain usest thou many remedies ; there is no recovery for thee . * Nations have heard of thy shame , and thy cry of anguish hath filled the earth ; for the mighty man over the mighty have they stumbled , together are both of them fallen . * The word which the Lord spoke to Jeremiah the prophet , concerning the coming of Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon , to smite the land of Egypt . * Announce ye in Egypt , and publish in Migdol , and publish in Noph and in Thachpanches : say ye , Stand fast , and prepare thyself ; for the sword devoureth round about thee . * Why are thy valiant men swept away ? not one hath stood , because the Lord did drive him off . * He caused many to stumble ; yea , one also fell over the other ; and they said , Arise , and let us return to our own people , and to the land of our birth , from before the wasting sword . * They called out there , Pharaoh is king of Egypt , it was but vaunting , he hath let the time appointed pass by . * As I live , saith the King , the Lord of hosts is his name , Surely as Thabor is among the mountains , and as Carmel is by the sea , so shall he come . * Appurtenances of exile make for thyself , O thou inhabitress , daughter of Egypt ; for Noph shall be made a waste and be left desolate without an inhabitant . * O fairest heifer , Egypt ! the butcher from the north cometh , he cometh . * Also her hired troops in the midst of her are like fatted calves ; for they also are turned round , are fled away together , they do not stand ; because the day of their calamity is come upon them , the time of their punishment . * Her cry shall come like a serpent ; for with an army shall they march , and with axes do they come against her , like hewers of wood . * They cut down her forest , saith the Lord , though it cannot be searched out ; because they are more than the grasshoppers , and there is no number to them . * Ashamed hath been made the daughter of Egypt : she hath been given up into the hand of the people of the north . * The Lord of hosts , the God of Israel , hath said , Behold , I will send visitation on Ahmon of No , and on Pharaoh , and on Egypt , and on her gods , and on her kings ; even on Pharaoh , and on those that trust on him ; * And I will give them up into the hand of those that seek their life , and into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon , and into the hand of his servants : and afterward shall she be inhabited , as in the days of old , saith the Lord . * But thou ,––fear thou not , O my servant Jacob , and be not dismayed , O Israel ; for , behold , I will save thee from afar off , and thy seed from the land of their captivity : and Jacob shall return , and he shall be at rest and at ease , with none to make him afraid . * Thou ,––fear thou not , O Jacob my servant , saith the Lord ; for I am with thee : and although I make a full end of all the nations whither I have driven thee , yet of thee will I not make a full end ; and I will correct thee in measure ; yet wholly will I not leave thee unpunished . * The word of the Lord that came to Jeremiah the prophet against the Philistines , before the time that Pharaoh smote Gazzah . * Thus hath said the Lord , Behold , waters are coming up out of the north , and they shall become an overflowing stream , and shall overflow the land , and what filleth it ; the city , and those that dwell therein : and the men shall cry aloud , and every inhabitant of the land shall wail . * Because of the noise of the stamping of the hoofs of his stud –horses , because of the rushing sound of his chariots , the rumbling of his wheels , fathers do not turn round to their children from their feebleness of hands ; * Because of the day that cometh to devastate all the Philistines , to cut off from Tyre and Zidon every helper that remaineth ; for the Lord devastateth the Philistines , the remnant of the isle of Caphthor . * Baldness is come upon Gazzah ; ruined is Ashkelon with the remnant of their valley : how long yet wilt thou cut thyself ? * Woe ! thou sword of the Lord , how long yet wilt thou not be quiet ? withdraw thyself into thy scabbard , take thee rest , and be still . * Yet how canst thou be quiet ? When the Lord hath given it a charge , against Ashkelon , and against the sea –coast ––thither hath he destined it . * Against Moab . Thus hath said the Lord of hosts , the God of Israel , Woe unto Nebo ! for it is wasted ; made ashamed , captured is Kiryathayim ; made ashamed is Misgab and dismayed .

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