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bbe @Jeremiah:48:1 @Of Moab . The Lord of armies , the God of Israel , has said : Sorrow on Nebo , for it has been made waste ; Kiriathaim has been put to shame and is taken : the strong place is put to shame and broken down . bbe @Jeremiah:48:2 @The praise of Moab has come to an end ; as for Heshbon , evil has been designed against her ; come , let us put an end to her as a nation . But your mouth will be shut , O Madmen ; the sword will go after you . bbe @Jeremiah:48:3 @There is the sound of crying from Horonaim , wasting and great destruction ; bbe @Jeremiah:48:4 @Moab is broken ; her cry has gone out to Zoar . bbe @Jeremiah:48:5 @For by the slope of Luhith they will go up , weeping all the way ; for on the way down to Horonaim the cry of destruction has come to their ears . bbe @Jeremiah:48:6 @Go in flight , get away with your lives , and let your faces be turned to Aroer in the Arabah . bbe @Jeremiah:48:7 @For because you have put your faith in your strong places , you , even you , will be taken : and Chemosh will go out as a prisoner , his priests and his rulers together . bbe @Jeremiah:48:8 @And the attacker will come against every town , not one will be safe ; and the valley will be made waste , and destruction will come to the lowland , as the Lord has said . bbe @Jeremiah:48:9 @Put up a pillar for Moab , for she will come to a complete end : and her towns will become a waste , without anyone living in them . bbe @Jeremiah:48:10 @Let him be cursed who does the Lord 's work half-heartedly ; let him be cursed who keeps back his sword from blood . bbe @Jeremiah:48:11 @From his earliest days , Moab has been living in comfort ; like wine long stored he has not been drained from vessel to vessel , he has never gone away as a prisoner : so his taste is still in him , his smell is unchanged . bbe @Jeremiah:48:12 @So truly , the days are coming , says the Lord , when I will send to him men who will have him turned over till there is no more wine in his vessels , and his wine-skins will be completely broken . bbe @Jeremiah:48:13 @And Moab will be shamed on account of Chemosh , as the children of Israel were shamed on account of Beth-el their hope . bbe @Jeremiah:48:14 @How say you , We are men of war and strong fighters ? bbe @Jeremiah:48:15 @He who makes Moab waste has gone up against her ; and the best of her young men have gone down to their death , says the King , whose name is the Lord of armies . bbe @Jeremiah:48:16 @The fate of Moab is near , and trouble is coming on him very quickly . bbe @Jeremiah:48:17 @All you who are round about him , give signs of grief for him , and all you who have knowledge of his name , say , How is the strong rod broken , even the beautiful branch ! bbe @Jeremiah:48:18 @Come down from your glory , O people of Dibon , and take your seat in the place of the waste ; for the attacker of Moab has gone up against you , sending destruction on your strong places . bbe @Jeremiah:48:19 @O daughter of Aroer , take your station by the way , on the watch : questioning him who is in flight , and her who has got away safe , say , What has been done ? bbe @Jeremiah:48:20 @Moab has been put to shame , she is broken : make loud sounds of grief , crying out for help ; give the news in Arnon , that Moab has been made waste . bbe @Jeremiah:48:21 @And punishment has come on the lowlands ; on Holon and Jahzah , and on Mephaath , bbe @Jeremiah:48:22 @And on Dibon , and on Nebo , and on Beth-diblathaim , bbe @Jeremiah:48:23 @And on Kiriathaim , and on Beth-gamul , and on Beth-meon , bbe @Jeremiah:48:24 @And on Kerioth , and on Bozrah , and on all the towns of the land of Moab , far and near . bbe @Jeremiah:48:25 @The horn of Moab is cut off , and his arm is broken , says the Lord . bbe @Jeremiah:48:26 @Make him full of wine , for his heart has been lifted up against the Lord : and Moab will be rolling in the food he was not able to keep down , and everyone will be making sport of him . bbe @Jeremiah:48:27 @For did you not make sport of Israel ? was he taken among thieves ? for whenever you were talking about him , you were shaking your head over him . bbe @Jeremiah:48:28 @O people of Moab , go away from the towns and take cover in the rock ; be like the dove of the Arabah , which makes her living-place in holes . bbe @Jeremiah:48:29 @We have had word of the pride of Moab , how great it is ; how he is lifted up in pride ; and his great opinion of himself , and that his heart is lifted up . bbe @Jeremiah:48:30 @I have knowledge of his wrath , says the Lord , that it is nothing ; his high-sounding words have done nothing . bbe @Jeremiah:48:31 @For this cause I will give cries of grief for Moab , crying out for Moab , even for all of it ; I will be sorrowing for the men of Kir-heres . bbe @Jeremiah:48:32 @My weeping for you , O vine of Sibmah , will be more than the weeping of Jazer : your branches have gone over the sea , stretching even to Jazer : destruction has come down on your summer fruits and your cut grapes . bbe @Jeremiah:48:33 @All joy is gone ; no longer are they glad for the fertile field and for the land of Moab ; I have made the wine come to an end from the crushing vessels : no longer will the grapes be crushed with the sound of glad voices . bbe @Jeremiah:48:34 @The cry of Heshbon comes even to Elealeh ; to Jahaz their voice is sounding ; from Zoar even to Horonaim and to Eglath-shelishiyah : for the waters of Nimrim will become dry . bbe @Jeremiah:48:35 @And I will put an end in Moab , says the Lord , to him who is making offerings in the high place and burning perfumes to his gods . bbe @Jeremiah:48:36 @So my heart is sounding for Moab like the sound of pipes , and my heart is sounding like pipes for the men of Kir-heres : for the wealth he has got for himself has come to an end . bbe @Jeremiah:48:37 @For everywhere the hair of the head and the hair of the face is cut off : on every hand there are wounds , and haircloth on every body . bbe @Jeremiah:48:38 @On all the house-tops of Moab and in its streets there is weeping everywhere ; for Moab has been broken like a vessel in which there is no pleasure , says the Lord . bbe @Jeremiah:48:39 @How is it broken down ! how is Moab 's back turned in shame ! so Moab will be a cause of sport and of fear to everyone round about him . bbe @Jeremiah:48:40 @For the Lord has said , See , he will come like an eagle in flight , stretching out his wings against Moab . bbe @Jeremiah:48:41 @Kerioth is taken , and the strong places have been forced , and the hearts of Moab 's men of war in that day will be like the heart of a woman in birth-pains . bbe @Jeremiah:48:42 @And Moab will come to an end as a people , because he has been lifting himself up against the Lord . bbe @Jeremiah:48:43 @Fear and death and the net have come on you , O people of Moab , says the Lord . bbe @Jeremiah:48:44 @He who goes in flight from the fear will be overtaken by death ; and he who gets free from death will be taken in the net : for I will make this come on Moab , even the year of their punishment , says the Lord . bbe @Jeremiah:48:45 @Those who went in flight from the fear are waiting under the shade of Heshbon : for a fire has gone out from Heshbon and a flame from the house of Sihon , burning up the pride of Moab and the crown of the head of the violent ones . bbe @Jeremiah:48:46 @Sorrow is yours , O Moab ! the people of Chemosh are overcome : for your sons have been taken away as prisoners , and your daughters made servants . bbe @Jeremiah:48:47 @But still , I will let the fate of Moab be changed in the last days , says the Lord .

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