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ylt @Jeremiah:6:1 @Strengthen yourselves , sons of Benjamin , From the midst of Jerusalem , And in Tekoa blow ye a trumpet , And over Beth-Haccerem lift ye up a flame , For evil hath been seen from the north , And great destruction . ylt @Jeremiah:6:2 @The comely and the delicate one I have cut off , The daughter of Zion . ylt @Jeremiah:6:3 @Unto her come do shepherds and their droves , They have stricken tents by her round about , They have fed each [in ] his own station . ylt @Jeremiah:6:4 @Sanctify ye against her the battle , Rise , and we go up at noon . Wo to us , for turned hath the day , For stretched out are the shades of evening , ylt @Jeremiah:6:5 @'Rise , and we go up by night , And we destroy her palaces .' ylt @Jeremiah:6:6 @For thus said Jehovah of Hosts : Cut down her wood , And pour out against Jerusalem a mount , She [is ] the city to be inspected , Wholly -- she is oppression in her midst . ylt @Jeremiah:6:7 @As the digging of a well , is [for ] its waters , So she hath digged [for ] her wickedness , Violence and spoil is heard in her , Before My face continually [are ] sickness and smiting . ylt @Jeremiah:6:8 @Be instructed , O Jerusalem , Lest My soul be alienated from thee , Lest I make thee a desolation , a land not inhabited . ylt @Jeremiah:6:9 @Thus said Jehovah of Hosts : They surely glean , as a vine , the remnant of Israel , Put back thy hand , as a gatherer to the baskets . ylt @Jeremiah:6:10 @To whom do I speak , and testify , and they hear ? Lo , their ear [is ] uncircumcised , And they are not able to attend . Lo , a word of Jehovah hath been to them for a reproach , They delight not in it . ylt @Jeremiah:6:11 @And with the fury of Jehovah I have been filled , (I have been weary of containing ,) To pour [it ] on the suckling in the street , And on the assembly of youths together , For even husband with wife are captured , An elder with one full of days , ylt @Jeremiah:6:12 @And their houses have been turned to others , Fields and wives together , For I stretch out My hand against the inhabitants of the land , An affirmation of Jehovah . ylt @Jeremiah:6:13 @For from their least unto their greatest , Every one is gaining dishonest gain , And from prophet even unto priest , Every one is dealing falsely , ylt @Jeremiah:6:14 @And they heal the breach of the daughter of my people slightly , Saying , 'Peace , peace !' and there is no peace . ylt @Jeremiah:6:15 @They were ashamed when they did abomination ! Yea , they are not at all ashamed , Yea , blushing they have not known , Therefore they do fall among those falling , In the time I have inspected them , They stumble , said Jehovah . ylt @Jeremiah:6:16 @Thus said Jehovah : Stand ye by the ways and see , and ask for paths of old , Where [is ] this -- the good way ? and go ye in it , And find rest for yourselves . And they say , 'We do not go .' ylt @Jeremiah:6:17 @And I have raised up for you watchmen , Attend ye to the voice of the trumpet . And they say , 'We do not attend .' ylt @Jeremiah:6:18 @Therefore hear , O nations , and know , O company , That which [is ] upon them . ylt @Jeremiah:6:19 @Hear , O earth , lo , I am bringing evil on this people , The fruit of their devices , For to My words they gave no attention , And My law -- they kick against it . ylt @Jeremiah:6:20 @Why [is ] this to Me ? frankincense from Sheba cometh , And the sweet cane from a land afar off , Your burnt-offerings [are ] not for acceptance , And your sacrifices have not been sweet to Me . ylt @Jeremiah:6:21 @Therefore thus said Jehovah : Lo , I do give to this people stumbling blocks , And stumbled against them have fathers and sons together , The neighbour and his friend do perish . ylt @Jeremiah:6:22 @Thus said Jehovah : Lo , a people hath come from a north country , And a great nation is stirred up from the sides of the earth . ylt @Jeremiah:6:23 @Bow and javelin they take hold of , Fierce it [is ], and they have no mercy , Their voice as a sea doth sound , And on horses they ride , set in array as a man of war , Against thee , O daughter of Zion . ylt @Jeremiah:6:24 @'We have heard its sound , feeble have been our hands , Distress hath seized us , pain as of a travailing woman . ylt @Jeremiah:6:25 @Go not forth to the field , And in the way walk not , For a sword hath the enemy , fear [is ] round about . ylt @Jeremiah:6:26 @O daughter of My people , Gird on sackcloth , and roll thyself in ashes , The mourning of an only one make for thee , A lamentation most bitter , For suddenly come doth the spoiler against us . ylt @Jeremiah:6:27 @A watch-tower I have given thee , Among My people a fortress , And thou knowest , and hast tried their way . ylt @Jeremiah:6:28 @All of them are turned aside by apostates , Walking slanderously -- brass and iron , All of them are corrupters . ylt @Jeremiah:6:29 @The bellows have been burnt , By fire hath the lead been consumed , In vain hath a refiner refined , And the wicked have not been drawn away . ylt @Jeremiah:6:30 @'Silver rejected ,' they have called to them , For Jehovah hath kicked against them ! ylt @Jeremiah:7:1 @The word that hath been unto Jeremiah from Jehovah , saying , ylt @Jeremiah:7:2 @Stand in the gate of the house of Jehovah , and thou hast proclaimed there this word , and hast said , Hear a word of Jehovah , all ye of Judah , who are coming in at these gates , to bow before Jehovah : ylt @Jeremiah:7:3 @Thus said Jehovah of Hosts , God of Israel , Amend your ways , and your doings , And I cause you to dwell in this place . ylt @Jeremiah:7:4 @Do not trust for yourselves Unto the words of falsehood , saying , The temple of Jehovah , the temple of Jehovah , The temple of Jehovah [are ] they ! ylt @Jeremiah:7:5 @For , if ye do thoroughly amend your ways and your doings , If ye do judgment thoroughly Between a man and his neighbour , ylt @Jeremiah:7:6 @Sojourner , fatherless , and widow , ye oppress not , And innocent blood do not shed in this place , And after other gods do not walk , for evil to yourselves , ylt @Jeremiah:7:7 @Then I have caused you to dwell in this place , In the land that I gave to your fathers , From age even unto age . ylt @Jeremiah:7:8 @Lo , ye are trusting for yourselves On the words of falsehood , so as not to profit . ylt @Jeremiah:7:9 @Stealing , murdering , and committing adultery , And swearing to falsehood , and giving perfume to Baal , And going after other gods whom ye knew not . ylt @Jeremiah:7:10 @And ye have come in and stood before Me , In this house on which My name is called , And have said , 'We have been delivered ,' In order to do all these abominations . ylt @Jeremiah:7:11 @A den of burglars hath this house , On which My name is called , been in your eyes ? Even I , lo , I have seen , an affirmation of Jehovah . ylt @Jeremiah:7:12 @But go ye , I pray you , Unto My place that [is ] in Shiloh , Where I caused My name to dwell at first , And see that which I have done to it , For the wickedness of My people Israel . ylt @Jeremiah:7:13 @And now , because of your doing all these works , An affirmation of Jehovah , And I speak unto you , rising early and speaking , And ye have not hearkened , And I call you , and ye have not answered , ylt @Jeremiah:7:14 @I also to the house on which My name is called , In which ye are trusting , And to the place that I gave to you , and to your fathers , Have done , as I have done to Shiloh . ylt @Jeremiah:7:15 @And I have cast you from before My face , As I have cast out all your brethren , The whole seed of Ephraim . ylt @Jeremiah:7:16 @And thou dost not pray for this people , Nor lift up for them crying and prayer , Nor intercede with Me , for I hear thee not . ylt @Jeremiah:7:17 @Art thou not seeing what they are doing In cities of Judah , and in streets of Jerusalem ? ylt @Jeremiah:7:18 @The sons are gathering wood , And the fathers are causing the fire to burn , And the women are kneading dough , To make cakes to the queen of the heavens , And to pour out libations to other gods , So as to provoke Me to anger . ylt @Jeremiah:7:19 @Me are they provoking to anger ? an affirmation of Jehovah , Is it not themselves , For the shame of their own faces ? ylt @Jeremiah:7:20 @Therefore , thus said the Lord Jehovah , Lo , Mine anger and My fury is poured out on this place , On man , and beast , and on tree of the field , And on fruit of the ground , And it hath burned , and it is not quenched . ylt @Jeremiah:7:21 @Thus said Jehovah of Hosts , God of Israel , Your burnt-offerings add to your sacrifices , And eat ye flesh . ylt @Jeremiah:7:22 @For I did not speak with your fathers , Nor did I command them in the day of My bringing them out of the land of Egypt , Concerning the matters of burnt-offering and sacrifice , ylt @Jeremiah:7:23 @But this thing I commanded them , saying : Hearken to My voice , And I have been to you for God , And ye -- ye are to Me for a people , And have walked in all the way that I command you , So that it is well for you . ylt @Jeremiah:7:24 @And they have not hearkened , nor inclined their ear , And they walk in the counsels , In the stubbornness , of their evil heart , And are for backward , and not for forward . ylt @Jeremiah:7:25 @Even from the day when your fathers Went out of the land of Egypt till this day , I send to you all my servants the prophets , Daily rising early and sending , ylt @Jeremiah:7:26 @And they have not hearkened unto Me , Nor inclined their ear , and harden their neck , They have done evil above their fathers . ylt @Jeremiah:7:27 @And thou hast spoken unto them all these words , And they do not hearken to thee , And thou hast called unto them , And they do not answer thee . ylt @Jeremiah:7:28 @And thou hast said unto them : This [is ] the nation that hath not hearkened , To the voice of Jehovah its God , Nor have they accepted instruction , Perished hath stedfastness , Yea , it hath been cut off from their mouth . ylt @Jeremiah:7:29 @Cut off thy crown , and cast [it ] away , And lift up on high places lamentation , For Jehovah hath rejected , And He leaveth the generation of His wrath . ylt @Jeremiah:7:30 @For the sons of Judah Have done the evil thing in Mine eyes , An affirmation of Jehovah , They have set their abominations in the house On which My name is called -- to defile it , ylt @Jeremiah:7:31 @And have built the high places of Tophet , That [are ] in the valley of the son of Hinnom , To burn their sons and their daughters with fire , Which I did not command , Nor did it come up on My heart . ylt @Jeremiah:7:32 @Therefore , lo , days are coming , An affirmation of Jehovah , And it is not said any more , 'The Tophet ,' And 'Valley of the son of Hinnom ,' But 'Valley of the slaughter ,' And they have buried in Tophet -- without place . ylt @Jeremiah:7:33 @And the carcase of this people hath been for food To a fowl of the heavens , and to a beast of the earth , And there is none troubling . ylt @Jeremiah:7:34 @And I have caused to cease from cities of Judah , And from streets of Jerusalem , The voice of joy , and the voice of gladness , Voice of bridegroom , and voice of bride , For the land doth become a desolation ! ylt @Jeremiah:8:1 @At that time , an affirmation of Jehovah , They bring the bones of the kings of Judah , And the bones of its princes , And the bones of the priests , And the bones of the prophets , And the bones of inhabitants of Jerusalem , Out of their graves , ylt @Jeremiah:8:2 @And have spread them to sun , and to moon , And to all the host of the heavens , that they have loved , And that they have served , And that they have walked after , And that they have sought , And to which they have bowed themselves , They are not gathered , nor buried , They are for dung on the face of the ground . ylt @Jeremiah:8:3 @And chosen is death rather than life By all the remnant who are left of this evil family , In all the remaining places , whither I have driven them , An affirmation of Jehovah of Hosts . ylt @Jeremiah:8:4 @And thou hast said unto them : Thus said Jehovah , Do they fall , and not rise ? Doth he turn back , and not return ? ylt @Jeremiah:8:5 @Wherefore hath this people of Jerusalem Turned back -- a perpetual backsliding ? They have kept hold on deceit , They have refused to turn back . ylt @Jeremiah:8:6 @I have given attention , yea , I hearken , They do not speak right , No man hath repented of his wickedness , Saying , What have I done ? Every one hath turned to his courses , As a horse is rushing into battle . ylt @Jeremiah:8:7 @Even a stork in the heavens hath known her seasons , And turtle , and swallow , and crane , Have watched the time of their coming , And -- My people have not known the judgment of Jehovah . ylt @Jeremiah:8:8 @How do ye say , We [are ] wise , And the law of Jehovah [is ] with us ? Surely , lo , falsely it hath wrought , The false pen of scribes . ylt @Jeremiah:8:9 @Ashamed have been the wise , They have been affrighted , and are captured , Lo , against a word of Jehovah they kicked , And the wisdom of what -- have they ? ylt @Jeremiah:8:10 @Therefore , I give their wives to others , Their fields to dispossessors , For from the least even unto the greatest , Every one is gaining dishonest gain , From prophet even unto priest , every one is dealing falsely . ylt @Jeremiah:8:11 @And they heal the breach of the daughter of my people slightly , Saying , Peace , peace ! and there is no peace . ylt @Jeremiah:8:12 @They were ashamed when they did abomination ! Yea , they are not at all ashamed , And blushing they have not known , Therefore , they do fall among falling ones , In the time of their inspection they stumble , said Jehovah . ylt @Jeremiah:8:13 @I utterly consume them , an affirmation of Jehovah , There are no grapes in the vine , Yea , there are no figs in the fig-tree , And the leaf hath faded , And the strength they have passeth from them . ylt @Jeremiah:8:14 @Wherefore are we sitting still ? Be gathered , and we go in to the fenced cities , And we are silent there , For Jehovah our God hath made us silent , Yea , He causeth us to drink water of gall , For we have sinned against Jehovah . ylt @Jeremiah:8:15 @Looking for peace -- and there is no good , For a time of healing , and lo , terror . ylt @Jeremiah:8:16 @From Dan hath been heard the snorting of his horses , From the voice of the neighings of his mighty ones , Trembled hath all the land , And they come in and consume the land and its fulness , The city and the inhabitants in it . ylt @Jeremiah:8:17 @For , lo , I am sending among you serpents , Vipers that have no charmer , And they have bitten you , an affirmation of Jehovah . ylt @Jeremiah:8:18 @My refreshing for me [is ] sorrow , For me my heart [is ] sick . ylt @Jeremiah:8:19 @Lo , the voice of a cry of the daughter of my people from a land afar off , Is Jehovah not in Zion ? is her king not in her ? Wherefore have they provoked Me with their graven images , With the vanities of a foreigner ? ylt @Jeremiah:8:20 @Harvest hath passed , summer hath ended , And we -- we have not been saved . ylt @Jeremiah:8:21 @For a breach of the daughter of my people have I been broken , I have been black , astonishment hath seized me . ylt @Jeremiah:8:22 @Is there no balm in Gilead ? Is there no physician there ? For wherefore hath not the health of the daughter of my people gone up ? ylt @Jeremiah:9:1 @Who doth make my head waters , And mine eye a fountain of tears ? And I weep by day and by night , For the wounded of the daughter of my people . ylt @Jeremiah:9:2 @Who doth give me in a wilderness A lodging-place of travellers ? And I leave my people , and go from them , For all of them [are ] adulterers , An assembly of treacherous ones . ylt @Jeremiah:9:3 @And they bend their tongue , their bow [is ] a lie , And not for stedfastness have they been mighty in the land , For from evil unto evil they have gone forth , And Me they have not known , An affirmation of Jehovah ! ylt @Jeremiah:9:4 @Each of his friend -- beware ye , And on any brother , do not trust , For every brother doth utterly supplant , For every friend slanderously doth walk , ylt @Jeremiah:9:5 @And each at his friend they mock , And truth they do not speak , They taught their tongue to speak falsehood , To commit iniquity they have laboured . ylt @Jeremiah:9:6 @thy dwelling [is ] in the midst of deceit , Through deceit they refused to know Me , An affirmation of Jehovah . ylt @Jeremiah:9:7 @Therefore , thus said Jehovah of Hosts : Lo , I am refining them , and have tried them , For how do I do because of the daughter of My people ? ylt @Jeremiah:9:8 @A slaughtering arrow [is ] their tongue , Deceit it hath spoken in its mouth , Peace with its neighbour it speaketh , And in its heart it layeth its ambush , ylt @Jeremiah:9:9 @For these things do not I see after them ? An affirmation of Jehovah , Against a nation such as this doth not My soul avenge itself ? ylt @Jeremiah:9:10 @For the mountains I lift up weeping and wailing , And for the habitations of the wilderness a lamentation , For they have been burnt up without any passing over , Nor have they heard the voice of cattle , From the fowl of the heavens unto the beast they have fled , they have gone . ylt @Jeremiah:9:11 @And I make Jerusalem become heaps , A habitation of dragons , And the cities of Judah I make a desolation , Without inhabitant . ylt @Jeremiah:9:12 @Who [is ] the wise man ? and he understandeth this , And he to whom the mouth of Jehovah spake ? And he doth declare it , For what hath the land perished ? It hath been burnt up as a wilderness , Without any passing through . ylt @Jeremiah:9:13 @And Jehovah saith : Because of their forsaking My law that I set before them , And they have not hearkened to My voice nor walked in it , ylt @Jeremiah:9:14 @And they walk after the stubbornness of their heart , And after the Baalim , that their fathers taught them , ylt @Jeremiah:9:15 @Therefore , thus said Jehovah of Hosts , God of Israel : Lo , I am causing them -- this people -- to eat wormwood , And I have caused them to drink water of gall , ylt @Jeremiah:9:16 @And I have scattered them among nations Which they knew not , they and their fathers , And have sent after them the sword , Till I have consumed them . ylt @Jeremiah:9:17 @Thus said Jehovah of Hosts : Consider ye , and call for mourning women , And they come , And to the wise women send , and they come , ylt @Jeremiah:9:18 @And they hasten , and lift up for us a wailing . And run down our eyes do tears , And from our eyelids do waters flow . ylt @Jeremiah:9:19 @For -- a voice of wailing is heard from Zion : How have we been spoiled ! We have been greatly ashamed , Because we have forsaken the land , Because they have cast down our tabernacles . ylt @Jeremiah:9:20 @But hear , ye women , a word of Jehovah , And your ear receiveth a word of His mouth , And teach ye your daughters wailing , and each her neighbour lamentation . ylt @Jeremiah:9:21 @For death hath come up into our windows , It hath come into our palaces , To cut off the suckling from without , Young men from the broad places . ylt @Jeremiah:9:22 @Speak thus -- an affirmation of Jehovah , And fallen hath the carcase of man , As dung on the face of the field , And as a handful after the reaper , And there is none gathering . ylt @Jeremiah:9:23 @Thus said Jehovah : Let not the wise boast himself in his wisdom , Nor let the mighty boast himself in his might , Let not the rich boast himself in his riches , ylt @Jeremiah:9:24 @But -- in this let the boaster boast himself , In understanding and knowing Me , For I [am ] Jehovah , doing kindness , Judgment , and righteousness , in the earth , For in these I have delighted , An affirmation of Jehovah . ylt @Jeremiah:9:25 @Lo , days are coming -- an affirmation of Jehovah , And I have laid a charge on all circumcised in the foreskin , ylt @Jeremiah:9:26 @On Egypt , and on Judah , and on Edom , And on the sons of Ammon , and on Moab , And on all cutting the corner [of the beard ], Who are dwelling in the wilderness , For all the nations [are ] uncircumcised , And all the house of Israel [are ] uncircumcised in heart ! ylt @Jeremiah:10:1 @Hear ye the word , O house of Israel , That Jehovah hath spoken for you . ylt @Jeremiah:10:2 @Thus said Jehovah : Unto the way of the nations accustom not yourselves , And by the signs of the heavens be not affrighted , For the nations are affrighted by them . ylt @Jeremiah:10:3 @For the statutes of the peoples are vanity , For a tree from a forest hath one cut , Work of the hands of an artificer , with an axe , ylt @Jeremiah:10:4 @With silver and with gold they beautify it , With nails and with hammers they fix it , And it doth not stumble . ylt @Jeremiah:10:5 @As a palm they [are ] stiff , and they speak not , They are surely borne , for they step not , Be not afraid of them , for they do no evil , Yea , also to do good is not in them . ylt @Jeremiah:10:6 @Because there is none like Thee , O Jehovah , Great [art ] Thou , and great Thy name in might . ylt @Jeremiah:10:7 @Who doth not fear Thee , king of the nations ? For to Thee it is becoming , For among all the wise of the nations , And in all their kingdom there is none like Thee . ylt @Jeremiah:10:8 @And in one they are brutish and foolish , An instruction of vanities [is ] the tree itself . ylt @Jeremiah:10:9 @Spread-out silver from Tarshish is brought , And gold from Uphaz , Work of an artizan , and of the hands of a refiner , Blue and purple [is ] their clothing , Work of the skilful -- all of them . ylt @Jeremiah:10:10 @And Jehovah [is ] a God of truth , He [is ] a living God , and a king age-during , From His wrath shake doth the earth , And nations endure not His indignation . ylt @Jeremiah:10:11 @Thus do ye say to them , The gods Who the heavens and earth have not made , They do perish from the earth , And from under these heavens . ylt @Jeremiah:10:12 @The maker of the earth by His power , The establisher of the world by His wisdom , Who , by His understanding , stretched forth the heavens , ylt @Jeremiah:10:13 @At the voice He giveth forth , A multitude of waters [is ] in the heavens , And He causeth vapours to come up from the end of the earth , Lightnings for rain He hath made , And bringeth out wind from His treasures . ylt @Jeremiah:10:14 @Brutish is every man by knowledge , Put to shame is every refiner by a graven image , For false [is ] his molten image . And there is no breath in them . ylt @Jeremiah:10:15 @Vanity [are ] they , work of erring ones , In the time of their inspection they perish . ylt @Jeremiah:10:16 @Not like these [is ] the Portion of Jacob , For framer of all things [is ] He , And Israel [is ] the rod of His inheritance , Jehovah of Hosts [is ] His name . ylt @Jeremiah:10:17 @Gather from the land thy merchandise , O dweller in the bulwark , ylt @Jeremiah:10:18 @For thus said Jehovah : Lo , I am slinging out the inhabitants of the land at this time , And have been an adversary to them , So that they are found out . ylt @Jeremiah:10:19 @Wo to me for my breaking , Grievious hath been my smiting , And I said , Only , this [is ] my sickness , and I bear it . ylt @Jeremiah:10:20 @My tent hath been spoiled , And all my cords have been broken , My sons have gone out from me , and they are not , There is none stretching out any more my tent , And raising up my curtains . ylt @Jeremiah:10:21 @For the shepherds have become brutish , And Jehovah they have not sought , Therefore they have not acted wisely , And all their flock is scattered . ylt @Jeremiah:10:22 @A voice of a report , lo , it hath come , Even a great shaking from the north country , To make the cities of Judah a desolation , A habitation of dragons . ylt @Jeremiah:10:23 @I have known , O Jehovah , that not of man [is ] his way , Not of man the going and establishing of his step . ylt @Jeremiah:10:24 @Chastise me , O Jehovah , only in judgment , Not in Thine anger , lest Thou make me small . ylt @Jeremiah:10:25 @Pour out Thy fury on the nations that have not known Thee , And on the families that have not called in Thy name , For they have eaten up Jacob , Yea , they have eaten him up , yea , they consume him , And his habitation they have made desolate ! ylt @Jeremiah:11:1 @The word that hath been unto Jeremiah from Jehovah , saying :

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[BookofJeremiah] [Jeremiah:5] [Jeremiah:6-10 ] [Jeremiah:7] [Discuss] Tag Jeremiah:6-10 [Audio][Presentation]